IRAS 14325-6428 and IRAS 08281-4850: two A-type post-AGB stars with s-process enrichment

Reyniers M., Van de Steene G.C., van Hoof P.A.M., Van Winckel H.

published in: A&A, 471, 247 (2007)

Aims. One of the puzzling findings in the study of the chemical evolution of (post-)AGB stars is why very similar stars (in terms of metallicity, spectral type, infrared properties, etc...) show a very different photospheric composition. We aim at extending the still limited sample of s-process enriched post-AGB stars, in order to obtain a statistically large enough sample that allows us to formulate conclusions concerning the 3rd dredge-up occurrence.
Methods. We selected two post-AGB stars on the basis of IR colours indicative of a past history of heavy mass loss: IRAS 08281-4850 and IRAS 14325-6428. They are cool sources in the locus of the Planetary Nebulae (PNe) in the IRAS colour-colour diagram. Abundances of both objects were derived for the first time on the basis of high-quality UVES and EMMI spectra, using a critically compiled line list with accurate log(gf) values, together with the latest Kurucz model atmospheres. Results. Both objects have very similar spectroscopically defined effective temperatures of 7750–8000 K. They are strongly carbon and s-process enriched, with a C/O ratio of 1.9 and 1.6, and an [ls/Fe] of +1.7 and +1.2, for IRAS 08281-4850 and IRAS 14325-6428 respectively. Moreover, the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) point to heavy mass-loss during the preceding AGB phase.
Conclusions. IRAS 08281-4850 and IRAS 14325-6428 are prototypical post-AGB objects in the sense that they show strong post 3rd dredge-up chemical enrichments. The neutron irradiation has been extremely efficient, despite the only mild sub-solar metallicity. This is not conform with the recent chemical models. The existence of very similar post-AGB stars without any enrichment emphasizes our poor knowledge of the details of the AGB nucleosynthesis and dredge-up phenomena. We call for a very systematic chemical study of all cool sources in the PN region of the IRAS colour-colour diagram.

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Peter van Hoof
Royal Observatory of Belgium
Ringlaan 3
1180 Brussel

email: p DOT vanhoof AT oma DOT be

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