Relativistic analogues of nonrelativistic integrals in R-matrix calculations

Jonauskas V., Keenan F.P., Kisielius R., van Hoof P.A.M., Foord M.E., Heeter R.F., Rose S.J., Ferland G.J., Norrington P.H.

published in: J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 38, L79 (2005)

Relativistic analogues of integrals are applied to the nonrelativistic R-matrix code to demonstrate the possibilities of the method. An expression for the relativistic analogue of the multipole integral is obtained. Energy levels and electron impact excitation cross sections for transitions in C2+, Fe22+ and W70+, calculated with different codes, are compared. It is found that the relativistic analogues of integrals method shows good agreement with results calculated using a relativistic code.

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Peter van Hoof
Royal Observatory of Belgium
Ringlaan 3
1180 Brussel

email: p DOT vanhoof AT oma DOT be

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