Dehant Véronique - Home Page - CV





Present position
Véronique M. Dehant.
Senior Researcher in the Operational Directorate “Reference Systems and Planetology”
at the Royal Observatory of Belgium (ROB).
Véronique Dehant
Credit: Véronique Pipers 1point2

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Present position
Senior Researcher in the Operational Directorate “Reference Systems and Planetology” at the Royal Observatory of Belgium (ROB).

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Major area of interest
My primary interest lies in geodesy and geophysics, with a specific focus on the rotation, libration, precession-nutation and interior modeling of Earth and Mars, as well as gravity studies of Earth, Mars, and Venus.
My research explores the influence of Earth's internal structure, free oscillations, internal convection, rheology, and external fluids (atmosphere and oceans) on the Earth’s rotation and deformation. The goal is to improve models of Earth’s rotation, precession-nutation, and the realization of terrestrial and celestial reference frames. This work also advances our understanding of the physics of Earth’s interior, particularly the core. Additionally, I extend this research to other celestial bodies, including Mars (where I propose a radio-science experiment), Venus, Mercury, and icy satellites, applying similar methodologies to study their rotation and internal dynamics.

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Employment history

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Awards and honours

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Present membership and office


Present functions in international unions

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Present functions in national committees and at the royal academy of Belgium

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Scientific responsibilities

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Past membership and office


Past functions in international unions

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Past functions in national committees, at FNRS, and at the Academy

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Past scientific responsibilities

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Past Expertise

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Past editorial responsibilities

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PhD Students

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Publications and Communications

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Refereed Publications
  1. Dehant V. and Pâquet P., 1983, "Modeling of the apparent height variations of a TRANET station.", Bulletin Géodésique, 57, pp. 354-364, and Communication de l'Observatoire Royal de Belgique, Série B no 131, Série Géophysique no 145.
  2. Dehant V., 1987, "Integration of the gravitational motion equations for an elliptical uniformly rotating Earth with an inelastic mantle.", Phys. Earth planet. Inter., Vol. 49, pp. 242-258, and Communications de l'Observatoire Royal de Belgique, Série B no 144, Série Géophysique no 153.
  3. Dehant V. and Ducarme B., 1987, "Comparison between the theoretical and observed tidal gravimetric factors.", Phys. Earth planet. Inter., Vol. 49, pp. 192-212, and Communications de l'Observatoire Royal de Belgique, Série B no 144, Série Géophysique no 153.
  4. Dehant V., 1987, "Tidal parameters for an inelastic Earth.", Phys. Earth planet. Inter., Vol. 49, pp. 97-116, and Communications de l'Observatoire Royal de Belgique, Série B no 144, Série Géophysique no 153.
  5. Dehant V., 1989, "Core undertones in an elliptical uniformly rotating Earth.", in: Proc. Symp. U2, 19th General Assembly of the IUGG, Vancouver, Canada, August 1987, Geophysical Monograph 46, IUGG Vol. 1: Structure and Dynamics of the Earth's Deep Interior, eds. D.E. Smylie and R. Hide, pp. 29-34.
  6. Melchior P., Crossley D., Dehant V., and Ducarme B., 1989, "Have inertial waves been identified from the Earth's core?", in: Proc. Symp. U2, 19th General Assembly of the IUGG, Vancouver, Canada, August 1987, Geophysical Monograph 46, IUGG Vol. 1: Structure and Dynamics of the Earth's Deep Interior, eds. D.E. Smylie and R. Hide, pp. 1-12.
  7. Dehant V. and Zschau J., 1989, "The effect of mantle inelasticity on tidal gravity: a comparison between the spherical and the elliptical Earth model.", Geophys. J., Vol. 97, pp. 549-555; and Communication de l'Observatoire Royal de Belgique, Série A no 89, Série Géophysique no 160.
  8. Berger A., Loutre M.F., and Dehant V., 1989, "Influence of the changing lunar orbit on the astronomical frequencies of pre-Quaternary insulation patterns.", Paleoceanography, Vol. 4, no 5, pp. 555-564.
  9. Berger A., Loutre M.F., and Dehant V., 1989, "Astronomical frequencies for pre-Quaternary paleoclimat studies.", Terra Nova, Vol. 1, no 5, pp. 474-479.
  10. Berger A., Loutre M.F., and Dehant V., 1989, "Pre-Quaternary Milankovitch frequencies.", Nature, Vol. 342, pp. 133, DOI: 10.1038/342133b0.
  11. Dehant V., Loutre M-F., and Berger A., 1990, "Potential impact of the Northern hemisphere Quaternary ice sheets on the frequencies of astroclimatic orbital parameters.", J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 95, no D6, pp. 7573-7578.
  12. Dehant V., 1990, "On the nutations of a more realistic Earth's model.", Geophys. J. Int., Vol. 100, pp. 477-483.
  13. Dehant V., 1991, "Tidal parameters and nutation: influence from the Earth interior.", in: Proc. Symp. U4, 19th General Assembly of the IUGG, Vancouver, Canada, August 1987, Geophysical Monograph, 59, pp. 69-77.
  14. Dehant V. and Wahr J.M., 1991, "The response of a compressible, non-homogeneous Earth to internal loading: Theory.", J. Geomagn. Geoelectr., 43, pp. 157-178.
  15. Dehant V., 1991, "Review of the Earth tidal models and contribution of Earth tides in geodynamics.", J. Geophys. Res., 96, B12, pp. 20235-20240.
  16. Dehant V., Hinderer J., Legros H., and Lefftz M., 1993, "Analytical approach to the computation of the Earth, the outer core and the inner core rotational motions.", Phys. Earth planet. Inter., 76, pp. 259-282; and Communication de l'Observatoire Royal de Belgique, Série A no 108, Série Géophysique no 179.
  17. Legros H., Hinderer J., Lefftz M., and Dehant V., 1993, "The influence of the solid inner core on gravity changes and spatial nutations induced by luni-solar tides and surface loading.", Phys. Earth planet. Inter., 76, pp. 283-315; and Communication de l'Observatoire Royal de Belgique, Série A no 108, Série Géophysique no 179.
  18. Dehant V., 1993, "Free and forced oscillations in the core and the mantle.", in: Proc. World Space Congress 92, COSPAR meeting, 28 August - 9 Sept. 1992, Washington DC, USA, eds. J.M. Wahr and J. Dickey, Adv. Space Res., 13, 11, pp. (11)235-(11)249; and Communication de l'Observatoire Royal de Belgique, Série A no 111, Série Géophysique no 184.
  19. Dehant V., Ducarme B., and Defraigne P., 1993, "New analysis of the superconducting gravimeter data of Brussels.", Dynamics of Earth's Deep Interior and Earth Rotation, Geophysical Monograph (IUGG/AGU Publication), 72, IUGG Vol. 12, pp. 35-44; and Communication de l'Observatoire Royal de Belgique, Série A no 110, Série Géophysique no 181.
  20. Degryse K. and Dehant V., 1993, "Analytical computation of modes using boundary layer theory.", Dynamics of Earth's Deep Interior and Earth Rotation, Geophysical Monograph (IUGG/AGU Publication), 72, IUGG Vol. 12, pp. 69-80.
  21. Defraigne P., Dehant V., and Hinderer J., 1994, "Stacking gravity tide measurements and nutation observations in order to determine the complex eigenfrequency of the Nearly Diurnal Free Wobble.", J. Geophys. Res., 99, B5, pp. 9203-9213.

  22. Defraigne P., Dehant V., and Hinderer J., 1995, "Correction to 'Stacking gravity tide measurements and nutation observations in order to determine the complex eigenfrequency of the Nearly Diurnal Free Wobble'.", J. Geophys. Res., 100, B2, pp. 2041-2042.
  23. Degryse K. and Dehant V., 1995, "Analytical computation of modes for an Earth with viscous boundary layers, and influence of viscosity on non-rotating Slichter period.", Manuscripta Geodetica, 20, pp. 498-514.
  24. Sun He-Ping, Ducarme B., and Dehant V., 1995, "Effect of the atmospheric pressure on surface displacements.", Bulletin Géodésique, 70, pp. 131-139.
  25. Defraigne P., Dehant V., and Pâquet P., 1995, "Link between the retrograde - prograde nutations and the nutations in obliquity and longitude.", Celestial Mechanics, 62, pp. 363-376.
  26. Defraigne P., Dehant V., and Wahr J.M., 1996, "Internal loading of an homogeneous compressible Earth with phase boundaries.", Geophys. J. Int., 125, pp. 173-192.
  27. Degryse K. and Dehant V., 1996, "Are earthquakes responsible for the excitation of the FCN and/or the FICN?", Phys. Earth planet. Inter., 94, pp. 133-143.
  28. Dehant V., Bizouard Ch., Legros H., Lefftz M., and Hinderer J., 1996, "The effects of on atmospheric pressure perturbations precession and nutations.", Phys. Earth planet. Inter., 96, 1, pp. 25-40.
  29. Briers R., Dehant V., and Leroy O., 1996, "The influence of a density stratification and of an incompressibility modulus on the spectrum of modes of oscillation.", Geophys. J. Int., 27, 3, pp. 588-594.
  30. Dehant V. and Capitaine N., 1997, "On the precession constant: values and constraints on the dynamical ellipticity; link with Oppolzer terms and Tilt-Over-Mode.", Celest. Mech. Dynamical Astron., 65, pp. 439-458.
  31. Dehant V., Wilson C.R., Salstein D.A., Chao B.F., Gross R.S., Le Provost Ch., and Ponte R.M., 1997, "Study of Earth's rotation and geophysical fluids progresses.", EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 78, 34, pp. 357 and 360.
  32. Dehant V., Feissel M., Defraigne P., Roosbeek F., and Souchay J., 1997, "Could the energy near the FCN and the FICN be explained by luni-solar or atmospheric forcing?", Geophys. J. Int., 130, pp. 535-546.
  33. Mathews P.M., Dehant V., and Gipson J.M., 1997, "Tidal station displacements.", J. Geophys. Res., 102, pp. 20,469-20,477.
  34. Dehant V. and Defraigne P., 1997, "New transfer functions for nutations of a nonrigid Earth.", J. Geophys. Res., 102 (B12), pp. 27,659-27,688.
  35. Gegout P., Hinderer J., Legros, H., Greff M., and Dehant V., 1998, "Influence of atmospheric pressure on the Free Core Nutation, precession and some forced nutational motions of the Earth.", Phys. Earth planet. Inter., 106, pp. 337-351.
  36. Roosbeek F. and Dehant V., 1998, "RDAN97: An analytical development of rigid Earth nutations series using the torque approach.", Celest. Mech. Dynamical Astron., 70, pp. 215-253.
  37. Roosbeek F., Defraigne P., Feissel M., and Dehant V., 1999, "The Free Core Nutation period is between 431 and 434 sidereal days.", Geophys. Res. Letters, 26, 1, pp. 131-134.
  38. Dehant V., Defraigne P., and Wahr J.M., 1999, "Tides for a convective Earth.", J. Geophys. Res., 104, B1, pp. 1035-1058.
  39. Frede V. and Dehant V., 1999, "Analytical versus Semi-analytical Determinations of the Oppolzer Terms for a Non-Rigid Earth.", J. Geodesy, 73, pp. 94-104.
  40. de Viron O., Bizouard Ch., Salstein D., and Dehant V., 1999, "Atmospheric torque on the Earth rotation and comparison with atmospheric angular momentum variations.", J. Geophys. Res., 104, B3, pp. 4861-4875.
  41. Dehant V., Arias F., Bizouard Ch., Bretagnon P., Brzezinski A., Buffett B., Capitaine N., Defraigne P., de Viron O., Feissel M., Fliegel H., Forte A., Gambis D., Getino J., Gross R., Herring T., Kinoshita H., Klioner S., Mathews P.M., McCarthy D., Moisson X., Petrov S., Ponte R.M., Roosbeek F., Salstein D., Schuh H., Seidelmann K., Soffel M., Souchay J., Vondrak J., Wahr J.M., Weber R., Williams J., Yatskiv Y., Zharov V., and Zhu S.Y., 1999, "Considerations concerning the non-rigid Earth nutation theory.", Celest. Mech. Dynamical Astron., 72, 4, pp. 245-310.
  42. Harri A.-M., Marsal O., Leppelmeier G.W., Lognonné P., Glassmeier K.-H., Angrilli F., Banerdt W.B., Barriot J.P., Bertaux J.-L., Berthelier J.J., Calcutt S., Cerisier J.C., Crisp D., Dehant V., Di Pippo S., Giardini D., Guerrier D., Jaumann R., Kumpulainen K., Langevin Y., Larsen S., Menvielle M., Musmann G., Polkko J., Pommereau J.P., Runavot J., Schumacher W., Siili T., Simola J., and Tillman J.E., 1999, "Network Science Landers for Mars.", Adv. Space Res., 23, 11, pp. 1915-1924.
  43. Lognonné P., Giardini D., Banerdt W.B., Gagnepain-Beyneix J., Mocquet A., Spohn T., Karczewski J.F., Schibler P., Cacho S., Pike T., Cavoit C., Desautez A., Pinassaud J., Breuer D., Campillo M., Defraigne P., Dehant V., Deschamp A., Hinderer J., Leveque J.J., Montagner J.P., and Oberst J., 1999, "The NetLander Very Broad Band seismometer.", Planet. Space Sci., 48, 12-14, pp. 1289-1302. or Lognonné P., Giardini D., Banerdt B., Gagnepain-Beyneix J., Mocquet A., Spohn T., Karczewski J.F., Schibler P., Cacho S., Pike T., Cavoit C., Desautez A., Pinassaud J., Breuer D., Campillo M., Defraigne P., Dehant V., Deschamp A., Hinderer J., Leveque J.J., Montagner J.P., and Oberst J., 2000, "An European seismic network on Mars with NetLander.", Orfeus Newsletter, 2(2), pp. 12.
  44. Dehant V., Defraigne P., and Van Hoolst T., 2000, "Computation of Mars' transfer function for nutation tides and surface loading.", Phys. Earth planet. Inter., 117, pp. 385-395.
  45. Hinderer J., Boy J.-P., Gegout P., Defraigne P., Roosbeek F., and Dehant V., 2000, "Are the Free Core Nutation parameters variable in time?", Phys. Earth planet. Inter., 117, pp. 37-49.
  46. Van Hoolst T., Dehant V., and Defraigne P., 2000, "Sensitivity of the Free Core Nutation and the Chandler Wobble to changes in the interior structure of Mars.", Phys. Earth planet. Inter., 117, pp. 397-405.
  47. Bruyninx C., Defraigne P., Dehant V., and Pâquet P., 2000, "Frequency transfer using GPS carrier phases: influence of temperature variations near the receiver.", IEEE Transaction on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 47, 2, pp. 522-525, or Bruyninx C., Defraigne P., Dehant V., and Pâquet P., 2000, "Frequency transfer using GPS carrier phases: influence of temperature variations near the receiver.", in: Proc. Joint Meeting of 'European Frequency and Time Forum' and '1999 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium', Besançon, France, IEEE Catalog 99CH36313, pp. 283-286.
  48. Chao B.F., Dehant V., Gross R.S., Ray R.D., Salstein D.A., Watkins M.M., and Wilson C.R., 2000, "Space Geodesy Monitors Mass Transports in Global Geophysical Fluids.", EOS, AGU Publication, Vol. 81, No 22, p 247, 249, 250.
  49. de Viron O. and Dehant V., 2000, "Earth's rotation and high frequency equatorial angular momentum budget of the atmosphere.", Survey Geophys., 20, 6, pp. 441-462.
  50. Defraigne P., de Viron O., Dehant V., Van Hoolst T., and Hourdin F., 2000, "Mars rotation variations induced by atmospheric CO2 and winds.", J. Geophys. Res. (Planets), 105, E10, pp. 24,563-24,570.
  51. Van Hoolst T., Dehant V., and Defraigne P., 2000, "Chandler Wobble and Free Core Nutation for Mars.", Planet. Space Sci., 48, 12-14, pp. 1145-1151.
  52. Dehant V., Van Hoolst T., and Defraigne P., 2000, "Comparison between the nutations of the planet Mars and the nutations of the Earth.", Survey Geophys., 21, 1, pp. 89-110.
  53. Greff-Lefftz M., Legros H., and Dehant V., 2000, "Influence of the inner core viscosity on the rotational eigenmodes of the Earth.", Phys. Earth planet. Inter., 122, pp. 187-204.
  54. Defraigne P., Dehant V., and Van Hoolst T., 2001, "Steady state convection in Mars' mantle.", Planet. Space Sci., 49, pp. 501-509.
  55. de Viron O., Ponte R.M., and Dehant V., 2001, "Indirect effect of the atmosphere through the oceans on the Earth's nutation by the torque approach.", J. Geophys. Res. (Solid Earth), 106, B5, pp. 8841-8851.
  56. Salstein D., de Viron O., Yseboodt Y., and Dehant V., 2001, "High frequency Geophysical Fluid Modeling Necessary to Understand Earth Rotation Variability.", EOS, AGU Publication, 82(21), pp. 237-238.
  57. Barriot J.-P., Dehant V., Cerisier J.-C., Folkner W., Rhibes A., Benoist J., Van Hoolst T., Warnant R., Defraigne P., Preston R.A., Romans L., Wu S., and Wernik A.W., 2001, "NEIGE: NetLander Ionosphere and Geodesy Experiment.", Proceedings of COSPAR meeting, Warsaw, Poland, Adv. Space Res., 28(8), pp. 1237-1249.
  58. Greff-Lefftz M., Dehant V., and Legros H., 2002, "Effect of inner core viscosity on gravity changes and spatial nutations induced by luni-solar tides.", Phys. Earth planet. Inter., 129(1-2), pp. 31-41.
  59. de Viron O., Dehant V., Goosse H., Crucifix M., and the participating CMIP group, 2002, "Effect of global warming on the Length-of-day.", Geophys. Res. Letters, 29(10), 10.1029/2001GL013672.
  60. Yseboodt M., de Viron O., Chin T.M., and Dehant V., 2002, "Atmospheric excitation of the Earth nutation: Comparison of different atmospheric models.", J. Geophys. Res. (solid Earth), 107(B2), 10.1029/2000JB000042.
  61. de Viron O., Dehant V., and Goosse H., 2002, "The 'hidden torque': the art, for a torque, to dominate everywhere and appear in no equation.", in : IAG Symposia Proceedings series, 125, Vistas for Geodesy in the new millennium, pp. 423-427.
  62. Van den Acker, E., Van Hoolst T., de Viron O., Defraigne P., Forget F., Hourdin F., and Dehant V., 2002, "Influence of the winds and of the CO2 mass exchange between the atmosphere and the polar ice caps on Mars' rotation.", J. Geophys. Res., 107(E7), 10.1029/2000JE001539.
  63. Dehant V. and de Viron O., 2002, "Earth rotation as an interdisciplinary topic shared by astronomers, geodesists and geophysicists.", Proceedings of COSPAR meeting, Warsaw, Poland, Adv. Space Res., 30(2), pp. 163-173.
  64. Van Hoolst T., Dehant V., de Viron O., Defraigne P., and Barriot J.-P., 2002, "Degree-one displacements on Mars.", Geophys. Res. Letters, 29(11), 1511, 10.1029/2002GL014711.
  65. Van Hoolst T. and Dehant V., 2002, "Influence of triaxiality and second-order terms in flattenings on the rotation of terrestrial planets: I. Formalism and rotational normal modes.", Phys. Earth planet. Inter., 134, pp. 17-33.
  66. Ponsar S., Dehant V., Holme R., Jault D., Pais A., and Van Hoolst T., 2002, "The core and fluctuations in the Earth rotation.", in: AGU Monograph series, 'Earth's Core dynamics, structure and rotation', Geodynamics Series Volume 31, eds. V. Dehant, K. Creager, S. Karato, S. Zatman, 10.1029/031GD17.
  67. Dehant V. and Mathews P.M., 2002, "Information about the core from nutation.", in: AGU Monograph series, 'Earth's Core dynamics, structure and rotation', Geodynamics Series Volume 31, eds. V. Dehant, K. Creager, S. Karato, S. Zatman, 10.1029/031GD18.
  68. de Viron O. and Dehant V., 2003, "Test on the validity of the Atmospheric Torques on Earth computed from model outputs.", J. Geophys. Res., 108(B2), 10.1029/2001JB001196.
  69. Van Hoolst T., Dehant V., Roosbeek F., and Lognonné P., 2003, "Tidally induced surface displacements, external potential variations, and gravity variations on Mars.", Icarus, 161, 281-296, DOI: 10.1016/S0019-1035(2)00045-2.
  70. Dehant V., Feissel-Vernier M., de Viron O., Ma C., Yseboodt M., and Bizouard C., 2003, "Remaining error sources in the nutation at the sub-milliarcsecond level.", J. Geophys. Res. (Solid Earth), 108(B5), 2275, DOI: 10.1029/2002JB001763.
  71. Yseboodt M., Barriot J.-P., and Dehant V., 2003, "Analytical modeling of the Doppler tracking between a lander and a Mars orbiter in term of rotational dynamics.", J. Geophys. Res., 108(E7), 5076, DOI: 10.1029/2003JE002045.
  72. Dehant V., Van Hoolst T., de Viron O., Greff-Lefftz M., Legros H., and Defraigne P., 2003, "Can a solid inner core of Mars be detected from observations of polar motion and nutation of Mars?", J. Geophys. Res. (Planets), 108(E12), 5127, DOI: 10.1029/2003JE002140.
  73. Defraigne P., Rivoldini A., Van Hoolst T., and Dehant V., 2003, "Mars nutation resonance due to Free Inner Core Nutation.", J. Geophys. Res. (Planets), 108(E12), 5128, DOI: 10.1029/2003JE002145.
  74. Duron J., Rosenblatt P., Yseboodt M., Karatekin O., Dehant V., Van Hoolst T., and Barriot J.-P., 2003, "Joint estimation of Martian C20 and rotation variations from simultaneous geodetic measurements: Numerical simulations of a Network Science Experiment.", Geophys. Res. Letters, 30(18), 1971, DOI: 10.1029/2003JL082003.
  75. Huang C., Dehant V., Liao X., 2004, "The explicit equations of elastic-gravitational motion in the rotating, slightly elliptical fluid outer core of the Earth.", Geophys. J. Int., 157(2), pp. 831-837, DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2004.02238.x.
  76. Rosenblatt P., Marty J.C., Perosanz F., Barriot J.P., Van Hoolst T., and Dehant V., 2004, "Numerical simulations of a Mars geodesy network experiment: Effect of orbiter angular momentum desaturation on Mars' rotation estimation.", Planet. Space Sci., 52(11), pp. 965-975.
  77. Dehant V., Lognonné P., Sotin C., and the NetLander team, 2004, "Network science, NetLander: a European mission to study the planet Mars.", Planet. Space Sci., 52(11), pp. 977-985.
  78. Verhoeven O., Rivoldini A., Vacher P., Mocquet A., Choblet G., Menvielle M., Dehant V., Van Hoolst T., Sleewaegen J., Barriot J.-P., Lognonné P., 2005, "Interior structure of terrestrial planets. I. Modelling Mars' mantle and its electromagnetic, geodetic and seismic properties.", J. Geophys. Res. Planets, 110(E4), E04009, DOI: 10.1029/2004JE002271.
  79. Karatekin O., Duron J., Rosenblatt P., Dehant V., Van Hoolst T., Barriot J.-P., 2005, "Mars Time-Varying Gravity and its Determination; Simulated Geodesy Experiments.", J. Geophys. Res., Planets, 110, DOI: 10.1029/2004JE002378.
  80. de Viron O., Koot L., Dehant V., 2005, "Polar motion models: The torque approach.", in Proc. of the Workshop on 'Forcing of polar motion in the Chandler Wobble frequency band: a contribution to understanding interannual climate variations', April 21-23 2004, Luxembourg, Cahier du Centre Européen de Géophysique et de Séismologie, Vol. 24, pp. 9-14.
  81. Dehant V., de Viron O., Greff-Lefftz M., 2005, "Atmospheric and oceanic excitation of the rotation of a three-layer Earth.", Astron. Astrophys., 438, pp. 1149-1161, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361:20042210.
  82. de Viron O., Schwarzbaum G., Lott F., Dehant V., 2005, "Diurnal and subdiurnal effects of the atmosphere on the Earth rotation and geocenter motion.", J. Geophys. Res., 110(B11), B11404, DOI: 10.1029/2005JB003761.
  83. Dehant V., de Viron O., Barriot J.-P., 2005, "Geophysical excitation of the Earth orientation parameters and its contribution to GGOS.", in: Proc. 2004 IUGG General Assembly, Sapporo, Japan, J. Geodynamics, 40(4-5), Special Issue on The Global Geodetic Observing System, Edited by Hermann Drewes, Nov.-Dec. 2005, pp. 394-399.
  84. Dehant V., de Viron O., Karatekin Ö., and Van Hoolst T., 2006, "Excitation of Mars polar motion.", Astron. Astrophys., 446(1), DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361:20053825, pp. 345-355.
  85. Beuthe M., Rosenblatt P., Dehant V., Barriot J.-P., Pätzold M., Häusler B., Karatekin O., Le Maistre S., and Van Hoolst T., 2006, "Assessment of the Martian gravity field at short wavelength with Mars Express.", Geophys. Res. Letters, 33, L03203, DOI: 10.1029/2005GL024317.
  86. Karatekin Ö., Dehant V., and Van Hoolst T., 2006, "Martian Global-scale CO2 exchange from time-variable gravity measurements.", J. Geophys. Res., 111(E6), E06003, DOI: 10.1029/2005JE002591.
  87. Koot L., de Viron O., and Dehant V., 2006, "Atmospheric angular momentum time-series: characterization of their internal noise and creation of a combined series.", J. Geodesy, 79, pp. 663-674, ISSN: 0949-7714, DOI: 10.1007/s00190-005-0019-3.
  88. Lambert S., Bizouard C., and Dehant V., 2006, "Rapid variations in polar motion during the 2005-2006 winter season.", Geophys. Res. Letters, 33, L03303, DOI: 10.1029/2006GL026422.
  89. Karatekin Ö., Van Hoolst T., Tastet J., de Viron O., and Dehant V., 2006, "The effects of seasonal mass redistribution and interior structure on Length-of-Day variations of Mars.", Adv. Space Res., 38(4), pp. 739-744, DOI: JASR-D-04-01301R1.
  90. Dehant V. and Van Hoolst T., 2006, "Gravity, rotation, and interior of the terrestrial planets from planetary geodesy.", in: Proc. IAG-IAPSO-IABO General Assembly on 'Dynamic planet', Cairns, Australia, Chapter 124, pp. 887-894.
  91. Häusler B., Pätzold M., Tyler G.L., Simpson R.A., Bird M.K., Treumann R.A., Dehant V., Eidel W., Remus S., Selle J., Tellmann S., and Imamura T., 2006, "Radio Science Investigations by VeRa onboard the Venus Express Spacecraft.", Planet. Space Sci., 54(13-14), pp. 1315-1335, DOI: 10.1026/j.pss.2006.04.032.
  92. Folgueira M., Dehant V., Lambert S.B., and Rambaux N., 2007, "Impact of tidal Poisson terms to non-rigid Earth rotation.", Astron. Astrophys., 469(3), pp. 1197-1202, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361:20066822.
  93. Lainey V., Dehant V., and Pätzold M., 2007, "First numerical ephemerides of the two Martian moons.", Astron. Astrophys., 465(3), pp. 1075-1084, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361:20065466.
  94. Thomas N., Spohn T., Barriot J.-P., Benz W., Beutler G., Christensen U., Dehant V., Fallnich C., Giardini D., Groussin O., Gunderson K., Hauber E., Hilchenbach M., Iess L., Jorda L., Lamy P., Lara L.-M., Lognonné P., Lopez-Moreno J.J., Michaelis H., Oberst J., Resendes D., Rodrigo R., Sasaki S., Seiferlin K., Wieczorek M., Whitby J., 2007, "The BepiColombo Laser Altimeter (BELA): concept and baseline design.", Planet. Space Sci., 55, pp. 1398-1413, DOI: 10.1016/j.pss.2007.03.003.
  95. Lambert S.B. and Dehant V., 2007, "The Earth's core parameters as seen by the VLBI.", Astron. Astrophys., 469, pp. 777-781, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361:20077392.
  96. Rambaux N., Van Hoolst T., Dehant V., and Bois E., 2007, "Inertial core-mantle coupling and libration of Mercury.", Astron. Astrophys., 468(2), pp. 711-719, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361:20053974.
  97. Dehant V., Lammer H., Kulikov Y., Grießmeier J.M., Breuer D., Verhoeven O., Karatekin Ö., Van Hoolst T., Korablev O., and Lognonné P., 2007, "Planetary Magnetic Dynamo Effect on Atmospheric Protection of Early Earth and Mars.", in: 'Geology and Habitability of Terrestrial Planets', Eds. K. Fishbaugh, P. Lognonne, F. Raulin, D. Des Marais, O. Korablev, Space Science Series of ISSI, Vol. 24, reprinted from Space Science Reviews, Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, Space Science Reviews, 129(1-3), pp. 279-300, DOI: 10.1007/s11214-007-9163-9.
  98. Dehant V. and Mathews M.P., 2007, "Earth Rotation Variations.", in: Treatise of Geophysics, invited paper, Elsevier Publ., Vol. 3 'Geodesy', eds. T. Herring and J. Schubert, pp. 295-349.
  99. Pätzold M., Häusler B., Simpson R.A., Tellmann S., Mattei R., Asmar S.W., Bird M.K., Dehant V., Eidel W., Imamura T., and Tyler G.L., 2007, "Venus Express Radio Science: Sounding of the Venus surface, atmosphere, and ionosphere.", Nature, Letters, 450, pp. 657-660, DOI: 10.1038/nature06239.
  100. Van Hoolst T., Sohl F., Holin I., Verhoeven O., Dehant V., and Spohn T., 2007, "Mercury's interior structure, rotation, and tides.", in: Mercury, ISSI workshop Bern, Switzerland, June 2006, DOI: 10.1007/s11214-007-9202-6, Space Science Reviews, 132(2-4), pp. 203-227.
  101. Metivier L., Karatekin Ö., and Dehant V., 2008, "The effect of the internal structure of Mars on its seasonal loading deformations.", Icarus, DOI:10.1016/j.icarus.2007.12.001.
  102. Van Hoolst T., Rambaux N., Karatekin Ö., Dehant V., and Rivoldini A., 2008, "The librations, shape, and icy shell of Europa.", Icarus, DOI: 10.1016/j.icarus.2007.12.011.
  103. Rosenblatt P., Lainey V., Le Maistre S., Marty J.C., Dehant V., Pätzold M., Van Hoolst T., and Häusler B., 2008, "Accurate Mars Express orbits to improve the determination of the mass and ephemeris of the Martian moons.", Planet. Space Sci., 56(7), pp. 1043-1053, DOI: 10.1016/j.pss.2008.02.004.
  104. Koot L., Rivoldini A., de Viron O., and Dehant V., 2008, "Estimation of Earth interior parameters from a Bayesian inversion of VLBI nutation time series.", J. Geophys. Res., 113(B8), CiteID B08414, DOI: 10.1029/2007JB005409.
  105. Rosat S., Rosenblatt P., Trinh A., and Dehant V., 2008, "Mars and Mercury rotation variations from altimetry crossover data: Feasibility study.", J. Geophys. Res., 113(E12), CiteID E12014, DOI: 10.1029/2008JE003233.
  106. Lambert S.B., Dehant V., and Gontier A.-M., 2008, "Celestial frame instability in VLBI analysis and its impact on geophysics.", Astron. Astrophys., 481(2), pp. 535-541, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361:20078489.
  107. Pletser V., Lognonné P., Diament M., and Dehant V., 2009, "Subsurface water detection on mars by astronauts using a seismic refraction method: tests during a manned mars mission simulation.", Mars Acta Astr., DOI: 10.1016/j.actaastro.2008.07.005, 64, pp. 457-466.
  108. Pletser V., Lognonné P., Diament M., and Dehant V., 2009, "Reply to the comment of Robert E. Grimm and David E. Stillmanon "Subsurface water detection on Mars by astronauts using a seismic refraction method: Tests during a manned Mars simulation".", Mars Acta Astr., 64, pp. 656-657, DOI: 10.1016/j.actaastro.2008.09.007.
  109. Capitaine N., Mathews P.M., Dehant V., Wallace P., and Lambert S., 2009, "On the IAU 2000/2006 precession-nutation and comparison with other models and VLBI observations.", Celest. Mech. Dyn. Astr., DOI: 10.1007/s10569-008-9179-9.
  110. Langlais B., Leblanc F., Fouchet T., Barabash S., Breuer D., Chassefière E., Coates A., Dehant V., Forget F., Lammer H., Lewis S., Lopez-Valverde M., Mandea M., Menvielle M., Pais A., Pätzold M., Read P., Sotin C., Tarits P., Vennerstrom S., Branduardi-Raymont G., Cremonese G., Merayo J. G. M., Ott T., Rème H., Trotignon J. G., and Walhund J. E., 2009, "Mars environment and magnetic orbiter model payload.", Experimental Astronomy, DOI: 10.1007/s10686-008-9101-1, 23, pp. 761-783.
  111. Marty J.C., Balmino G., Duron J., Dehant V., Rosenblatt P., Le Maistre S., Rivoldini A., and Van Hoolst T., 2009, "Martian gravity field model and its time variations.", Planetary Space Sci., 57(3), pp. 350-363, DOI: 10.1016/j.pss.2009.01.004.
  112. Verhoeven O., Mocquet A., Vacher P., Rivoldini A., Menvielle M., Arrial P-A., Choblet G., Tarits P., Dehant V., and T. Van Hoolst, 2009, "Constraints on thermal state and composition of the Earth's lower mantle from electromagnetic impedances and seismic data.", J. Geophys. Res., 114(B3), CiteID B03302, DOI: 10.1029/2008JB005678.
  113. Blanc M., Alibert Y., André N., Atreya S., Beebe R., Benz W., Bolton S.J., Coradini A., Coustenis A., Dehant V., Dougherty M., Drossart P., Fujimoto M., Grasset O., Gurvits L., Hartog P., Hussmann H., Kasaba Y., Kivelson M., Khurana K., Krupp N., Louarn P., Lunine J., McGrath M., Mimoun D., Mousis O., Oberst J., Okada T., Pappalardo R., Prieto-Ballesteros O., Prieur D., Regnier P., Roos Serote M., Sasaki S., Schubert G., Sotin C., Spilker T., Takahashi Y., Takashima T., Tosi F., Turrini D., Van Hoolst T., and Zelenyi L., 2009, "LAPLACE. A mission to Europa and the Jupiter System for ESA's Cosmic Vision Programme.", Experimental Astronomy, 23(3), pp. 849-892, DOI: 10.1007/s10686-008-9127-4.
  114. Leblanc F., Langlais B., Fouchet T., Barabash S., Breuer D., Chassefière E., Coates A., Dehant V., Forget F., Lammer H., Lewis S., Lopez-Valverde M., Mandea M., Menvielle M., A. Pais, Pätzold M., Read P., Sotin C., Tarits P., and Vennerstrøm S., 2009, "Mars Environment and Magnetic Orbiter, science and measurement objectives.", Astrobiology, 9(1), pp. 71-89, DOI: 10.1089/ast.2007.022.
  115. Pham L.B.S., Karatekin Ö, and Dehant V., 2009, "Effect of Meteorite Impacts on the atmospheric evolution of Mars.", Astrobiology, Special Issue on 'Early Mars', 9(1), pp. 45-54, DOI: 10.1089/ast.2008.0242.
  116. Dehant V., Folkner W., Renotte E., Orban D., Asmar S., Balmino G., Barriot J.P., Benoist J., Biancale R., Biele J., Budnik F., Burger S., de Viron O., Häusler B., Karatekin Ö., Le Maistre S., Lognonné P., Menvielle M., Mitrovic M., Pätzold M., Rivoldini A., Rosenblatt P., Schubert G., Spohn T., Tortora P., Van Hoolst T., Witasse O., and Yseboodt M., 2009, "Lander Radioscience for obtaining the rotation and orientation of Mars.", Planet. Space Sci., 57, pp. 1050-1067, DOI: 10.1016/j.pss.2008.08.009.
  117. Chicarro A, Carpenter JD, Fisackerly R, Santovincenzo A, Breuer D, Chassefiere E., Dehant V., Grandy M., 2010, “Scientific and Technical Aspects of the ESA MarsNEXT Mission., Advances in Geosciences, 19, 235-249, DOI: 10.1142/9789812838162_0018.
  118. Dehant V. and Mathews M.P., 2010, “Earth Rotation Variations.”, in: Treatise of Geophysics, invited paper, Elsevier Publ., Vol. 3 ‘Geodesy’, Eds. T. Herring and J. Schubert, pp. 295-349.
  119. Andert T.P., Rosenblatt P., Pätzold M., Häusler B., Dehant V., Tyler G.L., and Marty J.C., 2010, “Precise Mass Determination and the Nature of Phobos.”, Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, CiteID: L09202, DOI: 10.1029/2009GL041829.
  120. Javaux E. and Dehant V., 2010, “Habitability: from stars to cells.”, Astron. Astrophys. Rev., 18, pp. 383-416, DOI: 10.1007/s00159-010-0030-4.
  121. Koot L., Dumberry M., Rivoldini A., de Viron O., and Dehant V., 2010, “Constraints on the coupling at the core-mantle and inner core boundaries inferred from nutation observations.”, Geophys. J. Int., DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2010.04711.x.
  122. Rosenblatt P. and Dehant V., 2010, “Mars Geodesy and rotation.”, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics (RAA), 10(8), pp. 713-736, DOI: 10.1088/1674-4527/10/8/002.
  123. Mocquet A., Rosenblatt P., Dehant V., and Verhoeven O., 2010, “The deep interior of Venus, Mars, and the Earth: a brief review and the need for planetary surface-based measurements.”, Planet. Space Sci., DOI: 10.1016/j.pss.2010.02.002.
  124. Dehant V., Le Maistre S., Rivoldini A., Yseboodt M., Rosenblatt P., Van Hoolst T., Mitrovic M., Karatekin Ö., Marty J.C., and Chicarro A., 2011, “Revealing Mars’ deep interior: Future geodesy missions using radio links between landers, orbiters, and the Earth.”, Planet. Space Sci., 57, 1050-1067, DOI: 10.1016/j.pss.2010.03.014.
  125. Huang C.L., Dehant V., Liao X.H., Van Hoolst T., and Rochester M.G., 2011, “On the coupling between magnetic field and nutation in a numerical integration approach.”, J. Geophys. Res., 116, B03403, DOI: 10.1029/2010JB007713.
  126. Rivoldini A., Van Hoolst T., Verhoeven O., Mocquet A., and Dehant V., 2011, “Geodesy constraints on the interior structure of Mars.”, Icarus, 213, 451-472, DOI: 10.1016/j.icarus.2011.03.024.
  127. Pfyffer G., Van Hoolst T., and Dehant V., 2011, “Librations and Obliquity of Mercury from the BepiColombo radio-science and camera experiments.”, Planet. Space Sci., 59(9), pp. 848-861, DOI: 10.1016/j.pss.2011.03.017.
  128. Gowen R. and colleagues including Dehant V., 2011, “Penetrators for in situ sub-surface investigations of Europa.”, Adv. Space Res., 48(4), 725-742, DOI: 10.1016/j.asr.2010.06.026.
  129. Pham L.B.S., Karatekin Ö., and Dehant V., 2011, “Effects of impacts on the atmospheric evolution: comparison between Mars, Earth and Venus.”, Planet. Space Sci., 59, pp. 1087-1092, DOI: 10.1016/j.pss.2010.11.010.
  130. Karatekin Ö., de Viron O., Lambert S., Rosenblatt P., Dehant V., Van Hoolst T., and Le Maistre S., 2011, “Atmospheric angular momentum variations of Earth, Mars and Venus at seasonal time scales.”, Planet. Space Sci., Special Issue on ‘Comparative Planetology: Venus-Earth-Mars’,59, 10, pp. 923-933, DOI: 10.1016/j.pss.2010.09.010.
  131. Rambaux N., Castillo-Rogez J., Dehant V., and Kuchynka P., 2011, “Constraining Ceres' interior from its Rotational Motion.”, Astron. Astrophys., 535, A43, 10 pages, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201116563.
  132. Issler J.-L., Perozans F., Tawk Y., Jovanovic A., Botteron C., Farine P.-A., Landry R. Jr., Sahmoudi M., Dehant V., Caporali A., Reboul S., 2011, “Universal SBAS: A Worldwide multimodal standard.”, Proc. 52nd International Symposium ELMAR 2010, 429-444.
  133. Sahmoudi M., Dehant V., Issler J.-L., Perozans F., Caporali A., Tawk Y., Jovanovic A., Botteron C., Farine P.-A., Reboul S., Landry R., and Willis P., 2011, “U-SBAS: A universal multi-SBAS standard to ensure compatibility, interoperability and interchangeability.”, Proc. 2010 5th ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation Technologies and European Workshop on GNSS Signals and Signal Processing (NAVITEC), 18 pages, DOI: 10.1109/NAVITEC.2010.5708076.
  134. Beuthe M., Le Maistre S., Rosenblatt P., Pätzold M., and Dehant V., 2012, “Density and lithospheric thickness of the Tharsis Province from MEX MaRS and MRO gravity data.”, J. Geophys. Res., 117, E04002, 32 pages, DOI:10.1029/2011JE003976.
  135. Dehant V., Banerdt B., Lognonné P., Grott M., Asmar S., Biele J., Breuer D., Forget F., Jaumann R., Johnson C., Knapmeyer M., Lefeuvre M., Mimoun D., Mocquet A., Read P., Rivoldini A., Romberg O., Schubert G., Smrekar S., Spohn T., Tortora P., Ulamec S., Vennerstrøm S., 2012, “Future Mars geophysical observatories for understanding its internal structure, rotation, and evolution.”, Planet. Space Sci., 68(1), 123-145, DOI: 10.1016/j.pss.2011.10.016.
  136. Le Maistre S., Rosenblatt P., Rivoldini A., Dehant V., Marty J.C., and Karatekin Ö., 2012, “Lander Radio Science Experiment With a Direct Link Between Mars and the Earth.”, Planet. Space Sci., 68(1), 105-122, DOI: 10.1016/j.pss.2011.12.020.
  137. Coyette A., Van Hoolst T., and Dehant V., 2012, “Period of the Slichter mode of Mercury and its possible observation.”, Astronomy & Astrophysics, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201218891.
  138. Dehant V., Oberst J., Nadalini R., Schreiber U., and Rambaux N., 2012, “Geodesy instrument package on the Moon for improving our knowledge of the Moon and the realization of reference frames.”, Planet. Space Sci., 68(1), 94-104, DOI: 10.1016/j.pss.2012.02.008.
  139. Dehant V., Breuer D., Claeys P., Debaille V., De Keyser J., Javaux E., Goderis S., Karatekin Ö., Spohn T., Vandaele A.C., Vanhaecke F., Van Hoolst T., and Wilquet V., 2012, “From Meteorites to evolution and habitability of planets, Planet.”, Planet. Space Sci., 72, pp. 3-17, DOI: 10.1016/j.pss.2012.05.018.
  140. Oberst J., Lainey V., Le Poncin-Lafitte C., Dehant V., Rosenblatt P., Ulamec S., Biele J., Hoffmann H., Willner K., Schreiber U., Rambaux N., Laurent P., Zakharov A., Foulon B., Gurvits L., Murchie S., Reed C., Turyshev S.G., Noyelles B., Gil J., Graziano M., Kahle R., Klein V., Pasewaldt A., Schlicht A., Spurmann J., Wählisch M., Wickhusen K., 2012, “GETEMME – A Mission to Explore the Martian Satellites and the Fundamentals of Solar System Physics.”, Experimental Astronomy, DOI 10.1007/s10686-012-9307-0.
  141. Hees A., Lamine B., Reynaud S., Jaekel M.T., Le Poncin-Laffitte C., Füzfa A., Courty J.-M., Dehant V., Wolf P., 2012, “Radioscience simulations in General Relativity and in alternative theories of gravity”, Class. Quantum Grav. 29, 23, pp. 235027, DOI: 10.1088/0264-9381/29/23/235027.
  142. Lammer H., Chassefière E., Karatekin Ö., Morschhauser A., Niles P.B., Mousis O., Odert P., Möstl U.V., Breuer D., Dehant V., Grott M., Gröller H., Hauber E., and Pham L.B.S., 2013, “Outgassing History and Escape of the Martian Atmosphere and Water Inventory.”, Space Sci Rev, 174(1-4), pp. 113-154, DOI: 10.1007/s11214-012-9943-8.
  143. Le Maistre S., Rosenblatt P., Rambaux N, Castillo-Rogez J.C., Dehant V, and Marty J.C., 2013, “Phobos interior from librations determination using Doppler and star tracker measurements.”, Planetary and Space Science, 85, 106-122, DOI: 10.1016/j.pss.2013.06.015.
  144. Hees A., Wolf P., Lamine B., Reynaud S., Jaekel M.T., Le Poncin-Lafitte C., Lainey V., Fuzfa A., and Dehant V., 2014, “Radioscience simulations in General Relativity and in alternative theories of gravity.”, In: Proc. Rencontres de Moriond, on ‘Gravitational Waves and Experimental Gravity’, La Thuile, Aosta valley, Italy, 20-27 March 2011, pp. 427-438, see also ArXiv paper 1105.5927 or Moriond_Grav_2011.pdf
  145. Dehant V., and Van Hoolst T., 2014, “Rotation of terrestrial planets.”, Encyclopedia of the Solar System, 3d Edition, Ed. Tilman Spohn, Chapter 8, pp. 159-184.
  146. Banerdt B., Dehant V., Grimm R., Grott M., Lognonné P., and Smrekar S., 2014, “Probing the Interiors of Planets with Geophysical Tools.”, Encyclopedia of the Solar System, 3d Edition, Ed. Tilman Spohn, Chapter 55.
  147. Pätzold M., Andert T., Jacobson R., Rosenblatt P., and Dehant V., 2014, “Phobos: Observed bulk properties.”, Planetary and Space Science, 102, pp. 86-94, DOI: 10.1016/j.pss.2014.01.004.
  148. Witasse O., Duxbury T., Chicarro A., Altobelli N., Andert T., Aronica A., Barabash S., Bertaux J.-L., Bibring J.-P., Cardesin-Moinelo A., Cichetti A., Companys V., Dehant V., Denis M., Formisano V., Futaana Y., Giuranna M., Gondet B., Heather D., Hoffmann H., Holmström M., Manaud N., Martin P., Matz K.-D., Montmessin F., Morley T., Mueller M., Neukum G., Oberst J., Orosei R., Pätzold M., Picardi G., Pischel R., Plaut J. J., Reberac A., Pardo Voss P., Roatsch T., Rosenblatt P., Remus S., Schmedemann N., Willner K., Zegers T., 2014, “Mars Express investigations of Phobos and Deimos.”, Planetary and Space Science, 102, pp. 18-34, DOI: 10.1016/j.pss.2013.08.002.
  149. Kuchynka P., Folkner W.M., Konopliv A.S., Park R.S., Le Maistre S., and Dehant V., 2014, “New constraints on Mars rotation determined from radiometric tracking of the Opportunity Mars Exploration Rover.”, Icarus, 229, pp. 340-347, DOI: 10.1016/j.icarus.2013.11.015.
  150. Lilensten J., Coates A.J., Dehant V., Dudok de Wit T., Horne R.B., Leblanc F., Luhmann J., Woodfield E., and Barthélemy M., 2014, “What characterizes planetary space weather?”, Astron. Astrophys. Rev., 22, Id. 79, 39 pages, DOI: 10.1007/s00159-014-0079-6.
  151. Robert V., Lainey V., Pascu D., Arlot J.-E., De Cuyper J.-P., Dehant V., and Thuillot W., 2014, “Astrometric observations of Phobos and Deimos during the 1971 opposition of Mars.”, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 572, Id. A104, 4 pages, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201424384.
  152. Dehant V., and Mathews P.M., 2015, “Earth Rotation Variations.”, Treatise on Geophysics, 2nd edition, Ed. Gerald Schubert, Publ. Oxford Elsevier, Volume 3 Geodesy, Section 3.10, pp. 263-305.
  153. Hees A., Lamine B., Reynaud S., Jaekel M.T., Le Poncin-Lafitte C., Lainey V., Füzfa A., Courty J.M., Dehant V., and Wolf P., 2015, “Simulations of solar system observations in alternative theories of gravity.”, in: Proc. 13th Marcell Grossmann Meeting on ‘on Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Astrophysics, and Relativistic Field Theories’, July 1-7, 2012, Stockholm, Eds. Rosquist Kjell et al. Publ. World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., pp. 2357-2359 DOI: 10.1142/9789814623995_0440, see also arXiv:1301.1658.
  154. Robert V., Lainey V., Pascu D., Pasewaldt A., Arlot J.-E., De Cuyper J.-P., Dehant V., and Thuillot W., 2015, “A new astrometric measurement and reduction of USNO photographic observations of Phobos and Deimos: 1967-1997.”, Astron. Astrophys., 582, A36, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201526977.
  155. Vincent D., Karatekin Ö., Vallaeys V., Hayes A.G., Mastrogiuseppe M., Notarnicola C., Dehant V., and Deleersnijder E., 2016, “Numerical study of tides in Ontario Lacus, a hydrocarbon lake on the surface of the Saturnian moon Titan.”, Ocean Dynamics, DOI: 10.1007/s10236-016-0926-2.
  156. Pätzold M., Häusler B., Tyler G.L., Andert T., Asmar S.W., Bird M.K., Dehant V., Hinson D.P., Rosenblatt P., Simpson R.A., Tellmann S., Withers P., Beuthe M., A.I. Efimov, Hahn M., Kahan D., Le Maistre S., Oschlisniok J., Peter K., Remus S., 2016, “Mars Express 10 years at Mars: Observations by the Mars Express Radio Science Experiment (MaRS).”, Planetary and Space Science, 127, pp. 44-90, DOI: 10.1016/j.pss.2016.02.013.
  157. Dehant V., Baludikay B.K., Beghin J., Breuer D., Claeys Ph., Cornet Y., Cornet L., Debaille V., El Atrassi F., François C., De Keyser J., Gillmann C., Goderis S., Hidaka Y., Höning D., Hublet G., Javaux E., Karatekin Ö., Maes L., Mattielli N., Maurice M., McKibbin S., Neumann W., Noack L., Pittarello L., Plesa A.C., Robert S., Spohn T., Storme J-Y, Tosi N., Valdes M., Vandaele A.C., Vanhaecke F., Van Hoolst T., and Wilquet V., 2016, “PLANET TOPERS: Planets, Tracing the Transfer, Origin, Preservation, and Evolution of their ReservoirS.”, Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres, 46(4), pp. 1-16, DOI: 10.1007/s11084-016-9488-z.
  158. Robert V., Pascu D., Lainey V., Arlot J.-E., De Cuyper J.-P., Dehant V., and Thuillot W., 2016, “New astrometric measurement and reduction of USNO photographic observations of the main Saturnian satellites: 1974−1998.”, Astr. Astrophys. 596, A37, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201629807.
  159. Lainey V., Jacobson R.A., Tajeddine R., Cooper4 N.J., Murray C., Robert V., Tobie G., Guillot T., Mathis S., Remus F., Desmars J., Arlot J.-E., De Cuyper J.-P., Dehant V., Pascu D., Thuillot W., Le Poncin-Lafitte Ch., and Zahn J.-P., 2016, “New constraints on on Saturn's interior from Cassini astrometric data.”, Icarus, 281, pp. 286-296, DOI: 10.1016/j.icarus.2016.07.014.
  160. Panning M.P., Lognonné P., Banerdt W.B., Garcia R., Golombek M., Kedar S., Knapmeyer-Endrun B., Mocquet A., Teanby N.A., Tromp J., Weber R., Beucler E., Blanchette-Guertin J.-F., Bozdağ E., Drilleau M., Gudkova T. , Khan A., Lekić V., Murdoch N., Plesa A.-C., Rivoldini A., Schmerr N., Ruan Y., Verhoeven O., Gao C., Christensen U., Clinton J., Dehant V., Giardini D., Mimoun D., Pike W.T., Smrekar S., Wieczorek M., Knapmeyer M., Wookey J., 2017, “Planned Products of the Mars Structure Service for the InSight Mission to Mars.”, Space Sci. Rev., 211(1-4), pp. 611-650, DOI: 10.1007/s11214-016-0317-5.
  161. Dehant V., Laguerre R., Rekier J., Rivoldini A., Triana S.A., Trinh A., Van Hoolst T., Zhu P., 2017, “Understanding the effects of the core on the nutation of the Earth.”, Geodesy and Geodynamics, 8(6), pp. 389-395, DOI: 10.1016/j.geog.2017.04.005.
  162. Zhu P., Rivoldini A., Koot L., and Dehant V., 2017, “Basic Earth's Parameters as estimated from VLBI observations.”, Geodesy and Geodynamics, DOI: 10.1016/j.geog.2017.04.007, 2017.
  163. Yseboodt M., Dehant V., Péters M.J., 2017, “Signatures of the Martian rotation parameters in the Doppler and range observables.”, Planet. Space Sci., 144, pp. 74-88, DOI: 10.1016/j.pss.2017.05.008.
  164. Dehant V., Park R., Dirkx D., Iess L., Neumann G., Turyshev S., and Van Hoolst T., 2017, “Survey of capabilities and applications of accurate clocks: directions for planetary science.”, Space Science Reviews, 212(3), pp. 1433-1451, DOI: 10.1007/s11214-017-0424-y.
  165. Dehant V., Gurvits L.I., Kramer M., Park R., Wolf P., Zarnecki J., Rodrigo R., Rafael, 2018, “Editorial to the Topical Collection on High Performance Clocks with Special Emphasis on Geodesy and Geophysics and Applications to Other Bodies of the Solar System.”, Space Science Reviews, 214(1), Id. 24, pp. 1-5, DOI: 10.1007/s11214-017-0451-8
  166. Le Maistre S., Rosenblatt P., Dehant V., Marty J.C., Yseboodt M., 2018, “Mars rotation determination from a moving rover using Doppler tracking data: What could be done?”, Planetary and Space Science, DOI: 10.1016/j.pss.2018.03.020.
  167. Vincent D., Karatekin Ö., Lambrechts J., Lorenz R.D., Dehant V., Deleersnijder E., 2018, “A numerical study of tides in Titan’s northern seas, Kraken and Ligeia Maria.”, Icarus, 310, pp. 105-126, DOI: 10.1016/j.icarus.2017.12.018.
  168. Folkner W.M., Dehant V., Le Maistre S., Yseboodt M., Rivoldini A., Van Hoolst T., Asmar S.W., Golombek M.P., 2018, “The Rotation and Interior Structure Experiment on the InSight Mission to Mars.”, Space Sci. Rev., 214, 100, DOI: 10.1007/s11214-018-0530-5.
  169. Spiga A., Banfield D., Teanby N.A., Forget F., Lucas A., Kenda B., Rodriguez Manfredi J.A., Widmer-Schnidrig R., Murdoch N., Lemmon M.T., Garcia R.F., Martire L. Karatekin Ö., Le Maistre S., Van Hove B., Dehant V., Lognonné P., Mueller N., Lorenz R., Mimoun D., Rodriguez S., Beucler E., Daubar I., Golombek M., Bertrand T., Nishikawa Y., Millour E., Rolland L., Brissaud Q., Kawamura T., Mocquet A., Martin R. Clinton J., Stuzmann E., Spohn T., Smrekar S., Banerdt W.B., 2018, “Atmospheric Science with InSight.”, Space Science Reviews, InSight pre-launch special issue, 214(7), article id. 109, 64 pp., DOI: 10.1007/s11214-018-0543-0.
  170. Smrekar S.E., Lognonné P., Spohn T., Banerdt W.B., Breuer D., Christensen U., Dehant V., Drilleau M., Folkner W., Fuji N., Garcia R.F., Giardini D., Golombek M., Grott M., Gudkova T., Johnson C., Khan A., Langlais B., Mittelholz A., Mocquet A., Myhill R., Panning M., Perrin C., Pike T., Plesa A.C., Rivoldini A., Samuel H., Stähler S.C., van Driel M., Van Hoolst T., Verhoeven O., Weber R., Wieczorek M., 2019, “Pre-mission InSights on the Interior of Mars.”, Space Science Reviews, 215(1), id. 3, 72 pp., DOI: 10.1007/s11214-018-0563-9.
  171. Rekier J., Trinh A., Triana S.A., Dehant V., 2019, “Inertial modes in near-spherical geometries.”, Geophys. J. Int., 216(2), pp.777-793, DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggy465.
  172. Ferri F., Karatekin Ö., Lewis S.R., Forget F., Aboudan A., Bettanini C., Colombatti G., Debei S., Van Hove B., Dehant V., Harri A.-M., Leese M., Mäkinen T., Millour E., Muller-Wodarg I., G.G. Ori, Paris S., Patel M., Schoenenberger M., Herath J., Silii T., Spiga A., Tokano T., Towner M., Withers P., Asmar S., and Plettemeier D., 2019, “ExoMars Atmospheric Mars Entry and Landing Investigations and Analysis (AMELIA).”, Space Science Review, 215(8), 1-21, DOI: 10.1007/s11214-019-0578-x.
  173. Lognonné P., Banerdt W.B., Giardini D., Pike W.T., Christensen U. and the SEIS team including Dehant V., 2019, “SEIS: The Seismic Experiment for Internal Structure of InSight.”, Space Science Reviews InSight pre-launch special issue, 215, Id. 12, DOI: 10.1007/s11214-018-0574-6.
  174. Triana S.A., Rekier J., Trinh A., Dehant V., 2019, “The coupling between inertial and rotational eigenmodes in 2 planets with liquid cores.”, Geophys. J. Int., DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggz212.
  175. Dehant V., Debaille V., Dobos V., Gaillard F., Gillmann C., Goderis S., Grenfell J.L., Höning D., Javaux E.J., Karatekin Ö., Morbidelli A., Noack L., Rauer H., Scherf M., Spohn T., Tackley P., Van Hoolst T., Wünnemann K., 2019, “Geoscience for understanding habitability in the solar system and beyond.”, Space Science Reviews, 215(6), article id. 42, 48 pages, DOI: 10.1007/s11214-019-0608-8.
  176. Vincent D., Lambrechts J., Karatekin Ö., Van Hoolst T., Tyler R.H., Dehant V., Deleersnijder E., 2019, “Normal modes and resonance in Ontario Lacus: a hydrocarbon lake of Titan.”, Ocean Dynamics, DOI: 10.1007/s10236-019-01290-2.
  177. Bergeot N., Witasse O., Le Maistre S., Blelly J.L., Kofman W., Peter K., Dehant V. and Chevalier J.M., 2019, “MoMo: a new empirical model of the Mars ionospheric total electron content based on Mars Express MARSIS data. A new empirical model of the Mars ionospheric total electron content based on Mars Express MARSIS data.”, J. Space Weather Sci., 9, A36, DOI: 10.1051/swsc/2019035.
  178. Rekier J., Trinh A., Triana S.A., and Dehant V., 2019, “Internal energy dissipation in Enceladus’s ocean from tides and libration and the role of inertial waves.”, J. Geophys. Res. Planets, 124, pp. 2198-2212, DOI: 10.1029/2019JE005988.
  179. Dehant V., Le Maistre S., Baland R.-M., Bergeot N., Karatekin Ö., Péters M.-J., Rivoldini A., Ruiz Lozano L., Temel O., Van Hoolst T., Yseboodt M., Mitrovic M., Kosov A.S., Valenta V., Thomassen L., Karki S., Al Khalifeh K., Craeye C., Gurvits L.I., Marty J.-C., Asmar S., Folkner W., and the LaRa team (, 2020, “The radioscience LaRa instrument onboard ExoMars 2020 to investigate the rotation and interior of Mars.”, Planet. Space Sci., 180, Id. 104746, DOI: 10.1016/j.pss.2019.104776.
  180. Le Maistre S., Péters M.-J., Marty J-C., and Dehant V., 2020, “On the impact of the operational and technical characteristics of the LaRa experiment on the nutation determination.”, Planet. Space Sci., 180, Id. 104766, DOI: 10.1016/j.pss.2019.104766.
  181. Péters M.-J., Le Maistre S., Yseboodt M., Marty J-C., Rivoldini A., Van Hoolst T., and Dehant V., 2020, “Improving determination of the Martian rotation parameters through the synergy between LaRa and RISE radioscience experiments.”, Planet. Space Sci., 180, Id. 104745, DOI: 10.1016/j.pss.2019.104745.
  182. Banerdt W.B., Smrekar S., Banfield D., Giardini D., Golombek M., Johnson C., Lognonné P., Spiga A., Spohn T., Perrin C., Stähler S., Antonangeli D., Asmar S., Beghein C., Bowles N., Bozdag E., Chi P., Christensen U., Clinton J., Collins G., Daubar I., Dehant V., Drilleau M., Fillingim M., Folkner W., Garcia R., Garvin J., Grant J., Grott M., Grygorczuk J., Hudson T., Irving J., Kargl G., Kawamura T., Kedar S., King S., Knapmeyer-Endrun B., Knapmeyer M., Lemmon M., Lorenz R., Maki J., Margerin L., McLennan S., Michaut C., Mimoun D., Mittelholz A., Mocquet A., Morgan P., Mueller N., Murdoch N., Nagihara S., Newman C., Nimmo F., Panning M., Pike W., Plesa A.C., Rodriguez S., Rodriguez-Manfredi J., Russell C., Schmerr N., Siegler M., Stanley S., Stutzmann E., Teanby N., Tromp J., van Driel M., Warner N., Weber R., Wieczorek M., 2020, “Initial results from the InSight mission on Mars", reference number: NGS-2019-10-02487, Nature Geoscience, 13, pp. 183-189, DOI : 10.1038/s41561-020-0544-y.
  183. Gillmann C., Golabek G., Raymond S., Schonbachler M., Tackley P., Dehant V., and Debaille V., 2020, “Dry Late Accretion inferred from Venus' coupled atmosphere and internal evolution.”, reference number: NGS-2019-03-00621B, Nature Geoscience, 13, pp. 265-269: DOI: 10.1038/s41561-020-0561-x.
  184. Rekier J., Triana S.A., Trinh A., and Dehant V., 2020, “Inertial modes of a freely rotating ellipsoidal planet and their relation to nutations.”, The Planetary Science Journal, 1(1), Id. 20, DOI: 10.3847/PSJ/ab93c8.
  185. Baland R.M., Yseboodt M., Le Maistre S., Rivoldini A., Van Hoolst T., Dehant V., 2020, “The precession and nutations of a rigid Mars.”, Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 132 (9), Id. 47, DOI: 10.1007/s10569-020-09986-01-52.
  186. Konopliv A.S., Park R.S., Folkner W.M., Baland R.M., Dehant V., Le Maistre S., Rivoldini A., Van Hoolst T., Yseboodt M., 2020, “Detection of the Mars Chandler Wobble from Mars Orbiting Spacecraft.”, Geophys. Res. Letters, 47(21), Id. e2020GL090568, DOI: 10.1029/2020GL090568.
  187. Bernauer F., Garcia R.F., Murdoch N., Dehant V., Sollberger D., Schmelzbach C., Wassermann J., Cadu A., Mimoun D., Ritter B., Filice V., Karatekin Ö., Ferraioli L., Robertsson J.O.A., Giardini D., Lecamp G., Guattari F., Bonnefois J.-J., de Raucourt S., 2020, “Exploring Planets and Asteroids with 6DoF Sensors - Utopia and Realism.”, Earth, Planets and Space, 72, 191, DOI: 10.1186/s40623-020-01333-9.
  188. Mandea M., Dehant V., Cazenave A., 2020, “GRACE – Gravity data for understanding the deep interior.”, Special issue on `GRACE and Geosciences´, Eds. Lucia Seoane and Guillaume Ramillien, Remote Sensing, 12(24), 4198, DOI: 10.3390/rs12244186.
  189. Yang X., Yan J.G., Le Maistre S., Dehant V., Ye M., Jin W.T., Li F., 2021, “Mars orientation parameters determination based on direct-to-Earth measurement.”, Scientia Sinica Physica, Mechanica & Astronomica, DOI: 10.1360/SSPMA-2020-0005.
  190. Gloesener E., Karatekin Ö., Dehant V., 2021, “Stability and composition of CH4-rich clathrate hydrates in the present Martian subsurface.”, Icarus, 353, Id. 114099, DOI: 10.1016/j.icarus.2020.114099.
  191. Iess L., Asmar S.W., Cappuccio P., Cascioli G., De Marchi F., di Stefano I., Genova A., Ashby N., Bender P., Benedetto C., Border J.S., Budnik F., Ciarcia S., Damour T., Dehant V., Di Achille1 G., Di Ruscio A., Fienga A., Formaro R., Klioner S., Konopliv A., Lemaître A., Longo F., Mercolino M., Mitri G., Notaro V., Olivieri A., Paik M., Palli A., Schettino G., Serra D., Simone L., Tommei G., Tortora P., Van Hoolst T., Vokrouhlický D., Watkins M., Wu X., Zannoni M., 2021, “Gravity, geodesy and fundamental physics with BepiColombo’s MORE investigation.”, Space Science Reviews, 217, 21, DOI: 10.1007/s11214-021-00800-3
  192. Kahan D.S., Folkner W.M., Buccino D.R., Dehant V., Le Maistre S., Rivoldini A., Van Hoolst T., Yseboodt M., Marty J.C., 2021, “Mars Precession Rate Determined from Radiometric Tracking of the InSight Lander.”, Planet. Space Sci., 199, 105208, DOI: 10.1016/j.pss.2021.105208.
  193. Triana S.A., Trinh A., Rekier J., Zhu P., and Dehant V., 2021, “The viscous and Ohmic damping of the Earth’s Free Core Nutation.”, J. Geophys. Res., 126, Id. e2020JB021042, DOI: 10.1029/2020JB021042.
  194. Zhu P., Triana S.A., Rekier J., Trinh A., and Dehant V., 2021, “Quantification of corrections for the main lunisolar nutation components and analysis of the free core nutation remaining in the nutation residuals.”, Journal of geodesy, 95, Id. 57, DOI: 10.1007/s00190-021-01513-9.
  195. Gelenbe E., Brasseur G., Chefneux L., Dehant V., Halloin V., Haton J.P., Judkiewicz M., Rentier B., Weikmans R., 2021, "On sharing knowledge and fostering ‘open science’.”, Ubiquity, 2021(5), Id. 1, 1-13, DOI: 10.1145/3462221.
  196. Rekier J., Chao B.F., Chen J., Dehant V., Rosat S., Zhu P., 2021, “Earth’s Rotation: Observations and Relation to Deep Interior.”, Surv. Geophys., in S.I.: ‘Probing Earth’s Deep Interior using Space Observations Synergistically’, DOI: 10.1007/s10712-021-09669-x.
  197. Dehant V., Campuzano S.A., De Santis A., van Westrenen W., 2022, “Structure, materials and processes in the Earth’s core and mantle.”, Surv. Geophys., in S.I.: ‘Probing Earth’s Deep Interior using Space Observations Synergistically’, DOI: 10.1007/s10712-021-09684-y.
  198. Delforge D., de Viron O., Durand F., and Dehant V., 2022, “The Global Patterns of Interannual and Intraseasonal Mass Variations in the Oceans from GRACE and GRACE Follow-on records.”, Remote sensing, 14, 1861, 1-12, DOI: 10.3390/rs14081861.
  199. Ruiz Lozano L., Karatekin Ö., Dehant V., Bellucci G., Oliva F., Aversa E.D., Carrozzo F.G., Altieri F., Thomas I., Willame Y., Robert S., Vandaele A.C., Daerden F., Ristic B., Patel M.R., Lopez Moreno J.J., 2022, “Evaluation of the capability of ExoMars-TGO NOMAD infrared nadir channel for water ice clouds detection on Mars.”, Remote Sensing, 14, 4143, DOI: 10.3390/rs14174143.
  200. Vincent D., Lambrechts J., Karatekin Ö., Dehant V., Deleersnijder E., 2022, “A numerical study of the liquid motion in Titan′s subsurface ocean.”, Icarus, 388, Id. 115219, DOI: 10.1016/j.icarus.2022.115219.
  201. Sert H., Hugentobler U., Karatekin O., Dehant V., 2022, “Potential of UT1–UTC transfer to the Galileo constellation using onboard VLBI transmitters.”, Journal of Geodesy, 96, 83, DOI: 10.1007/s00190-022-01675-0.
  202. Dehant V., Blanc M., Mackwell S., Soderlund K.M., Beck P., Bunce E., Charnoz S., Foing B., Filice V., Fletcher L.N., Forget F., Griton L., Hammel H., Höning D., Imamura T., Jackman C., Kaspi Y., Korablev O., Leconte J., Lellouch E., Marty B., Mangold N., Michel P., Morbidelli A., Mousis O., Prieto-Ballesteros O., Spohn T., Schmidt J., Sterken V.J., Tosi N., Vandaele A.C., Vernazza P., Vazan A., Westall F., 2022, “From science questions to Solar System exploration.”, Chapter 3, Planetary Exploration Horizon 2061 – Report ‘Planetary Exploration Horizon 2061, A Long-Term Perspective for Planetary Exploration’, pages 65-175, ISBN 9780323902267, DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-323-90226-7.00006-4 (see also
  203. Rauer H., Blanc M., Venturini J., Dehant V., Demory B., Dorn C., Domagal-Goldman S., Gaudi S., Helled R., Heng K., Kitzman D., Kokubo E., Le Sergeant d’Hendecourt L., Mordasini C., Nesvorny D., Noack L., Owen J., Paranicas C., Qin L., Snellen I., Testi L., Udry S., Wambganss J., Westall F., Zarka P., Zong Q., 2022, “Solar System/Exoplanet Science Synergies in a multi-decadal Perspective.”, Chapter 2, Planetary Exploration Horizon 2061 – Report ‘Planetary Exploration Horizon 2061, A Long-Term Perspective for Planetary Exploration’, pages 17-64, ISBN 9780323902267, DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-323-90226-7.00001-5.
  204. Blanc M., Lewis J., Bousquet P., Dehant V., Foing B., Grande M., Guo L.L., Hutzler A., Lasue J., Perino M.A., Rauer H., Ammannito E., Capria M.T., 2022, “Introduction to the Planetary Exploration, Horizon 2061 foresight exercise.”, Chapter 1, Planetary Exploration Horizon 2061 – Report ‘Planetary Exploration Horizon 2061, A Long-Term Perspective for Planetary Exploration’, pages 1-17, ISBN 9780323902267, DOI: 10.1016/ B978-0-323-90226-7.00004-0.
  205. Mousis O., Bouquet A., Langevin Y., André N., Boithias H., Durry G., Faye F., Hartogh P., Helbert J., Iess L., Kempf S., Masters A., Postberg F., Renard J.-B., Vernazza P., Vorburger A., Wurz P., Atkinson D.H., Barabash S., Berthomier M., Brucato J., Cable M., Carter J., Cazaux S., Coustenis A., Danger G., Dehant V., Fornaro T., Garnier P., Gautier T., Groussin O., Hadid L., Ize J.-C., Kolmasova I., Lebreton J.-P., Le Maistre S., Lellouch E., Lunine J.I., Mandt K.E., Martins Z., Mimoun D., Nenon Q., Muñoz Caro G.M., Rannou P., Rauer H., Schmitt-Kopplin P., Schneeberger A., Simons M., Stephan K., Van Hoolst T., Vaverka J., Wieser M., Wörner L., 2022, “Moonraker – Enceladus Multiple Flyby Mission.”, Planet. Sci. J., 3(12), 268, 12 pp, DOI: 10.3847/PSJ/ac9c03.
  206. Delva P., Altamimi Z., Blazquez A., Blossfeld M., Böhm J., Bonnefond P., Boy J.-P., Bruinsma S., G Bury., Chatzinikos M., Couhert A., Courde C., Dach R., Dehant V., Dell’Agnello S., Elgered G., Enderle W., Exertier P., Glaser S., Haas R., Huang W., Hugentobler U., Jäggi A., Karatekin Ö., Lemoine F., Le Poncin-Lafitte C., Lunz S., Männel B., Mercier F., Métivier L., Meyssignac B., Müller J., Nothnagel A., Perosanz F., Rietbroek R., Rothacher M., Sert H., Schuh H., Sosnica K., Testani P., Ventura-Traveset J., Wautelet G., Zajdel R., 2023, “GENESIS: Co-location of Geodetic Techniques in Space.”, Earth Planets Space, 75, 5, DOI: 10.1186/s40623-022-01752-w.
  207. Puica M., Dehant V., Folgueira M., Van Hoolst T., Rekier J., 2023, “Analytical computation of the total topographic torque at the Core-Mantle Boundary and its impact on tidally driven Length-of-Day variations.”, Geophys. J. Int., 234(1), 585-596, DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggad077.
  208. Le Maistre S., Caldiero A., Rivoldini A., Caldiero A., Yseboodt M., Baland R.M., Beuthe M., Van Hoolst T., Dehant V., Folkner W.M., Buccino D., Kahan D., Marty J.C., Antonangeli D., Badro J., Drilleau M., Konopliv A., Péters M.J., Plesa A.C., Samuel H., Tosi N., Wieczorek M., Lognonné P., Panning M., Smrekar S., Banerdt W.B., 2023, “Spin state and deep interior structure of Mars from InSight radio tracking.”, Nature, DOI: 10.1038/s41586-023-06150-0.
  209. Fortier V., Debaille V., Dehant V., Bultel B., 2023, “A new shergottite martian meteorite analog system (SAS) for alteration experiments.”, Planetary and Space Science, 236, Id. 105749, DOI: 10.1016/j.pss.2023.105749.
  210. Cazenave A., Pfeffer J., Mandea M., Dehant V., 2023, “ESD Ideas: A 6-year oscillation in the whole Earth system?”, Earth Syst. Dynam., 14(4), 733-735, DOI: 10.5194/esd-14-733-2023 and DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-2023-312.
  211. Shih S.A., Triana S.A., and Dehant V., 2023, “Turbulent Dissipation in the Boundary Layer of Precession-Driven Flow: Implications for Free Core Nutation.”, AIP Advances, 13(7), Id. 075025, DOI: 10.1063/5.0146932.
  212. Pfeffer J., Cazenave A., Rosat S., Moreira L., Mandea M., Dehant V., Coupry B., 2023, “A 6-year cycle in the Earth system.”, Global and Planetary Change, 229, Id. 104245, DOI: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2023.104245.
  213. Filice V., Dehant V., Le Maistre S., Karatekin Ö., Van Hoolst T., F Bernauer., Ritter B., and Garcia R., 2024, “PIONEERS, a 6DoF motion sensor to measure rotation and tides in the Solar System.”, Earth, Planet and Space, 76(12), DOI: 10.1186/s40623-023-01951-z.
  214. Ruiz Lozano L., Oliva F., Bellucci G., Karatekin Ö., Dehant V., D’Aversa E., Carrozzo F.G., Schmidt F., Cruz Mermy G., Thomas I.R., Vandaele A.C., Daerden F., Ristic B., Patel M.R., López-Moreno J.-J., 2024, “Observation of the Southern Polar cap during MY34-36 with ExoMars-TGO NOMAD LNO.”, Icarus, 410, Id. 115698, DOI: 10.1016/j.icarus.2023.115698.
  215. Siljeström S., Baatout S., de Vera J.P., Dehant V., Freissinet C., Gross C., Lee N.M., Mangold N., Noack L., Plesa A.C., Rivoldini A., ten Kate I.L., 2025, “Mars in Short: Past and Present Geology and Climate.”, Chapter 2 of the book “Mars and the Earthlings: A Realistic View on Mars Exploration and Settlement, Eds. C. Verseux, M. Gargaud, K. Lehto, M. Viso, Springer, Serie Space and Society, pp. 5-50, ISSN 21993882, eISSN 21993890, ISBN 9783031668807, eISBN 9783031668814, DOI: 0.1007/978-3-031-66881-4.
  216. Cazenave A., Pfeffer J., Mandea M., Dehant V., and Gillet N., 2025, “Why is the Earth System oscillating at a 6-year period?”, Surveys in Geophysics, Surveys in Geophysics, 26 pages, DOI: 10.1007/s10712-024-09874-4.
  217. Dehant V., Puica M., Folgueira M., Rekier J., Trinh A., Van Hoolst T., 2025, “Analytical computation of the total topographic torque at the Core-Mantle Boundary and its impact on nutations.”, Geophys. J. Int., 241, 474-494, DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggaf050.
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Publications in proceedings
1. Pâquet P. and Dehant V., 1983, "The coordinates evolution of a TRANET station over 9 years.", in: Proc. 3d Int. Geodetic Symp. on 'Satellite Doppler Positioning', February 1982, Las Cruces, New Mexico, Vol. 1, pp. 539-555.

2. Dehant V., 1986, "Global Earth models and Earth rotation.", in: Proc. NATO AWR workshop on 'Earth Rotation: Solved and Unsolved Problems', Bonas, France, June 1985, Reidel Publishing Company, ed. A. Cazenave, pp. 269-275.

3. Dehant V., 1987, "Body tides for an elliptical rotating Earth with an inelastic mantle.", in: Proc. 10th Int. Symp. on 'Earth Tides', Madrid, Spain, Sept. 1985, eds. R. Vieira and Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, pp. 367-377.

4. Pâquet P. and Dehant V., 1987, "Improvement of the NOVA satellite data for positioning and monitoring of polar motion.", in: Proc. 4th Int. Symp. on 'Satellite Positioning', Austin, Texas, USA, April-May 1986, Vol. 2, pp. 861-872.

5. Dehant V. and Ducarme B., 1987, "Tidal residual computations using the modified Wahr model.", in: Proc. Permanent Commission of Earth Tides, 19th General Assembly of the IUGG, Vancouver, Canada, August 1987.

6. Dehant V., 1988, "Nutations and inelasticity of the Earth.", in: Proc. 128th Int. Symp. (IAU/IAG), Washington, USA, October 1986, eds. A.K. Babcocks and G.A. Wilkins, 'The Earth Rotation and Reference Frames for Geodesy and Geodynamics', pp. 323-329, and Communications de l'Observatoire Royal de Belgique, Série B no 148, Série Géophysique no 155.

7. Pâquet P. and Dehant V., 1988, "La précision optimale du système TRANET.", in: Proc. 'Journées des Systèmes de Référence Spatio-temporels 1988', Observatoire de Paris, France, June 1988, eds. S. Debarbat and N. Capitaine, pp. 161-168.

8. Pâquet P., Dehant V., and Djurovic D., 1990, "The four month fluctuations observed in Doppler geodetic height and other solar and geophysical phenomena.", in: Proc. 5th Int. Geodetic Symp. on 'Satellite Doppler Positioning', mars 1989, Las Cruces, New Mexico, ed. New Mexico State University, Physical Sciences Laboratory, Vol. 1, pp. 391-399.

9. Loutre M.F., Dehant V., and Berger A., 1990, "Astronomical frequencies in paleoclimatic data and the dynamical ellipticity of the Earth.", in : 'Tidal Friction and Earth's Rotation III: Earth's Rotation from Eons to Days', eds. P. Brosche and J. Sündermann, Springer-Verlag, pp. 188-200.

10. Aldridge K.D., Bloxham J., Dehant V., Gubbins D., Hide R., Hinderer J., Hutcheson K.A., Jault D., Jones C.A., Legros H., Le Mouël J.-L., Lloyd D., Wahr J.M., Whaler K.A., and Zhang K., 1990, "Core-Mantle interactions.", Survey Geophys., 11, pp. 329-353.

11. Dehant V., Ducarme B., Jentzsch G., Kääriäinen J., Li G.Y., Molodensky S.M., Okubo S., Wahr J.M., Xi Qin-Wen, and Zschau J., 1991, "Report of the Working Group on 'Theoretical Tidal Model'.", in: Proc. 11th Int. Symp. on 'Earth Tides', 29 July - 4 August 1989, Helsinki, Finlande, ed. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, pp. 533-548.

12. Defraigne P., Billiau A., Collin F., Ducarme B., and Dehant V., 1993, "Analysis of the superconducting gravimeter data outside the tidal band: around the 50 day and 14hr periods.", in: Proc. Meeting Working Groups on (1) 'Theoretical Tidal Model', (2) 'Calibration', and (3) 'High Precision Tidal Data Processing', 13 - 16 October 1992, Bonn, Germany, Bulletin d'Informations Marées Terrestres, no 116, Special Issue, pp. 8590-8611.

13. Dehant V., 1993, "Recommendations of the WG on 'Theoretical Tidal Model'.", in: Proc. Meeting Working Groups on (1) 'Theoretical Tidal Model', (2) 'Calibration', and (3) 'High Precision Tidal Data Processing', 13 - 16 October 1992, Bonn, Germany, Bulletin d'Informations Marées Terrestres, no 117, pp. 8716-8717.

14. Dehant V., 1993, "Vers un nouveau modèle de la nutation.", in: Proc. Journées des Systèmes de Référence Spatio-temporels 1992, 1- 2 June 1992, Paris, France, ed. N. Capitaine, pp. 63-75.

15. Defraigne P. and Dehant V., 1994, "Détermination de la période et de l'amortissement de la nutation libre du noyau par les nutations observées.", in: Proc. Journées Systèmes de Référence Spatio-temporels 1994, 13-14 June 1994, Paris, France, ed. N. Capitaine, pp. 226-232.

16. Dehant V., Bizouard Ch., Hinderer J., Legros H., and Lefftz M., 1994, "The effects of atmospheric pressure on nutations.", in: Proc. Journées Systèmes de Référence Spatio-temporels 1994, 13-14 June 1994, Paris, France, ed. N. Capitaine, pp. 239-242.

17. Dehant V., 1994, "Nutation d'une Terre non-rigide.", in: Proc. Journées Systèmes de Référence 1994, 13-14 June 1994, Paris, France, ed. N. Capitaine, pp. 189-199.

18. Dehant V., 1995, "Introduction for the Joint Discussion on 'Nutation'.", invited paper at JD 19 on 'Nutation', in: Proc. XXIInd GA of IAU 1994, The Hague, The Netherlands, Highlights of Astronomy, Vol. 10, ed. I. Appenzeller, Kluwer Academic Publ., pp. 209-213.

19. McCarthy D. and Dehant V., 1995, "The IAU nutation theory and perspectives of its change.", invited paper at JD 19 on 'Nutation', in: Proc. XXIInd GA of IAU 1994, The Hague, The Netherlands, Highlights of Astronomy, Vol. 10, ed. I. Appenzeller, Kluwer Academic Publ., pp. 247-248.

20. Mathews P.M. and Dehant V., 1995, "Current status of geophysical models of nutation.", invited paper at JD 19 on 'Nutation', in: Proc. XXIInd GA of IAU 1994, The Hague, The Netherlands, Highlights of Astronomy, Vol. 10, ed. I. Appenzeller, Kluwer Academic Publ., pp. 243-246.

21. Sun He-Ping, Ducarme B., and Dehant V., 1995, "Theoretical calculation of the atmospheric gravity Green functions.", in: Proc. 2d Workshop on 'Non-tidal gravity changes: Intercomparison between the absolute and superconducting gravimeters', Walferdange, Cahiers du Centre Européen de Géodynamique et de Séismologie, 11, pp. 223-237.

22. Dehant V., 1995, "Theoretical tidal model: state of the art.", in: Proc. Working Group on 'High precision tidal data processing', 'Calibration' and 'Theoretical tidal model', University of Bonn, Germany, Aug. 30-Sept. 2, 1994, Bulletin d'Informations des Marées Terrestres, no 121, pp. 9027-9029.

23. Sun He-Ping, Ducarme B., and Dehant V., 1995, "Atmospheric gravity Green functions.", in: Proc. Working Group on 'High precision tidal data processing', 'Calibration' and 'Theoretical tidal model', University of Bonn, Germany, Aug. 30 - Sept. 2, 1994, Bulletin d'Informations des Marées Terrestres, no 122, pp. 9199-9201.

24. Dehant V., 1995, "Report of the Working Group on 'Theoretical Tidal Model'.", in: Proc. 12th Int. Symp. on 'Earth Tides', Beijing, China, August 1993, ed. H.T. Hsu, pp. 17-18.

25. Sun He-Ping, Ducarme B., and Dehant V., 1995, "Correction of the atmospheric pressure on gravity measurements recorded by a superconducting gravimeter at Brussels.", in: Proc. 12th Int. Symp. on 'Earth Tides', Beijing, China, August 1993, ed. H.T. Hsu, pp. 317-330.

26. Dehant V. and Wang R., 1995, "Lateral heterogeneity effects on gravity: particular case of the Earth's ellipticity.", in: Proc. 12th Int. Symp. on 'Earth Tides', Beijing, China, August 1993, ed. H.T. Hsu, pp. 343-344.

27. Defraigne P., Dehant V., and Hinderer J., 1995, "FCN period and Q deduced from a global stacking of tidal and nutation data.", in: Proc. 12th Int. Symp. on 'Earth Tides', Beijing, China, August 1993, ed. H.T. Hsu, pp. 381-386.

28. Defraigne P. and Dehant V., 1996, "Toward new non-rigid Earth nutations.", in: Proc. Journées Systèmes de Référence Spatio-temporels 1995, Warsaw, Poland, ed. N. Capitaine, pp. 45-52.

29. Dehant V., Arias F., Brzezinski A., Buffett B., Capitaine N., Carter W., Defraigne P., Dickey J., Eubanks M., Feissel M., Fliegel H., Fukushima T., Forte A., Gross R., Hartmann T., Herring T., Kinoshita H., Mathews P.M., McCarthy D.D., Melbourne J., Molodensky S., Roosbeek F., Salstein D., Sasao T., Soffel M., Souchay J., Vondrak J., Wahr J., Williams J., Yatskiv Y., and Zhu S.Y., 1996, "Report of the WG on 'Non-rigid Earth Nutation Theory'.", in: Proc. Journées Systèmes de Référence Spatio-temporels 1995, Warsaw, Poland, ed. N. Capitaine, pp. 75-78.

30. Dehant V., Wilson C., Fong Chao B., Gross R., Le Provost Ch., Ponte R., and Salstein D., 1997, "Earth rotation dynamics and geophysical fluids.", Report concerning Topic 6 of Workshop of the International Earth Rotation Service, Paris, France, October 1996, in: IERS Technical Note, eds. C. Reigberg and N. Capitaine, 22, pp. 31-40.

31. Dehant V. and Defraigne P., 1997, "Nutation for a non-rigid Earth.", in: Proc. Journées Systèmes de Référence Spatio-temporels 1996, September 1996, Paris, France, ed. N. Capitaine, pp. 180-184.

32. Dehant V., Capitaine N., and Defraigne P., 1997, "Comparison between values of the dynamical flattening of the Earth derived from various kinds of observations (Precession, J2, seismology).", in: Proc. Journées Systèmes de Référence Spatio-temporels 1996, September 1996, Paris, France, ed. N. Capitaine, pp. 103-104.

33. de Viron O., Bizouard Ch., and Dehant V., 1997, "Calcul des moments de force produits par l'atmosphère sur la Terre solide, effets correspondants sur la nutation annuelle.", in: Proc. Journées Systèmes de Référence Spatio-temporels 1996, September 1996, Paris, France, ed. N. Capitaine, pp. 189-190.

34. Dehant V., 1998, "Summary of the Joint Discussion on 'Precession, Nutation and Astronomical constants in the dawn of the 21st century'.", in: Proc. Journées Systèmes de Référence Spatio-temporels 1997, September 1997, Prague, Czechoslovakia, ed. J. Vondrak and N. Capitaine, pp. 55-64.

35. Defraigne P. and Dehant V., 1998, "New theoretical model for nutation and comparison with VLBI observations.", in: Proc. Journées Systèmes de Référence Spatio-temporels 1997, September 1997, Prague, Czechoslovakia, ed. J. Vondrak and N. Capitaine, pp. 69-72.

36. Dehant V., 1998, "Report of the WG on Theoretical Tidal Model (SSG of the Earth Tide Commission, Section V of IAG, Geodynamics).", in: Proc. 13th Int. Symp. on 'Earth Tide', Brussels, Belgium, eds. B. Ducarme and P. Pâquet, pp. 21-30.

37. Dehant V., 1998, "Working standards of the WG on Theoretical Tidal Model (SSG of the Earth Tide Commission, Section V of IAG, Geodynamics).", in: Proc. 13th Int. Symp. on 'Earth Tide', Brussels, Belgium, eds. B. Ducarme and P. Pâquet, pp. 31-36.

38. Dehant V., Defraigne P., and Wahr J.M., 1998, "Tides for an Earth in a non-hydrostatic equilibrium.", in: Proc. 13th Int. Symp. on 'Earth Tide', Brussels, Belgium, eds. B. Ducarme and P. Pâquet, pp. 261-263.

39. Dehant V. and Fukushima T., 1998, "Introduction to the JD3 on 'Precession, Nutations and Astronomical Constants in the Dawn of the 21st Century', in: Proc. XXIIrd General Assembly of the IAU, 1997, ed. J. Anderson, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Highlights of Astronomy, Vol. 11A, pp. 151-152.

40. Bruyninx C., Brondeel M., Dehant V., Everaerts M., Sleewaegen J.-M., Warnant R., Muls A., and Voet P., 1998, "National report of Belgium.", in: Proc. IAG Symp. Subcommission for the European Reference Frame, Sofia, Bulgaria, Veröffentlichungen der Bayerischen Kommission für die Internationale Erdmessung, Astronomisch-Geodätiche Arbeiten, Vol. 58, pp. 138-146.

41. Dehant V. et al., 1999, "Report of the WG 'Non-rigid Earth nutation theory'.", in: Proc. Journées Systèmes de Référence Spatio-temporels 1998, September 1998, Paris, France, ed. N. Capitaine, pp. 73-78.

42. Roosbeek F. and Dehant V., 1999, "Rigid Earth nutations series RDAN97: main and subdiurnal terms.", in: Proc. Journées Systèmes de Référence Spatio-temporels 1998, September 1998, Paris, France, ed. N. Capitaine, pp. 103-108.

43. Dehant V., Bretagnon P., Francou G., Rocher P., Simon J.-L., Kinoshita H., Souchay J., Roosbeek F., Defraigne P., Herring T., and Mathews P.M., 1999, "Comparison between the different rigid and non-rigid Earth nutation theories.", in: Proc. Journées Systèmes de Référence Spatio-temporels 1998, September 1999, Paris, France, ed. N. Capitaine, pp. 113-117.

44. de Viron O. and Dehant V., 1999, "Torque approach for the computation of the effect of the atmosphere and oceans on the Earth's rotation.", in: Proc. Journées Systèmes de Référence Spatio-temporels 1998, Paris, France, ed. N. Capitaine, pp. 146-147. 45. Roosbeek F., P. Defraigne, M. Feissel, and Dehant V., 1999, "The Free Core Nutation period stays between 431 and 434 sidereal days.", in: Proc. Journées Systèmes de Référence Spatio-temporels 1998, September 1998, Paris, France, ed. N. Capitaine, pp. 150-151.

46. Dehant V., 2000, "Report of the WG on 'Non rigid Earth Nutation Theory'.", in: Proc. IAU Colloquium 180 on 'Towards Models and Constants for Sub-Microarcsecond Astrometry', Washington, USA, eds. K. Johnston, D. McCarthy, B. Luzum, and G. Kaplan, pp. 201-211.

47. Bizouard Ch., de Viron O., and Dehant V., 2000, "Angular momentum exchanges between the solid Earth.", in: Proc. Journées Systèmes de Référence Spatio-temporels 1999, Dresden, Germany, eds. M. Soffel and N. Capitaine, pp. 157-166.

48. Souchay J., Roosbeek F., Defraigne P., Dehant V., Van Hoolst T., and Barriot J-P., 2000, "About the nutations of the planet Mars and the NEIGE experiment.", in: Proc. Journées Systèmes de Référence Spatio-temporels 1999, Dresden, Germany, eds. M. Soffel and N. Capitaine, pp. 86-87.

49. Dehant V., 2000, "Bomford Prize Presentation: Nutation, observation and theory.", in: Geodesist's Handbook 2000, J. Geodesy, 74, 1, pp. 47-48.

50. Wilson C., Dehant V., Takemoto S., and Zerbini S., 2000, "Report of Section 5 'Geodynamics'.", in: Geodesist's Handbook 2000, J. Geodesy, 74, 1, pp. 116-125.

51. Dehant V., 2001, "Current status of the nutation theory.", in: Proc. Journées Systèmes de Référence 2000, Paris, France, ed. N. Capitaine, pp. 166-168.

52. Greff-Lefftz M., Legros H., and Dehant V., 2001, "Effect of inner core viscosity on spatial nutations induced by luni-solar tides.", in: Proc. Journées Systèmes de Référence 2000, Paris, France, ed. N. Capitaine, pp. 183-189.

53. Barriot J.-P., Dehant V., Folkner W., Cerisier J.-C., Ribes A., Benoist J., Preston R., Van Hoolst T., and Warnant R., 2001, "The NetLander Ionosphere and Geodesy experiment.", in: Proc. Journées Systèmes de Référence 2000, Paris, France, ed. N. Capitaine, pp. 196-198.

54. Yseboodt M., Rosenblatt P., Dehant V., Barriot J.-P., and Van Hoolst T., 2002, "Mars geodesy with NEIGE: simulation of the Martian orientation parameters estimation.", in: Proc. 36th ESLAB Symposium on 'Earth-like planets and moons', ESTEC, ESA Special Publication SP-514, ISBN 92-9092-824-7, 2002, pp. 145 - 149.

55. Van Hoolst T., Dehant V., and Barriot J.-P., 2002, "Interior of Mars from nonrigid nutations.", in: Proc. 36th ESLAB Symposium on 'Earth-like planets and moons', ESTEC, ESA Special Publication, SP-514, ISBN 92-9092-824-7, 2002, pp. 209 - 214.

56. Bois E., Dehant V., Legros H., Defraigne P., Gegout P., Greff M., Rambaux N., and Van Hoolst T., 2002, "Etude des couplages rotation/noyau des planètes telluriques.", extended abstract from 3ème Coll. Nat. de Planétologie, Nantes, France, ed. O. Grasset, 10 Sept. 2002, extended abstract, p. 44-45.

57. Verhoeven O., Rivoldini A., Barriot J.P., et al., Mission Netlander, 2002, "La synergie entre les expériences MAGNET-NEIGE-SEIS comme clef de voûte d'une nouvelle modélisation de la structure interne de Mars.", Actes du 3ème Coll. Nat. de Planétologie, Nantes, France, ed. O. Grasset, p. 76, 10 sept. 2002.

58. Barriot J.P., Dehant V., Folkner W., Cerisier J.C., Vienne J., Yseboodt M., Rosenblatt P., and Duron J., 2002, "L'expérience NEIGE de Géodésie Spatiale sur Mars.", Actes du 3ème Coll. Nat. de Planétologie, Nantes, France (Volume additionnel), ed. O. Grasset, pp. 28-29, 10 sept. 2002.

59. Dehant V., Greff-Lefftz M., Legros H., Van Hoolst T., Defraigne P., and de Viron O., 2002, "Free and forced response of a non-rigid Mars with an inner-core. I. Analytical approach.", in: Proc. 'Journées des Systèmes de Référence Spatio-temporels 2001', Observatoire Royal de Belgique, Sept. 2001, ed. N. Capitaine, pp. 159-160.

60. Greff-Lefftz M., Dehant V., Lognonné Ph., Van Hoolst T., and Legros H., 2002, "LICODY Laser Interferometry for Core and Ocean Dynamics.", in: Proc. 'Journées des Systèmes de Référence Spatio-temporels 2001', Observatoire Royal de Belgique, Sept. 2001, ed. N. Capitaine, pp. 214-218.

61. Rivoldini A., Defraigne P., Dehant V., and Van Hoolst T., 2002, "Free and forced response of a non-rigid Mars with an inner-core. II. Numerical approach.", in: Proc. 'Journées des Systèmes de Référence Spatio-temporels 2001', Observatoire Royal de Belgique, Sept. 2001, ed. N. Capitaine, pp. 114-119.

62. de Viron O., E. Van den Acker, T. Van Hoolst, P. Defraigne, and V. Dehant, 2002, "Comparison between the atmospheric forcing on Earth and Mars.", in: Proc. 'Journées des Systèmes de Référence Spatio-temporels 2001', Observatoire Royal de Belgique, Sept. 2001, ed. N. Capitaine, pp. 126-130.

63. Dehant V., Barriot J.-P., Van Hoolst T., Defraigne P., Roosbeek F., and Yseboodt M., 2002, "NEtlander Ionosphere and Geodesy Experiment (NEIGE). Comparison between the nutations of the planet Mars and the nutations of the Earth.", in: Proc. 'Journées des Systèmes de Référence Spatio-temporels 2001', Observatoire Royal de Belgique, Sept. 2001, ed. N. Capitaine, pp. 107-113.

64. Van Hoolst T. and Dehant V., 2002, "Tides of the planets Mars and Mercury.", in: Proc. 'Journées des Systèmes de Référence Spatio-temporels 2001', Observatoire Royal de Belgique, Sept. 2001, ed. N. Capitaine, pp. 131-134.

65. Yseboodt M., J.P. Barriot, J.F. Bodart, and V. Dehant, 2002, "A simplified analytical formulation of the NEIGE orbiter/lander geodesy observable.", in: Proc. 'Journées des Systèmes de Référence Spatio-temporels 2001', Observatoire Royal de Belgique, Sept. 2001, ed. N. Capitaine, pp. 157-158.

66. Feissel M., de Viron O., Yseboodt M., Dehant V., and Bizouard Ch., 2002, "How much may one 'cheat' the non-rigid Earth nutation theory to make it match the VLBI results?", in: Proc. 'Journées des Systèmes de Référence Spatio-temporels 2001', Observatoire Royal de Belgique, Sept. 2001, ed. N. Capitaine, pp. 40-45.

67. Pletser V., Lognonné Ph., and Dehant V., 2002, "How astronauts would conduct a seismic experiment on the planet Mars.", in: Proc. 'Journées des Systèmes de Référence Spatio-temporels 2001', Observatoire Royal de Belgique, Sept. 2001, ed. N. Capitaine, pp. 147-156.

68. Huang C. and Dehant V., 2002, "Is the differential rotation detectable from Earth nutation?", in: Proc. 'Journées des Systèmes de Référence Spatio-temporels 2001', Observatoire Royal de Belgique, Sept. 2001, ed. N. Capitaine, pp. 20-27.

69. Chao B.F., Dehant V., Gross R.S., Plag H.P., Ray R.D., Salstein D.A., van Dam T., Van Hoolst T., Watkins M., Wilson C.R., 2004, "The Global Geophysical Fluids Center (GGFC) of the International Earth Rotation Service.", in: Proc. IERS Workshop, Munich, Germany, November 2002, IERS Technical Notes, 30, Eds. B. Richter, W. Schwegmann, and W. Dick, pp. 115-120.

70. de Viron O., Dehant V., 2004, "Reliability of atmospheric torque for geodesy.", in: Proc. IERS Workshop, Munich, Germany, November 2002, IERS Technical Notes, 30, Eds. B. Richter, W. Schwegmann, and W. Dick, pp. 125-126.

71. Van Hoolst T., Dehant V., Kuang W., 2004, "Special Bureau for the Core.", in: Proc. IERS Workshop, Munich, Germany, November 2002, IERS Technical Notes, 30, Eds. B. Richter, W. Schwegmann, and W. Dick, pp. 168-179.

72. Ponsar S., Dehant V., Van Hoolst T., 2004, "Electromagnetic core-mantle coupling.", in: Proc. IERS Workshop, Munich, Germany, November 2002, IERS Technical Notes, 30, Eds. B. Richter, W. Schwegmann, and W. Dick, pp. 216-219.

73. Karatekin O., Dehant V., and Charbonnier J.-M., 2004, "Dynamic Stability of Atmospheric Entry Probes.", in: Proc. International Workshop on Planetary Probe Atmospheric Entry and Descent Trajectory Analysis and Science, Lisbon, Portugal, 2003, ESA SP-544, pp. 101-105.

74. Vienne J., Barriot J.-P., Rosenblatt P., Yseboodt M., Duron J., and Dehant V., 2004, "Numerical simulations of the NetLander ionosphere and Geodesy Experiment (NEIGE): Landing site positions determination from Doppler tracking between an orbiter and landers.", in: Proc. International Workshop on Planetary Probe Atmospheric Entry and Descent Trajectory Analysis and Science, Lisbon, Portugal, 2003, ESA SP-544, pp. 351-355.

75. Duron J., Rosenblatt P., Karatekin O., Yseboodt M., Dehant V., J., Barriot J.P., and Vienne J., 2004, "Simultaneous estimate of the Martian rotation and the C20 gravity coefficient variations in the frame of a network science experiment.", in: Proc. 'Société Française d'Astronomie et d'Astrophysique (SF2A)', Scientific highlights 2003 (Bordeaux, France, June 16-20, 2003), Eds: F. Combes, D. Barret, T. Contini, and L. Pagani, pp. 59-62.

76. Dehant V., de Viron O., Van Hoolst T., 2005, "Pointcaré flow in the Earth core.", in: Proc. Journées Systèmes de Référence Spatio-temporels 2004, Paris, France, September 2004, pp. 45-48.

77. Dehant V., 2005, "Introduction to Kick-off meeting for the project 'Descartes-Nutation'.", in: Proc. Journées Systèmes de Référence Spatio-temporels 2004, Paris, France, September 2004, pp. 61-62.

78. Huang C., Dehant V., Liao X., de Viron O., Van Hoolst T., 2005, "The coupling equations between the nutation and the geomagnetic field in GSH expansion.", in: Proc. Journées Systèmes de Référence Spatio-temporels 2004, Paris, France, September 2004, pp. 88-93.

79. Koot L., de Viron O., Dehant V., 2005, "Atmospheric angular momentum time series: characterization of their internal noise and creation of a combined series.", in: Proc. Journées Systèmes de Référence Spatio-temporels 2004, Paris, France, September 2004, pp. 138-139.

80. Rambaux N., Van Hoolst T., Dehant V., and Bois E., 2005, "Earth librations due to core-mantle coupling.", in: Proc. Journées Systèmes de Référence Spatio-temporels 2004, Paris, France, September 2004, pp. 150-151.

81. Capitaine N., Hohenkerk, Andrei A., Calabretta M., Dehant V., Fukushima T., Guinot B., Kaplan G., Klioner S., Kovalevsky J., Kumkova I., Ma C., McCarthy D., Seidelman K., and Wallace P., 2005, "Report of the IAU Division 1 WG on 'Nomenclature for Fundamental Astronomy' (NFA).", in: Proc. Journées Systèmes de Référence Spatio-temporels 2004, Paris, France, September 2004, pp. 161-165.

82. de Viron O. and Dehant V., 2005, "3D animation of the Non Rotating Origin.", in: Proc. Journées Systèmes de Référence Spatio-temporels 2004, Paris, France, September 2004, pp. 166-167.

83. Feissel-Vernier M., Ray J., Altamimi A., Dehant V., and de Viron O., 2005, "VLBI and the Earth's rotation: Geophysical and geodetic challenges.", in: Proc. IVS 3rd General Meeting, Ottawa, 9-12 February 2004, eds. N.R. Vandenberg and K.D. Baver, NASA/CP-2004-212255, pp. 22-31.

84. Dehant V., de Viron O., and Feissel-Vernier M., 2005, "Investigation of nutation beyond the IAU2000 model.", in: Proc. IVS 3rd General Meeting, Ottawa, 9-12 February 2004, eds. N.R. Vandenberg and K.D. Baver, NASA/CP-2004-212255, pp. 381-382.

85. Dehant V., 2005, "International and national geodesy and its three pillars: (1) geometry and kinematics, (2) Earth orientation and rotation, and (3) gravity field and its variability.", in: Proc. Earth Sciences day of the CNBGG `Geodesy and geophysics for the third millennium´, Belgian Academy of Sciences, October 13, 2005, eds. E. Arijs and B. Ducarme, pp. 27-35.

86. de Viron O., Defraigne P., Dehant V., Koot L., and Van Hoolst T., 2005, "Earth orientation and rotation.", in: Proc. Earth Sciences day of the CNBGG `Geodesy and geophysics for the third millennium´, Belgian Academy of Sciences, October 13, 2005, eds. E. Arijs and B. Ducarme, pp. 123-124.

87. Capitaine N., C. Hohenkerk, A.H. Andrei, M. Calabretta, V. Dehant, T. Fukushima, B. Guinot, G. Kaplan, S. Klioner, J. Kovalevsky, I. Kumkova, C. Ma, D.D. Mccarthy, K. Seidelmann, and P. Wallace, 2006, "Latest proposals of the IAU Working Group on Nomenclature for fundamental astronomy.", in: Proc. Journées Systèmes de Référence Spatio-Temporels 2005, 'Earth dynamics and reference systems: five years after the adoption of the IAU 2000 Resolutions', Warsaw, Poland, 19-21 September 2005, pp. 143-146.

88. Dehant V., 2006, "Next decimal for nutation modeling.", in: Proc. Journées Systèmes de Référence Spatio-Temporels 2005, 'Earth dynamics and reference systems: five years after the adoption of the IAU 2000 Resolutions', Warsaw, Poland, 19-21 September 2005, pp. 165-172.

89. Koot L., de Viron O., and Dehant V., 2006, "Nutation model with Earth interior parameters adjusted on the time series data.", in: Proc. Journées Systèmes de Référence Spatio-Temporels 2005, 'Earth dynamics and reference systems: five years after the adoption of the IAU 2000 Resolutions', Warsaw, Poland, 19-21 September 2005, pp. 187-188.

90. Barriot J.-P., Dehant V., Beuthe M., 2006, "Navigation of the MEMO Satellite and the Possible Use of Navigation Data to Improve Our Knowledge of the Gravity Field of Mars.", in: Proceedings of MEMO workshop, Paris, November 28-30, 2005, ISSN 1768-0042, Notes du Pôle De Planétologie, extended abstract, p. 9.

91. Vacher P., Verhoeven O., Rivoldini A., Mocquet A., Choblet G., Menvielle M., Dehant V., Van Hoolst T., 2006, "Temperature and composition of the Martian deep interior inferred from the magnetic data.", in: Proceedings of MEMO workshop, Paris, November 28-30, 2005, ISSN 1768-0042, Notes du Pôle De Planétologie, extended abstract, p. 50.

92. Lognonné P., Spohn T., Breuer D., Christensen U., Igel H., Dehant V., van Hoolst T., Giardini D., Primdahl F., Merayo J., Vennerstroem S., Garcia R., Wieczorek M., Sotin C., Mocquet A., Langlais B., Berthelier J.J., Menvielle M., Pais A., Pike W.T, Szarka L., van den Berg A., 2006, "Long lived Martian geoscience observatory.", in: Proc. 39th ESLAB Symposium on 'Trends in Space Science and Cosmic Vision 2020', 19-21 April, 2005, ESTEC, Noordwijk, Eds. F. Favata A. Gimenez, and D. Danesy, SP-588, pp. 163-170.

93. Karatekin Ö., Hagedoorn J., Van Hoolst T., and Dehant V., 2006, "Displacement of Martian surface due to seasonal surface mass redistribution and its detection from lander-orbiter-Earth links.", in: Proc. Fourth Mars Polar Science Conference, extended abstract, 8039.

94. Karatekin Ö., Van Hoolst T., and Dehant V., 2006, "Mass and density of seasonal polar deposits from time-variable gravity.", in: Proc. Fourth Mars Polar Science Conference, extended abstract, 8067.

95. Karatekin Ö., Van Hoolst T., and Dehant V., 2006, "Martian global scaleCO2 exchange from orbital tracking data.", Proceedings of the Mars Atmosphere Modelling and Observations, Eds. F. Forget, M. A. Lopez-Valverde, M. C. Desjean, J. P. Huot, F. Lefevre, S. Lebonnois, S. R. Lewis, E. Millour, P. L. Read, and R. J. Wilson, extended abstract, 413.

96. Lainey V., Rosenblatt P., Dehant V., Pätzold M., Andert T., and Barriot J.P., 2006, "A reexamination of Phobos density using MEX data.", SF2A-2005, Strasbourg, France, June 27 - July 1, 2005, Eds F. Casoli, T. Contini, J.M. Hameury and L. Pagani, Publi. EdP-Sciences, Conference Series, extended abstract, p. 99.

97. Rambaux N., Van Hoolst T., Dehant V., and Bois E., 2006, "An accurate theory of Mercury's rotation and centrifugal librations.", in: Proc. SF2A 2005, eds. F. Casoli, T. Contini, J.M. Hameury, and L. Pagani, extended abstract, p. 79. Ou Berthier J., Lainey V., Bell J., and Dehant V., 2006, "Astrometric reduction of the Mars Exploration Rover night-time observations.", SF2A-2005, Strasbourg, France, June 27 - July 1, 2005, Eds F. Casoli, T. Contini, J.M. Hameury and L. Pagani, Publi. EdP-Sciences, Conference Series, extended abstract, p. 79.

98. Lambert S., Bizouard C., and Dehant V., 2006, "The winter dance of the Earth's pole.", SF2A-2005, Strasbourg, France, June 27 - July 1, 2005, Eds F. Casoli, T. Contini, J.M. Hameury and L. Pagani, Publi. EdP-Sciences, Conference Series, extended abstract, p. 31.

99. Dehant V., 2006, "Earth rotation and orientation, and perspectives for planetary geodesy.", in: Proc. 3rd KAGI21international symposium on 'Active Geosphere Investigation', Wuhan, China, November 8, 2005, ed. Sun Heping, on CD rom, 6 p.

100. Dehant V. and Van Hoolst T., 2007, "Information on interior structure of the terrestrial planets from their rotation.", in: Proc. Workshop organized in honour of Prof. J. Henrard at the occasion of his retirement, 'Rotation of celestial bodies', Namur, 1st and 2d of December 2005, pp. 1-8.

101. Barriot J.P., Karatekin Ö., and Dehant V., 2007, "Mars time-variable gravity field: a possible cumulative effect on a family of equatorial orbits.", Seventh International Conference on Mars, held July 9-13, 2007 in Pasadena, California, LPI Contribution No. 1353, p. 3091 (2 pages).

102. Leblanc F., Langlais B., Chassefière E., Sotin C., Barabash S., Dehant V., Dougherty M., Lammer H., Mandea M., and Vennerstrom S., 2007, "MEMO: Mars Escape and Magnetic Orbiter.", in: Proc. 38th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, (Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVIII) (LPSC), League City, Texas, USA, March 12-16, 2007, extended abstract, LPI Contribution No. 1338, p. 1581 (2 pages).

103. Mattei R., Häusler B., Pätzold M., Remus S., Eidel W., Tellmann S., Andert T., Selle J., Bird M.K., Simpson R.A., Tyler G.L., Dehant V., Asmar S., Barriot J.-P., and Imamura T., 2007, "The radio science experiment VeRa onboard ESA´s Venus Express spacecraft.", in: Proc. German National Aerospace Conference (CEAS), Berlin, Germany, 10 p.

104. Dehant V., de Viron O., Capitaine N., 2007, "The 3D representation of the new transformation from the terrestrial to the celestial system.", in: Proc. JD 16, IAU XXVI General Assembly, Prague, 14-25 August, 2006, Highlights of Astronomy, Vol. 14, Cambridge University Press, pp. 486-486, DOI: 10.1017/S174392130701160X.

105. Capitaine N., Andrei A., Calabretta M., Dehant V., Fukushima T., Guinot B., Hohenkerk C., Kaplan G.H., Klioner S.A., Kovalevski J., Kumkova I.I., Ma, C., McCarthy D.D., Seidelmann K.P., and Wallace P.T., 2007, "Proposed terminology in fundamental astronomy based on IAU 2000 resolutions.", in: Proc. JD 16, IAU XXVI General Assembly, Prague, 14-25 August, 2006, Highlights of Astronomy, Vol. 14, Cambridge University Press, pp. 474-475, DOI: 10.1017/S1743921307011490.

106. Huang C.-L., Dehant V., Liao X.-H., de Viron O., and van Hoolst T., 2007, "Does The Magnetic Field In The Fluid Core Contribute A Lot To Earth Nutation?", in: Proc. JD 16, IAU XXVI General Assembly, Prague, 14-25 August, 2006, Highlights of Astronomy, Vol. 14, Cambridge University Press, pp. 483-483, DOI: 10.1017/S174392130701157X.

107. Lambert S.B., Bizouard C., and Dehant V., 2007, "The winter dance of the Earth's pole.", in: Proc. SF2A 2006, Eds. D. Barret, F. Casoli, T. Contini,. G. Lagache, A. Lecavelier, and L. Pagani, extended abstract, pp. 31-32.

108. Berthier J., Lainey V., Bell J., and Dehant V., 2007, "Astrometric reduction of the Mars Exploration Rover night-time observations.", in: Proc. SF2A 2006, Eds. D. Barret, F. Casoli, T. Contini,. G. Lagache, A. Lecavelier, and L. Pagani, extended abstract, pp. 379-380.

109. Bois E., Rambaux N., Dehant V., Van Hoolst T., Greff-Lefftz M., Mocquet A., and Legros H., 2007, "Etude des couplages rotation-noyau des planètes telluriques.", in: Proc. Programme National de Planétologie de l'INSU, 11-13 September 2006, Nancy, France, extended abstract, on CD-ROM.

110. Rambaux N., Van Hoolst T., Dehant V., and Bois E., 2007, "An accurate theory of Mercury's rotation and centrifugal librations.", in: Proc. Programme National de Planétologie de l'INSU, 11-13 September 2006, Nancy, France, extended abstract, on CD-ROM.

111. Lambert S.B., Gontier A.-M., and Dehant V., 2007, "Some issues about the Earth's core and inner core through VLBI.", in: J. Boehm et al. (Eds.), Proc. 18th European VLBI for Geodesy and Astrometry (EVGA) Working Meeting, Geowissenschaftliche Mitteilungen, Heft Nr. 79, Schriftenreihe der Studienrichtung Vermessung und Geoinformation, Technische Universitaet Wien, pp. 206-208.

112. Dehant V., Lambert S.B., Rambaux N., Folgueira M., and Koot L., 2008, “Recent advances in modeling precession-nutation.”, invited, in: Proc. Journées Systèmes de Références Spatio-temporels 2007, Paris, France, September 2007, Ed. N. Capitaine, pp. 82-87.

113. Lambert S.B., Dehant V., and Gontier A.-M., 2008, "Earth's interior with VLBI… and the Celestial Reference Frame?", in: Proc. Journées Systèmes de Références Spatio-temporels, Paris, France, September 2007, Ed. N. Capitaine, pp. 103-106.

114. Folgueira M. and Dehant V., 2008, "Estimation of the topographic torque at the core-mantle boundary on the nutation.", in: Proc. Journées Systèmes de Références Spatio-temporels, Paris, France, September 2007, Ed. N. Capitaine, pp. 115-116.

115. Koot L., Rivoldini A., de Viron O., and Dehant V., 2008, "Estimation of Earth interior parameters from a Bayesian inversion of nutation time series.", in: Proc. Journées Systèmes de Référence spatio-temporels 2007, Paris, France, September 2007, Ed. N. Capitaine, pp. 91-94.

116. Dehant V., Le Maistre S., Mitrovic M., Rosenblatt P., Chicarro A., Fisackerly R., and the LaRa team and the SDT of Mars-NEXT, 2008, "Rotation and internal dynamics from future geodesy experiment.", extended abstract (2p), European Planetary Science Congress 2008, Munster, Germany, 21-24 September 2008, EPSC Abstracts Vol. 3, EPSC2008-A-00162.

117. Breuer D., Chicarro A., Chassefiere E., Dehant V., Fisackerly R., Grady M., Pinet P., Rossi A., and Santovincenzo A., 2008, "Study of habitability from Mars-NEXT.", extended abstract (2p), European Planetary Science Congress 2008, Munster, Germany, 21-24 September 2008, EPSC Abstracts Vol. 3, EPSC2008-A-00346.

118. Capitaine N., Andrei A.H., Calabretta M.R., Dehant V., Fukushima T., Guinot B.R., Hohenkerk C.Y., Kaplan G.H., Klioner S.A., Kovalevsky J., Kumkova I.I., Ma C., McCarthy D.D., Seidelmann P.K., and Wallace P.T., 2008, "Division 1 WG Nomenclature for fundamental astronomy.", Proc. IAU, 3, Transactions T26B, pp.74-78, DOI:10.1017/S1743921308023685, Cambridge University Press.

119. Fukushima T., Vondrak J., Capitaine N., Krasinsky G.A., Milani A., Platais I., Dehant V., and Matsakis D.N., 2008, "Division 1 fundamental astronomy.", Proc. IAU, 3, Transactions T26B, pp.71-73, DOI:10.1017/S1743921308023673, Cambridge University Press.

120. Dehant V. and Brzezinski A., 2008, "Commission 19: Rotation of the Earth.", Proc. IAU, 3, Transactions T26B, pp.??, DOI:10.1017/S17439213080236??, Cambridge University Press.

121. Capitaine N., Mathews P.M., Dehant V., Wallace P., and Lambert S., 2008, "Comparisons of precession-nutation models.", in: Proc. Fifth IVS General Meeting, Session on 'Interpretation of VLBI Results in Geodesy, Astrometry and Geophysics', St Petersburg, March 2008, Eds. A. Finkelstein and D. Behrend, Russian Science Series, pp. 221-230.

122. Dehant V., Folgueira M., Rambaux N., and Lambert S.B., 2008, "Contributions of tidal Poisson terms in the theory of the nutation of a nonrigid Earth.", in: IUGG proceedings Perugia, Italy, 'Observing our Changing Earth', pp. 455-462, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-85426-5.

123. Holmes D.P., Simpson R., Tyler G.L., Pätzold M., Dehant V., Rosenblatt P., Häusler B., Goltz G., Kahan D., Valencia J., and Thompson T., 2008, "The Challenges and Opportunities For International Cooperative Radio Science; Experience with the Mars Express and Venus Express Missions.", Space Obs. 2008 Conference, AIAA 2008-3556, on CD, 9 pages.

124. Rosenblatt P., Lainey V., Le Maistre S., Dehant V., Pätzold M., and Marty J.-C., 2008, "Using Phobos images for testing and quantifying the real accuracy of the orbit of Mars Express.", in: Proc. Société Française d'Astronomie et d'Astrohysique (SF2A), Grenoble, France, 2-7 July 2007, extended abstract, 2 pages.

125. Rosenblatt P., Lainey V., Le Maistre S., Marty J.C., Dehant V., Pätzold M., Häusler B., and Van Hoolst T., 2008, "Accurate Mars Express orbit determination to improve Martian moon ephemerides.", Société Francaise d'Astronomie et d'Astrophysique (SF2A), Grenoble, France, 2-7 July 2007, extended abstract, 2 pages.

126. Dehant V., Folkner W., Chicarro A., and the LaRa team and the SDT of Mars-NEXT, 2009, "Rotation and internal dynamics from future geodesy experiment.", in: Proc. Journées Systèmes de Référence Spatio-temporels, Dresden, Germany, 21-23 September 2008, pp. 135-136.

127. Beuthe M., Rivoldini A., and Dehant V., 2010, “Influence of solar insolation and tidal dissipation on the global tectonics of Mercury.”, EPSC2010, Rome, Italy, 19-24 September 2010, extended abstract, EPSC Proceedings, 5, EPSC2010-146, 3 pages.

128. Yseboodt M., and Dehant V., 2010, “Long-period forced librations in longitude of Mercury.”, EPSC2010, Rome, Italy, 19-24 September 2010, extended abstract, EPSC Proceedings, 5, EPSC2010-395, 2 pages.

129. Hees A., Wolf P., Le Poncin-Laffite C., and Dehant V., 2010, “Relativistic effects in the Bepicolombo mission.”, EPSC2010, Rome, Italy, 19-24 September 2010, extended abstract, EPSC Proceedings, 5, EPSC2010-626, 2 pages.

130. Yseboodt M., Dehant V., Baland R.M., Trinh A., Le Maistre S., Rosenblatt P., and Marty J.C., 2010, “Future geodesy missions using triangular radio links between landers, orbiters, and the Earth.”, EPSC2010, Rome, Italy, 19-24 September 2010, extended abstract, EPSC Proceedings, 5, EPSC2010-809, 2 pages.

131. Dehant V., Oberst J., and Nadalini R., 2010, “Geodesy on the Moon.”, EPSC2010, Rome, Italy, 19-24 September 2010, extended abstract, EPSC Proceedings, 5, EPSC2010-841, 2 pages.

132. Trinh A., Dehant V., and Van Hoolst T., 2010, “Spectral representation of the gravitational and magnetic fields of neighbouring celestial bodies in planetary sciences.”, EPSC2010, Rome, Italy, 19-24 September 2010, extended abstract, EPSC Proceedings, 5, EPSC2010-904, 2 pages.

133. Baland R.M., Yseboodt M., Van Hoolst T., and Dehant V., 2010, “Influence of the internal structure of Europa and of Jupiter on the Doppler signal of a nearly polar and nearly circular Europa orbiter.”, EPSC2010, Rome, Italy, 19-24 September 2010, extended abstract, EPSC Proceedings, 5, EPSC2010-201, 2 pages.

134. Pham L.B.S., Karatekin Ö., and Dehant V., 2010, “Effect of an meteorites and asteroids bombardments on the atmospheric evolution of Mars.”, EPSC2010, Rome, Italy, 19-24 September 2010, extended abstract, EPSC Proceedings, 5, EPSC2010-127, 2 pages.

135. Rosenblatt P., Rivoldini A., and Dehant V., 2010, “Inhomegeneous mass distribution inside Phobos.”, EPSC2010, Rome, Italy, 19-24 September 2010, extended abstract, EPSC Proceedings, 5, EPSC2010-235, 2 pages.

136. Rosenblatt P., Andert T., Pätzold M., Dehant V., Marty J.-C., and Le Maistre S., 2010, “Revisiting Phobos’ origin issue from the Mars Express Radio-Science observations.”, EPSC2010, Rome, Italy, 19-24 September 2010, extended abstract, EPSC Proceedings, 5, EPSC2010-652, 2 pages.

137. Pätzold M., Andert T., Rosenblatt P., Dehant V., Marty J.-C., and Le Maistre S., 2010, “The mass of Phobos from the Mars Express close flybys.”, EPSC2010, Rome, Italy, 19-24 September 2010, extended abstract, EPSC Proceedings, 5, EPSC2010-624, 2 pages.

138. Le Maistre S., Folkner W.M., Rosenblatt P., Rivoldini A., Dehant V., and Marty J.-C., 2010, “Mars rotation and orientation angles from direct to Earth Doppler measurements of the stationary SPIRIT rover.”, EPSC2010, Rome, Italy, 19-24 September 2010, extended abstract, EPSC Proceedings, 5, EPSC2010-191, 2 pages.

139. Brzezinski A., Ma C., Dehant V., Defraigne P., Dickey J.O., Huang C.L., Souchay J., Vondrak J., Charlot P., Richter B., and Schuh H., 2010, “Commission 19: Rotation of the Earth.”, Transactions IAU, Volume 6, Issue T27, pp. 130-139, DOI: 10.1017/S1743921310004898.

140. Beuthe M., Rivoldini A., and Dehant V., 2011, “Only 3 Spatial Patterns of Tidal Heating.”, 42nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (LPSC 2011), The Woodlands, Texas, 7-11 March 2011, extended abstract, LPSC Proceedings, LPSC2011-2279, 2 pages.

141. Rivoldini A., Van Hoolst T., Verhoeven O., Mocquet A., and Dehant V., 2011, “Constraints on the interior structure and composition of Mars from geodesy.”, 42nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (LPSC 2011), The Woodlands, Texas, 7-11 March 2011, extended abstract, LPSC Proceedings, LPSC2011-2178, 2 pages.

142. Banerdt B., Smrekar S., Dehant V., Lognonné P., Spohn T., Grott M., and the GEMS team: Asmar S., Banfield D., Boschi L., Christensen U., Folkner W., Garcia R., Giardini D., Goetz W., Golombek M., Hudson T., Johnson C., Kargl G., Kobayashi N., Maki J., Mimoun D., Mocquet A., Morgan P., Panning M., Pike T., Tromp J., van Zoest T., Weber R., and Wieczorek M., 2011, “GEMS (GEophysical Monitoring Station).”, EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2011, La Cité Internationale des Congrès Nantes Métropole, Nantes, France, 3-7 October 2011, extended abstract, EPSC Proceedings, 6, EPSC-DPS2011-331, 2 pages.

143. Beuthe M., Le Maistre S., Rosenblatt P., Dehant V. and Pätzold M., 2011, “Density in the Tharsis Province from Mars Express Data.”, EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2011, La Cité Internationale des Congrès Nantes Métropole, Nantes, France, 3-7 October 2011, extended abstract, EPSC Proceedings, 6, EPSC-DPS2011-1174, 2 pages.

144. Dehant V., Folgueira M., and Puica M., 2011, “Coupling mechanisms at core-mantle boundary in rotation and orientation changes.”, EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2011, La Cité Internationale des Congrès Nantes Métropole, Nantes, France, 3-7 October 2011, extended abstract, EPSC Proceedings, 6, EPSC-DPS2011-335, 2 pages.

145. Dehant V., Folkner W., Le Maistre S., Rosenblatt P., Yseboodt M., Asmar S., Marty J.C., and Banerdt B., 2011, “Geodesy on GEMS (GEophysical Monitoring Station).”, EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2011, La Cité Internationale des Congrès Nantes Métropole, Nantes, France, 3-7 October 2011, extended abstract, EPSC Proceedings, 6, EPSC-DPS2011-1551, 2 pages.

146. Le Maistre S., Rosenblatt P., Marty J.C., and Dehant V., 2011, “Geodetic experiment with ExoMars rover.”, EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2011, La Cité Internationale des Congrès Nantes Métropole, Nantes, France, 3-7 October 2011, extended abstract, EPSC Proceedings, 6, EPSC-DPS2011-1034, 2 pages.

147. Le Maistre S., Rosenblatt P., Rambaux N., Castillo-Rogez J., Dehant V., and Marty J.C., 2011, “Phobos-Grunt experiments to measure Phobos’ librations.”, EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2011, La Cité Internationale des Congrès Nantes Métropole, Nantes, France, 3-7 October 2011, extended abstract, EPSC Proceedings, 6, EPSC-DPS2011-1021, 2 pages.

148. Rambaux N., Castillo-Rogez J., Dehant V., and Kuchynka P., 2011, “Rotational Motion of Ceres.”, EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2011, La Cité Internationale des Congrès Nantes Métropole, Nantes, France, 3-7 October 2011, extended abstract, EPSC Proceedings, 6, EPSC-DPS2011-829, 2 pages.

149. Rivoldini A., Van Hoolst T., Koot L., Le Maistre S., and Dehant V., 2011, “Probing the interior structure of Mars by studying its rotation.”, EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2011, La Cité Internationale des Congrès Nantes Métropole, Nantes, France, 3-7 October 2011, extended abstract, EPSC Proceedings, 6, EPSC-DPS2011-1445, 2 pages.

150. Rosenblatt P., Rivoldini A., Rambaux N., and Dehant V., 2011, “Mass distribution inside Phobos: A key observational constraint for the origin of Phobos.”, EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2011, La Cité Internationale des Congrès Nantes Métropole, Nantes, France, 3-7 October 2011, extended abstract, EPSC Proceedings, 6, EPSC-DPS2011-761, 2 pages.

151. Thuillot W., Lainey V., Dehant V., Arlot J.E., De Cuyper J.P., Gurvits L.I., Hussmann H., Oberst J., Rosenblatt P., Marty J.C., and Vermeersen B., 2011, “ESPACE, European Satellite Partnership for Computing Ephemerides.”, EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2011, La Cité Internationale des Congrès Nantes Métropole, Nantes, France, 3-7 October 2011, extended abstract, EPSC Proceedings, 6, EPSC-DPS2011-1833, 2 pages.

152. Trinh A., Rivoldini A., Van Hoolst T., and Dehant V., 2011, “The librations of a triaxial, synchronously rotating planetary satellite.”, EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2011, La Cité Internationale des Congrès Nantes Métropole, Nantes, France, 3-7 October 2011, extended abstract, EPSC Proceedings, 6, EPSC-DPS2011-1514, 2 pages.

153. Van Hoolst T., Rivoldini A., Baland R.-M., Yseboodt M., and Dehant V., 2011, “The effects of tides and an inner core on Mercury’s libration.”, EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2011, La Cité Internationale des Congrès Nantes Métropole, Nantes, France, 3-7 October 2011, extended abstract, EPSC Proceedings, 6, EPSC-DPS2011-1439, 2 pages.

154. Dehant V., Oberst J., and Nadalini R., 2011, “Geodesy instrument package on the Moon for improving our knowledge of the Moon and the realization of reference frames.”, in: Proc. Journées Systèmes de Référence, Observatoire de Paris, 20-22 September 2010, France, 69-72.

155. Kudryashova M., Lambert S., Dehant V., Bruyninx C., Defraigne P., 2011, “Determination of nutation offsets by combining VLBI/GPS-produced normal equations.”, in: Proc. Journées Systèmes de Référence, Observatoire de Paris, 20-22 September 2010, France, 202-203.

156. Karatekin Ö., de Viron O., Lambert S., Rosenblatt P., Dehant V., Van Hoolst T., and Le Maistre S., 2011, “Atmospheric angular momentum variations of Earth, Mars and Venus at seasonal time scales.”, Planetary and Space Science, 59(10), 923-933, DOI: 10.1016/j.pss.2010.09.010.

157. Rosenblatt P., Andert T.P., Pätzold M., Dehant V., Häusler B., and Le Maistre S., 2011, “On the interior structure and origin of the martian moons.”, extended abstract, in: Proc. Second International Conference on the Exploration of Phobos and Deimos, NASA Ames Research Center, March 14-16, 2011 Moffett Field, CA, USA, paper 11-009, p. 31.

158. Rosenblatt P., Rivoldini A., and Dehant V., 2011, “Modeling the internal mass distribution inside Phobos.”, extended abstract, in: Proc. Second International Conference on the Exploration of Phobos and Deimos, NASA Ames Research Center, March 14-16, 2011 Moffett Field, CA, USA, paper 11-009, p. 32.

159. Rosenblatt P., Rambaux N., Lainey V., Le Maistre S., Rivoldini A., Castillo-Rogez J., Le Poncin-Laffite C., Gurvits L.I., Dehant V., and Marty J.C., 2011, “Phobos geodesy experiment using radio-tracking data of the Phobos-soil spacecraft: constraints on the interior and origin of Phobos.”, Extended Abstract for The second Moscow Solar System Symposium (2M-S3) Moons of planets, Moscow, Russia, 10-14 October 2011, 2 pages.

160. Rivoldini A., Rosenblatt P., Rambaux N., and Dehant V., 2011, “Mass distribution inside Phobos: a key observational constraint for the origin of Phobos.”, Extended Abstract for The second Moscow Solar System Symposium (2M-S3) Moons of planets, Moscow, Russia, 10-14 October 2011, 2 pages.

161. Hees A., Wolf P., Lamine B., Reynaud S., Jaekel M.T., Le Poncin-Lafitte C., Lainey V., and Dehant V., 2011, “Testing gravitation in the solar system with radio science experiments.”, in: Proc. SF2A 2011, Eds. G. Alecian, K. Belkacem, S. Collin, R. Samadi and D. Valls-Gabaud, 653-658. 162. Hees A., Wolf P., Lamine B., Reynaud S., Jaekel M.T., Le Poncin-Laffitte C., Lainey V., Füzfa A., Dehant V., 2011“Radioscience simulations in General Relativity and in alternative theories of gravity.”, in: Proc. XLVIth Rencontres de Moriond and GPhys Colloquium 2011: Gravitational Waves and Experimental Gravity, edited by E. Augé, J. Dumarchez, and J. Trân Thanh Vân, p. 259-263.

163. Issler J.-L., Tawk Y., Jovanovic A., Botteron C., Farine P.-A., Landry R. Jr., Sahmoudi M., and Dehant V., 2011, “Contribution to the Worldwide multimodal SBAS standard.”, Proc. of the Fourth European Workshop on GNSS Signals and Signal Processing, Joint Meeting ESA, DLR and UniBwM of Munich.

164. Rosenblatt P., Le Maistre S., Lainey V., Rivoldini A., Mocquet A., Verhoeven O., Rambaux N., Le Poncin-Laffite C., Gurvits L., Marty J.C., Zakharov A., and Dehant V., 2012, “A Phobos geodesy experiment to constrain its bulk interior structure and origin.”, extended abstract, Proc. European Planetary Science Congress 2012 EPSC2012, Madrid, Spain, September 23-28, 2012.

165. Dehant V., Folgueira M., Puica M., and Geerinckx Q., 2012, “Coupling mechanisms at core-mantle boundary in rotation and orientation changes.”, extended abstract, Proc. European Planetary Science Congress 2012 EPSC2012, Madrid, Spain, September 23-28, 2012.

166. Yseboodt M., Dehant V., Iess L., and Mitrovic M., 2012, “Same Beam Interferometry on Mars for obtaining information on the interior.”, extended abstract, Proc. European Planetary Science Congress 2012 EPSC2012, Madrid, Spain, September 23-28, 2012.

167. Le Maistre S., Rosenblatt P., Rambaux N., Castillo-Rogez J., Dehant V., and J.-C. Marty, 2012, “Measurement of Phobos librations and tidal surface displacement.”, extended abstract, Proc. European Planetary Science Congress 2012 EPSC2012, Madrid, Spain, September 23-28, 2012.

168. Coyette A., Van Hoolst T., and Dehant V., 2012, “Slichter modes of Mercury: period and possible observation.”, extended abstract, Proc. European Planetary Science Congress 2012 EPSC2012, Madrid, Spain, September 23-28, 2012.

169. Dehant V., Folgueira M., and Puica M., 2012, “Analytical computation of the effects of the core-mantle boundary topography on tidal length-of-day variations.”, in: Proc. Journées Systèmes de Référence spatio-temporels 2011, Vianna, Austria, 113-116.

170. Thuillot W., Lainey V., Dehant V., De Cuyper J.-P., Arlot J.-E., Gurvits L., Hussmann H., Oberst J., Rosenblatt P., Marty J.-C., Vermeersen B., Robert V., Dirkx D., Kudryashova M., and Le Maistre S., 2012, “ESPaCE: European Satellite Partnership for Computing Ephemerides.”, Proc. “Let’s embrace space”, Volume II, Space Research achievements under the 7th Framework Programme is published by the Space Research and Development Unit in the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Industry and Enterprise, Chapter 25, pp. 291-297, Luxembourg Publications Office of the European Union, DOI: 10.2769/31208.

171. Folkner W.M., Asmar S.W., Dehant V., and Warwick R.W., 2012, “The Rotation and Interior Structure Experiment (RISE) for the InSight mission to Mars.”, Extended abstract, LPSC Houston 2012, the 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands Waterway Marriott Hotel and Convention Center, The Woodlands, Texas, March 19-23, 2012.

172. Fussen D, De Keyser J, De Mazière M, Pieroux D, Lamy H, Ranvier S, Dekemper E, Merlaud A, Neefs E, Karatekin Ö, Ping Z, Dehant V, Van Ruymbeke M, Noël J.P., 2012, “The PICASSO mission.”, Proceedings of the ESA 4S Symposium, Portorož, June 2012.

173. Van Hoolst T., Rivoldini A., Dehant V., Folkner W., Asmar S., and Banerdt B., 2012, “Interior of Mars from geodesy with the RISE experiment of InSight.”, Extended abstract, LPSC Houston 2012, the 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands Waterway Marriott Hotel and Convention Center, The Woodlands, Texas, March 19-23, 2012.

174. Banerdt W.B., Smrekar S., Hurst K., Lognonné P., Spohn T., Asmar S., Banfield D., Boschi L., Christensen U., Dehant V., Folkner W., Giardini D., Goetz W., Golombek M., Grott M., Hudson T., Johnson C., Kargl G., Kobayashi N., Maki J., Mimoun D., Mocquet A., Morgan P., Panning M., Pike W.T., Tromp J., van Zoest T., Weber R., Wieczorek M., and the InSight Team, 2013, “Insight: a discovery mission to explore the interior of Mars.”, 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2013, March 18-22, 2013 in The Woodlands, Texas, LPI Contribution No. 1719, p.1915.

175. Dehant V., Van Hoolst T., Breuer D., Claeys P., Debaille V., De Keyser J., Javaux E., Goderis S., Karatekin O., Mattielli N., Noack L., Spohn T., Vandaele A. C., Vanhaecke F., and Wilquet V., 2013, “Planet TOPERS: Planets, Tracing the Transfer, Origin, Preservation, and Evolution of Their Reservoirs.”, 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2013, March 18-22, 2013 in The Woodlands, Texas, LPI Contribution No. 1719, p.2052.

176. Dehant V., Breuer D., Claeys P., Debaille V., De Keyser J., Javaux E., Goderis S., Karatekin Ö., Mattielli N., Noack L., Spohn T., Vandaele A.C., Vanhaecke F., Van Hoolst T., Wilquet V., and the PLANET TOPERS group (see, 2013, “PLANET TOPERS: Planets, Tracing the Transfer, Origin, Preservation, and Evolution of their ReservoirS.”, European Planetary Science Congress 2013, University College London, London, United Kingdom, September 8-13 extended abstract, 2 pages.

177. Yseboodt M., Rosenblatt P., Le Maistre S., and Dehant V., 2013, “Tracking of a lander on Ganymede surface for obtaining information on the interior.”, European Planetary Science Congress 2013, University College London, London, United Kingdom, September 8-13 extended abstract, 2 pages.

178. Gloesener E., Karatekin Ö., Dehant V., and Vandaele A.C., 2013, “Martian methane and stability of clathrates in the crust of Mars.”, European Planetary Science Congress 2013, University College London, London, United Kingdom, September 8-13 extended abstract, 2 pages.

179. Pätzold M., Andert T., Jacobson R., Rosenblatt P., and Dehant V., 2013, “Observed bulk properties of the Mars moon Phobos.”, European Planetary Science Congress 2013, University College London, London, United Kingdom, September 8-13 extended abstract, 2 pages.

180. Le Maistre S., Rivoldini A., Dehant V., Kuchynka P., Folkner W. M., Konopliv A., and Marty J.-C., 2013, “New Mars rotational model from Opportunity radio-tracking and implications to the interior structure of Mars.”, European Planetary Science Congress 2013, University College London, London, United Kingdom, September 8-13 extended abstract, 2 pages.

181. Trinh A., Van Hoolst T., Rivoldini A., and Dehant V., 2013, “What can we learn on the interior of icy moons from libration observations?”, European Planetary Science Congress 2013, University College London, London, United Kingdom, September 8-13 extended abstract, 2 pages.

182. Dehant V., Lambert S., Koot L., Trinh A., and Folgueira M., 2013, “Recent advances in applications of geodetic VLBI to geophysics.”, in: Proc. IVS Workshop 2012, Madrid, Spain, pp. 362-369,

183. Thuillot W., Lainey V., Arlot J.-E., Dehant V., Gurvits L., Hussmann H., Oberst J., Rosenblatt P., Marty J.-C., Vermeersen B., De Cuyper J.-P., Dirkx D., Cimò G., Duev D.A., Kudryashova M., Meunier L.E., Pasewaldt A., Rambaux N., Robert V., Willner K., 2013, “The FP7-ESPaCE project for ephemerides of natural satellites and spacecraft.”, European Planetary Science Congress 2013, held 8-13 September in London, UK., Id. EPSC2013-513.

184. Folkner W.M., Asmar S.W., Dehant V., and Warwick R.W., 2012, “The Rotation and Interior Structure Experiment (RISE) for the InSight mission to Mars.”, Extended abstract, LPSC Houston 2012, the 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands Waterway Marriott Hotel and Convention Center, The Woodlands, Texas, March 19-23, 2012.

185. Fussen D, De Keyser J, De Mazière M, Pieroux D, Lamy H, Ranvier S, Dekemper E, Merlaud A, Neefs E, Karatekin Ö, Ping Z, Dehant V, Van Ruymbeke M, Noël J.P., 2012, “The PICASSO mission.”, Proceedings of the ESA 4S Symposium, Portorož, June 2012.

186. Van Hoolst T., Rivoldini A., Dehant V., Folkner W., Asmar S., and Banerdt B., 2012, “Interior of Mars from geodesy with the RISE experiment of InSight.”, Extended abstract, LPSC Houston 2012, the 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands Waterway Marriott Hotel and Convention Center, The Woodlands, Texas, March 19-23, 2012.

187. Banerdt W.B., Smrekar S., Hurst K., Lognonné P., Spohn T., Asmar S., Banfield D., Boschi L., Christensen U., Dehant V., Folkner W., Giardini D., Goetz W., Golombek M., Grott M., Hudson T., Johnson C., Kargl G., Kobayashi N., Maki J., Mimoun D., Mocquet A., Morgan P., Panning M., Pike W.T., Tromp J., van Zoest T., Weber R., Wieczorek M., and the InSight Team, 2013, “Insight: a discovery mission to explore the interior of Mars.”, 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2013, March 18-22, 2013 in The Woodlands, Texas, LPI Contribution No. 1719, p.1915.

188. Dehant V., Van Hoolst T., Breuer D., Claeys P., Debaille V., De Keyser J., Javaux E., Goderis S., Karatekin O., Mattielli N., Noack L., Spohn T., Vandaele A. C., Vanhaecke F., and Wilquet V., 2013, “Planet TOPERS: Planets, Tracing the Transfer, Origin, Preservation, and Evolution of Their Reservoirs.”, 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2013, March 18-22, 2013 in The Woodlands, Texas, LPI Contribution No. 1719, p.2052.

189. Thuillot W., Lainey V., Arlot J.-E., Dehant V., Gurvits L.I., Hussmann H., Oberst J., Rosenblatt P., Marty J.-C., Vermeersen B., De Cuyper J.-P., Dirkx D., Cimò G., Duev D.A., Kudryashova M., Meunier L.E., Pasewaldt A., Rambaux N., Robert V., Willner K., and the ESPaCE team, 2013, “The FP7-ESPaCE project for ephemerides of natural satellites and spacecraft.”, European Planetary Science Congress 2013, University College London, London, United Kingdom, September 8-13, 2013.

190. Dehant V., Breuer D., Claeys P., Debaille V., De Keyser J., Javaux E., Goderis S., Karatekin Ö., Mattielli N., Noack L., Spohn T., Vandaele A.C., Vanhaecke F., Van Hoolst T., Wilquet V., and the PLANET TOPERS group (see, 2013, “PLANET TOPERS: Planets, Tracing the Transfer, Origin, Preservation, and Evolution of their ReservoirS.”, European Planetary Science Congress 2013, University College London, London, United Kingdom, September 8-13 extended abstract, 2 pages.

191. Yseboodt M., Rosenblatt P., Le Maistre S., and Dehant V., 2013, “Tracking of a lander on Ganymede surface for obtaining information on the interior.”, European Planetary Science Congress 2013, University College London, London, United Kingdom, September 8-13 extended abstract, 2 pages.

192. Gloesener E., Karatekin Ö., Dehant V., and Vandaele A.C., 2013, “Martian methane and stability of clathrates in the crust of Mars.”, European Planetary Science Congress 2013, University College London, London, United Kingdom, September 8-13 extended abstract, 2 pages.

193. Pätzold M., Andert T., Jacobson R., Rosenblatt P., and Dehant V., 2013, “Observed bulk properties of the Mars moon Phobos.”, European Planetary Science Congress 2013, University College London, London, United Kingdom, September 8-13 extended abstract, 2 pages.

194. Le Maistre S., Rivoldini A., Dehant V., Kuchynka P., Folkner W. M., Konopliv A., and Marty J.-C., 2013, “New Mars rotational model from Opportunity radio-tracking and implications to the interior structure of Mars.”, European Planetary Science Congress 2013, University College London, London, United Kingdom, September 8-13 extended abstract, 2 pages.

195. Trinh A., Van Hoolst T., Rivoldini A., and Dehant V., 2013, “What can we learn on the interior of icy moons from libration observations?”, European Planetary Science Congress 2013, University College London, London, United Kingdom, September 8-13 extended abstract, 2 pages.

196. Dehant V., Lambert S., Koot L., Trinh A., and Folgueira M., 2013, “Recent advances in applications of geodetic VLBI to geophysics.”, in: Proc. IVS General Meeting 2012, `Launching the Next-Generation IVS Network´, Madrid, Spain, Eds. D. Behrend and K.D. Baver, NASA/CP-2012-217504, pp 362-369,

197. Thuillot W., Lainey V., Arlot J.-E., Dehant V., Gurvits L., Hussmann H., Oberst J., Rosenblatt P., Marty J.-C., Vermeersen B., De Cuyper J.-P., Dirkx D., Cimò G., Duev D.A., Kudryashova M., Meunier L.E., Pasewaldt A., Rambaux N., Robert V., Willner K., 2013, “The FP7-ESPaCE project for ephemerides of natural satellites and spacecraft.”, European Planetary Science Congress 2013, held 8-13 September in London, UK., Id. EPSC2013-513.

198. Asmar S.W., Folkner W.M., Dehant V., Banerdt W.B., and Smrekar S. E., 2014, “The Martian Interior Structure from Landed Probe Doppler Tracking.”, Extended abstract, 11th International Planetary Probe Workshop, held June 16-20, 2014 in Pasadena, California. LPI Contribution No. 1795, id.8096.

199. Dehant V., Van Hoolst T., Breuer D., Claeys P., Debaille V., De Keyser J., Javaux E., Goderis S., Karatekin O., Mattielli N., Noack L., Spohn T., Vandaele A. C., Vanhaecke F., and Wilquet V., 2014, “Planet TOPERS: Planets, Tracing the Transfer, Origin, Preservation, and Evolution of Their Reservoirs.”, The Fifth International Workshop on “Mars Atmosphere: Modelling and Observation”, held on January 13-16 2014, in Oxford, U.K., Eds. F. Forget and M. Millour, id.1208.

200. Gregnanin M., Yseboodt M., Dehant V., Iess L. and Van Hoolst T., 2014, ``Estimation of Mars geophysical information through Same Beam Interferometry.", European Planetary Science Congress EPSC 2014, Centro de Congressos do Estoril, Cascais, Portugal, 7-12 September, 2014, extended abstract, 2 pages, EPSC Abstracts, Vol. 9, Id. EPSC2014-395.

201. Dehant V., Puica M., Folgueira M., Trinh A., and Van Hoolst T., 2014, ``Topographic coupling at core-mantle boundary in rotation and orientation changes of planets.", European Planetary Science Congress EPSC 2014, Centro de Congressos do Estoril, Cascais, Portugal, 7-12 September, 2014, extended abstract, 2 pages, EPSC Abstracts, Vol. 9, Id. EPSC2014-92.

202. Noack L., Van Hoolst T., and Dehant V., 2014, ``Simulation of Subduction and Crust Formation.", European Planetary Science Congress EPSC 2014, Centro de Congressos do Estoril, Cascais, Portugal, 7-12 September, 2014, extended abstract, 2 pages, EPSC Abstracts, Vol. 9, Id. EPSC2014-750.

203. Dehant V., Folgueira M., Puica M., Koot L., Van Hoolst T., and Trinh A., 2014, “Next step in Earth interior modeling for nutation.”, in: Proc. Journées Systèmes de Référence Spatio-Temporels 2014, on ‘Scientific developments from highly accurate space-time reference systems’, invited talk, Observatoire de Paris, Paris, France, 16-18 September, 2013, pp. 144-147.

204. Thuillot W., Lainey V., Dehant V., Arlot J.-E., Gurvits L., Hussmann H., Oberst J., Rosenblatt P., Marty J.-C., Vermeersen B., Bauer S., De Cuyper J.-P., Dirkx D., Hestroffer D., Kudryashova M., Meunier L.-E., Pasewaldt A., N. Rambaux, Robert V., Tajeddine R., and Willner K., 2014, “Recent activities of the FP7-espace consortium.”, in: Proc. Journées Systèmes de Référence spatio-temporels 2013, Paris, France, pp. 277-278.

205. Thuillot W., Lainey V., Meunier L.E., Normand J., Arlot J.E., Dehant V., Oberst J., Rosenblatt P., Vermeersen B., Dirkx D., Gurvits L., Marty J.C., Hussmann H., and the FP7-ESPaCE team, 2015. “Data mining, ingestion and distribution of planetary data on natural satellites.”, ADASS XXIV, Proceedings of a conference held on 5-9th October 2014 at Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Eds. Taylor A.R. and Rosolowsky E., San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, pp. 583-586, 2015.

206. Lognonné P., Banerdt B., Weber R.C., Giardini D., Pike T., Christensen U., Mimoun D., Clinton J., Dehant V., Garcia R., Johnson C., Kobayashi N., Knapmeyer-Endrun B., Mocquet A., Panning M., Smrekar S., Tromp J., Wieczorek M., Beucler E., Drilleau M., Kawamura T., Kedar S., Murdoch N., Laudet P. and the InSight/SEIS Team, 2015, “Science goals of SEIS, the InSight Seismometer package.”, 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2 pages, March 16-20, 2015, in The Woodlands, Texas, extended abstract, LPI Contribution No. 1832, Id. 2272.

207. Hees A., Lamine B., Reynaud S., Jaekel M.T., Le Poncin-Lafitte C., Lainey V., Füzfa A., Courty J.M., Dehant V., and Wolf P., 2015, “Simulations of solar system observations in alternative theories of gravity.”, in: Proc. 13th Marcell Grossmann Meeting on ‘on Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Astrophysics, and Relativistic Field Theories’, July 1-7, 2012, Stockholm, e-proceedings, DOI: 10.1142/9789814623995_0440, see also arXiv:1301.1658.

208. Dehant V., Folgueira M., Puica M., Van Hoolst T., and Trinh A., 2015, “Refinements on precession, nutation, and wobble of the Earth.”, in: Proc. Journées Systèmes de Référence Spatio-Temporels 2014, on ‘Recent developments and prospects in ground-based and space astrometry’, Pulkovo observatory, Russia, 22-24 September, 2014 pp. 151-154.

209. Lainey V., Thuillot W., Pasewaldt A., Robert V. Rosenblatt P., Vermeersen B., Arlot J.E, Bauer S., Dehant V., Gurvits L.I., Marty J.-C., Hussmann H., Oberst J., and the ESPaCE team, 2016, “The ESPaCE consortium as a European producer of spacecraft and natural moon ephemerides.”, Proc. 6th International Conference on Astrodynamics Tools and Techniques (ICATT), ESOC, March 14-17, 2016, 3 pages.

210. Péters M.J., Yseboodt M., Dehant V., Le Maistre S., and Marty J.C., 2016, “The Martian rotation from Doppler measurements: Simulations of future radioscience experiments.”, American Astronomical Society, DPS meeting #48, extended abstract, id. 427.02, 1 page.

211. Yseboodt M., Dehant V., Péters M.J., and Folkner W.M., 2016, “Signatures of the Martian rotation parameters in the Doppler and range observables.”, American Astronomical Society, DPS meeting #48, extended abstract, id. 427.01, 1 page.

212. Huang et al. Including Dehant V., 2016, “5.3. Report on activities during 2012 - 2015 in Belgium.”, Transactions IAU, Volume XXIXA, Proceedings IAU Symposium No. Volume XXIXA, 2015, Thierry Montmerle, ed., International Astronomical Union 2016, DOI: 10.1017/S1743921316000636.

213. Karatekin Ö., Dehant V., Folkner W.M., LeMaistre S., Asmar S., Konopliv A., 2017, “Radioscience experiments to monitor atmospheric angular momentum variations onboard the forthcoming 2018 insight and 2020 ExoMars landers.”, 6th Mars Atmosphere Modelling and Observation (MAMO) Workshop, extended abstract, 17-20 January 2017, 3 pages.

214. Gloesener E., Karatekin Ö., and Dehant V., 2017, “CH4-rich Clathrate Hydrate Stability Zone in the present Martian Subsurface.”, 6th Mars Atmosphere Modelling and Observation (MAMO) Workshop, extended abstract, 17-20 January 2017, 3 pages.

215. Asmar S.W., Armstrong J.W., Atkinson D.H., Bell D.J., Bird M.K., Dehant V., Iess L., Lazio T J.W., Linscott I.R., Mannucci A.J., Mazarico E., Park R.S, Patzold M., Preston R.A., Simpson R.A., 2017, “The Future of Planetary Atmospheric, Surface, and Interior Science Using Radio and Laser Links.”, Planetary Science Vision 2050 Workshop, held 27-28 February and 1 March, 2017 in Washington, DC. LPI Contribution No. 1989, id.8181.

216. Banerdt W.B., Smrekar S., Hoffman T., Spath S., Lognonné P., Spohn T., Stone H., Willis J., Feldman J., De Paula R., Turner R., Asmar S., Banfield D., Christensen U., Clinton J., Dehant V., Folkner W., Garcia R., Giardini D., Golombek M., Grott M., Hudson T., Johnson C., Kargl G., Knapmeyer-Endrun B., Maki J., Mimoun D., Mocquet A., Morgan P., Panning M., Pike W.T., Russell C., Teanby N., Tromp J., Weber R., Wieczorek M., Hurst K., Barrett E., and the InSight Team, 2017, “The InSight Mission for 2018.”, 48th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2017, March 20-24, 2017 in The Woodlands, Texas, LPI Contribution No. 1964, id.1896.

217. Yseboodt M., Dehant V., Baland R.M., 2017, “Mars rotation using geodesy data.”, American Astronomical Society, DDA meeting #48, London, United Kingdom, 11-15 June 2017, extended abstract, id.202.03.

218. Laguerre R., Cébron D., Noir J., Schaeffer N., Dehant V., 2017, “Dynamo driven by a precessing planet with an inner core.”, European Planetary Science Congress 2017, held 17-22 September, 2017 in Riga Latvia, extended abstract, id. EPSC2017-935.

219. Dehant V., Le Maistre S., Baland R. M., Yseboodt M., Peters M. J., Karatekin O., Rivoldini A., Van Hoolst T., 2017, “ExoMars Lander Radioscience LaRa, a Space Geodesy Experiment to Mars.”, European Planetary Science Congress 2017, held 17-22 September, 2017 in Riga Latvia, , extended abstract, id. EPSC2017-852.

220. Rivoldini A., Deproost M.-H., Van Hoolst T., Baland R.-M., Yseboodt M., Le Maistre S., Péters M.-J., Dehant V., 2017, “Constraints on the interior structure of Mars from nutations.”, European Planetary Science Congress 2017, held 17-22 September, 2017 in Riga Latvia, extended abstract, id. EPSC2017-755.

221. Zhu P., Rivoldini A., Dehant V., 2018, “Comparison of IAU2006/IAU2000a precession nutation model with VLBI observations.”, Proceedings Journées Systèmes de Référence 2017, on `Furthering our knowledge of Earth Rotation’, 25-27 September 2017, University of Alicante, Spain, 4 pages.

222. Dehant V., Le Maistre S., Baland R.M., Karatekin Ö., Mitrovic M., Péters M.J., Rivoldini A., Van Hoolst T., Van Hove B., and Yseboodt M., 2018, “LaRa (Lander Radioscience) on the ExoMars 2020 Surface Platform.”, Scientific Workshop: ‘From Mars Express to ExoMars’, ESAC Madrid, Spain, 27–28 February 2018, extended abstract, 2 pages.

223. Dehant V., Le Maistre S., Baland R.-M., Karatekin Ö., Mitrovic M., Péters M.-J., Rivoldini A., Van Hoolst T., Van Hove B., and Yseboodt M., 2018, “LaRa (Lander Radioscience) on the ExoMars 2020 Surface Platform.”, EPSC 2018, Berlin, Germany, 16-21 September 2018, extended abstract, 2 pages.

224. Yseboodt M., Rivoldini A., Le Maistre S., and Dehant V., 2018, “Uncertainty on the core radius of Mars from nutation estimation.”, EPSC 2018, Berlin, Germany, 16-21 September 2018, extended abstract, 2 pages.

225. Rekier J., Trinh A., Triana S.A., Laguerre R., Zhu P., and Dehant V., 2018, “Viscous tidal dissipation in Enceladus’s ocean.”, EPSC 2018, Berlin, Germany, 16-21 September 2018, extended abstract, 2 pages.

226. Rivoldini A., Van Hoolst T., Beuthe M., Deproost M.-H., Baland R.-M., Yseboodt M., Le Maistre S., Péters M.-J., and Dehant V., 2018, “The internal structure of Mars inferred from nutation.”, EPSC 2018, Berlin, Germany, 16-21 September 2018, extended abstract, 2 pages.

227. Le Maistre S., Dehant V., and Marty J.-C., 2018, “Mars nutation estimate from radio-tracking of landed missions anterior to InSight and ExoMars 2020.”, EPSC 2018, Berlin, Germany, 16-21 September 2018, extended abstract, 2 pages.

228. Gloesener E., Karatekin Ö., and Dehant V., 2018, “Methane transport in the subsurface of Mars.”, EPSC 2018, Berlin, Germany, 16-21 September 2018, extended abstract, 2 pages.

229. Malkin Z., Gross R., Brzezinski A., Capitaine N., Dehant V., Huang C., McCarthy D., Schuh H., Vondrak J., and Yatskiv Y., 2019, “On the eve of 100-year anniversary of the IAU Commission 19 `Rotation of the Earth´.”, Under One Sky – The IAU Centenary Symposium Proceedings IAU Symposium No. S349, Eds. D. Valls-Gabaud, J. Hearnshaw & C. Sterken, Volume 13, pp. 325-331, DOI: 10.1017/S1743921319000462.

230. Banerdt W. B., Smrekar S., Antonangeli D., Asmar S., Banfield D., Beghein C., Bowles N., Bozdag E., Chi P., Christensen U., Clinton J., Collins G., Daubar I., Dehant V., Fillingim M., Folkner W., Garcia R., Garvin J., Giardini D., Golombek M., Grant J., Grott M., Grygorczuk J., Hudson T., Irving J., Johnson C., Kargl G., Kawamura T., Kedar S., King S., Knapmeyer-Endrun B., Lemmon M., Lognonné P., Lorenz R., Maki J., Margerin L., McLennan S., Michaut C., Mimoun D., Mocquet A., Morgan P., Mueller N., Nagihara S., Newman C., Nimmo F., Panning M., Pike W. T., Plesa A.-C., Rodriguez-Manfredi J. A., Russell C., Schmerr N., Siegler M., Spiga A., Spohn T., Stanley S., Teanby N., Tromp J., Warner N., Weber R., Wieczorek M., 2019, “Insight - The First Three Months on Mars.”, 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, held 18-22 March, 2019 at The Woodlands, Texas, LPI Contribution No. 2132, Id.3109.

231. Gloesener E., Karatekin Ö., and Dehant V., 2019, “Stability of clathrate hydrates at low latitude on Mars.”, Ninth International Conference on Mars, California Institute of Technology (Caltech), Pasadena, California, 22-25 July 2019, extended abstract, 2 pages.

232. Dehant V., Mackwell S., and Blanc M., 2019, “Report from Horizon 2061 Synthesis Workshop Pillar 1: From Science questions to representative space missions.”, EPSC 2019, Geneva, Switzerland, 15-20 September 2019, extended abstract, EPSC2018-217, 2 pages.

233. Dehant V., Le Maistre S., Baland R.-M., Karatekin Ö., Péters M.-J., Rivoldini A., Van Hoolst T., Van Hove B., and Yseboodt M., 2019, “LaRa (Lander Radioscience) on the ExoMars 2020 Surface Platform.”, EPSC 2019, Geneva, Switzerland, 15-20 September 2019, extended abstract, EPSC2018-891, 2 pages.

234. Baland R.-M., Yseboodt M., Le Maistre S., Rivoldini A., Péters M.-J., Van Hoolst T., and Dehant V., 2019, “Rigid nutations of Mars.”, EPSC 2019, Geneva, Switzerland, 15-20 September 2019, extended abstract, EPSC2019-488, 2 pages.

235. Bergeot N., Witasse O., Le Maistre S., Blelly P.L., Kofman W., Peter K., Dehant V., and Chevalier J.M., 2019, “A new empirical model for Mars Ionosphere to correct radio signal experiments.”, EPSC 2019, Geneva, Switzerland, 15-20 September 2019, extended abstract, EPSC2019-642, 2 pages.

236. Caldiero A., Le Maistre S., Marty J.C., and Dehant V., 2019, “Accuracy of Phobos gravity field determination from radio-tracking of spacecraft flybys.”, EPSC 2019, Geneva, Switzerland, 15-20 September 2019, extended abstract, EPSC2019-1734, 2 pages.

237. Folkner W., Le Maistre S., Dehant V., Buccino D., Marty J.-C., Rivoldini A., Yseboodt M., and Kahan D., 2019, “Mars precession rate and moment of inertia from InSight/RISE measurements.”, EPSC 2019, Geneva, Switzerland, 15-20 September 2019, extended abstract, EPSC2019-1755, 2 pages.

238. Gloesener E., Karatekin Ö., and Dehant V., 2019, “Advective and diffusive transport of methane from shallow subsurface sources on Mars.”, EPSC 2019, Geneva, Switzerland, 15-20 September 2019, extended abstract, EPSC2019-1518, 2 pages.

239. Le Maistre S., Peter M.J., Dehant V., and Marty J.C., 2019, “LaRa sensitivity to Mars nutations.”, EPSC 2019, Geneva, Switzerland, 15-20 September 2019, extended abstract, EPSC2019-1681, 2 pages.

240. Ruiz Lozano L., Karatekin Ö., Dehant V., Vandaele A.C., Caldiero A., Temel O., and the NOMAD team, 2019, “Use of NOMAD Observations (Trace Gas Orbiter) for Mars surface ice detection.”, EPSC 2019, Geneva, Switzerland, 15-20 September 2019, extended abstract, EPSC2019-1781, 2 pages.

241. Rivoldini A., Beuthe M., Van Hoolst T., Wieczorek M., Baland R.-M., Dehant V., Folkner B., Le Maistre S., Péters M.-J., and Yseboodt M., 2019, “Non-hydrostatic effects on Mars’ nutation.”, EPSC 2019, Geneva, Switzerland, 15-20 September 2019, extended abstract, EPSC2019-891, 2 pages.

242. Yseboodt M., Rivoldini A., Le Maistre S., and Dehant V., 2019, “Core radius uncertainty of Mars inferred from nutation estimation for non-hydrostatic interior models.”, EPSC 2019, Geneva, Switzerland, 15-20 September 2019, extended abstract, EPSC2019-1223, 2 pages.

243. Gloesener E., Karatekin Ö., Dehant V., 2020, “Diffusive and advective transport of methane in the martian subsurface.”, 34th Nordic Geological Winter Meeting, Oslo, Norway, 8-10 January 2020, extended abstract.

244. Gloesener E., Temel O., Karatekin Ö., Joiret S. and Dehant V., 2020, “Destabilization of methane clathrate hydrate by meteorite impacts on present-day Mars.”, Virtual meeting, Session TP4 – Impact Processes in the Solar System, 21 September – 9 October 2020, extended abstract, EPSC2020-843, 2 pages.

245. Rekier J., Triana S.A., and Dehant V., 2020, “Planetary inertial modes and their relation to nutations.”, Virtual meeting, session TP2 – Planetary Dynamics: Shape, Gravity, Orbit, Tides, and Rotation from Observations and Models, 21 September – 9 October 2020, extended abstract, EPSC2020-853, 2 pages.

246. Ruiz Lozano L., Karatekin Ö., Caldiero A., Imbreckx A.C., Temel O., Dehant V., Daerden F., Thomas I.R., Ristic B., Patel M.R., Bellucci G., Lopez-Moreno J.J., and Vandaele A.C., 2020, “Use of TGO-NOMAD nadir observations for ices detection.”, Virtual meeting, session TP16 – European Exploration of Mars: from Mars Express to ExoMars and beyond, 21 September – 9 October 2020, extended abstract, EPSC2020-748, 2 pages.

247. Dehant V., Triana S.A., Rekier J., Trinh A., Zhu P., Laguerre R., Houliez A., and Van Hoolst T., 2020, “Progress in understanding nutations.”, in: Proc. Journées Systèmes de Référence Spatio-Temporels 2019, on ‘Astrometry, Earth Rotation, and Reference Systems in the GAIA era’, Paris, France, 7-8 October, 2019, pp. 231-234.

248. Garcia R.F., Murdoch N., Dehant V., Bernauer F., Schmelzbach C., Igel H., Guattari F., Mimoun D., Lecamp G., Deraucourt S., et al., 2020, "Vibrations and Rotations of Asteroids: Planetary Flyby as an Opportunity for Internal Structure Imaging with 6 Degrees of Freedom Instruments.", Apophis T–9 Years 2020, LPI Contrib. No. 2242, The Apophis T–9 Years: Knowledge Opportunities for the Science of Planetary Defense workshop, virtual, 9–10 November 2020, extended abstract, Id. 2242.

249. Panning M., Banerdt B., Smrekar S., Antonangeli D., Asmar S., Banfield D., Beghein C., Beucler E., Bowles N., Bozdag E., Ceylan S., Chi P.J., Christensen U., Clinton J., Collins G., Daubar I., Dehant V., Fillingim M., Folkner W., Garcia R., Garvin J., Giardini D., Golombek M., Grant J.A., Grott M., Grygorczuk J., Hudson T.L., Irving J., Johnson C.L., Kargl G., Kawamura T., Kedar S., King S., Knapmeyer M., Knapmeyer-Endrun B., Lemmon M., Lognonné P., Lorenz R., Maki J., Margerin L., McLennan S.M., Michaut C., Mimoun D., Morgan P., Müller N., Nagihara S., Newman C., Nimmo F., Pike T., Plesa A.-C., Rodriguez-Manfredi J.-A., Schmerr N., Siegler M.A., Spiga A., Spohn T., Stanley S., Teanby N., Tromp J., Warner N., Weber R., Wieczorek M., and Insight, Science Team, 2021, “Results from InSight's First Full Martian Year.”, 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference LPSC 2021, 15-19 March 2021, extended abstract, Id. 2548.

250. Le Maistre S., Rivoldini A., Yseboodt M., Dehant V., Van Hoolst T., Baland R.M., Folkner W., Kahan D., Buccino D., Marty J.-C., and Banerdt W.B., 2021, “Preliminary results of one Martian year of observations from the radio-science experiment of InSight, RISE.”, 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference LPSC 2021, 15-19 March 2021, extended abstract, Id. 2011.

251. Caldiero A., Le Maistre S., and Dehant V., 2021, “Estimation of the interior density of a small body given its gravity field.”, European Planetary Science Congress 2021, extended abstract, 13–24 Sep 2021, EPSC2021-756.

252. Perino, M.A., Blanc M., Ammannito E., Bousquet P., Lasue J., Capria M.T., Dehant V., Foing B., Grande M., Guo L., Hutzler A., Makaya A., McNutt R.L., Rauer H., Westall F., Lewis J., 2021, “Exploring planery systems, in the solar system and beyond. The enabling power of international collaboration.”, in: Proc. 72nd International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 25-29 October 2021, Publ. International Astronautical Federation (IAF), IAC-21-D3.1x66283, 9 pages.

253. Bousquet P., Blanc M., Ammannito E., Capria M.T., Dehant V., Foing B., Grande M., Guo L., Hutzler A., Lasue J., Lewis J., McNutt R.L., Perino, M.A., Rauer H., 2021, “Synthesis of the planetary exploration – Horizon 2061 – Foresight exercise.”, in: Proc. 72nd International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 25-29 October 2021, Publ. International Astronautical Federation (IAF), IAC-21-A3.1.2, x62144, 11 pages.

254. Dehant V., Mandea M., Cazenave A., 2022, “Guest Editorial: International Space Science Institute (ISSI) Workshop on Probing Earth's Deep Interior Using Space Observations Synergistically.”, Surv. Geophys., in S.I.: ‘Probing Earth’s Deep Interior using Space Observations Synergistically’, 43(1), 1-3, DOI: 10.1007/s10712-022-09696-2.

255. Murdoch N., Garcia R., Cadu A., Wilhelm A., Drilleau M., Stott A., Dehant V., Bernauer F., Schmelzbach C., Stähler S., Igel H., Lecamp G., Ferraoili L., Karatekin Ö., Lognonné P., Giardini D., Mimoun D., 2022, “Compact In-Situ Instruments for the Geophysical Exploration of Small Bodies”, Apophis T-7 Years: Knowledge Opportunities for the Science of Planetary Defense, held virtually 11-12 May, 2022. LPI Contribution No. 2681, id.2022, extended abstract.

256. Gillmann C., Golabek G., Raymond S.N., Schonbachler M., Tackley P.J., Dehant V., Debaille V., 2022, “The Consequences of Late Accretion Volatile Delivery and Loss Mechanisms on Venus' Evolution.”, EPSC 2022 Meeting, Session TP2 – Paving the way to the decade of Venus, Extended abstract, EPSC2022-62, Granada, Spain, 18–23 September 2022.

257. Mousis O., Bouquet A., Langevin Y., and the Moonraker team, including Dehant V., Le Maistre S., Van Hoolst T., 2022, “Moonraker - an Enceladus Multiple Flyby Mission Submitted to the ESA 2021 M-class Call.”, EPSC 2022 Meeting, EPSC extended abstracts, Vol. 16, 2 pages, EPSC2022-329, Granada, Spain, 18–23 September 2022.

258. Ruiz Lozano L., Karatekin Ö., Dehant V., Bellucci G., Oliva F., Altieri F., Carrozzo F.G., D’Aversa E., Daerden F., Thomas I.R., Ristic B., Willame Y., Depiesse C., Mason J., Patel M.R., Lopez-Moreno J.-J., and Vandaele A.C., 2021, “Evaluation of the capability of ExoMars-TGO NOMAD infrared nadir channel for water ice clouds detection on Mars.”, EPSC 2022 Meeting, EPSC extended abstracts, Vol. 16, 2 pages, EPSC2022-946, Granada, Spain, 18–23 September 2022.

259. Le Maistre S., Dehant V., Baland R.-M., Beuthe M., Caldiero A., Filice V., Goli M., Péters M.-J., Steenput B., Rivoldini A., Umit E., Van Hoolst T., Yseboodt M., and the LaRa team, 2022, “LaRa, an X-band coherent transponder ready to fly.”, EPSC 2022 Meeting, , EPSC extended abstracts, Vol. 16, 2 pages, EPSC2022- 1169, Granada, Spain, 18–23 September 2022.

260. Rivoldini A., Le Maistre S., et al. including Dehant V., 2022, “A view into the deep interior of Mars from nutation measured by InSight RISE.”, EPSC 2022 Meeting, extended abstracts, Vol. 16, 2 pages, EPSC2022-1101, Granada, Spain, 18–23 September 2022.

261. Caldiero A., Le Maistre S., Dehant V., 2022, “A parametric level-set approach to the global gravity inversion of small bodies.”, EPSC 2022 Meeting, extended abstracts, Vol. 16, 2 pages, EPSC2022-1118, Granada, Spain, 18–23 September 2022.

262. Fortier V., Debaille V., Dehant V., Bultel B., Debecker D., Melo Bravo P.P., Sekine Y., Tan S., Noda N., 2022, “Experimental study of serpentinization and abiotic CH4 production in martian conditions.”, Proc. 53d Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (LPSC), Session ‘Alteration Processes on Mars’, The Woodlands, Texas, USA, 7-11 March 2023, extended abstract, #2208.

263. Fortier V., Debaille V., Dehant V., Bultel B., 2022, “SSP (Synthetic Shergottite Powder), a new martian analogue for destructive.”, Proc. 53d Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (LPSC), Session ‘Material Analogs’, The Woodlands, Texas, USA, 7-11 March 2023, extended abstract, #2221.

264. Le Maistre S., Rivoldini A., Caldiero A., Yseboodt M., Baland R.-M., Beuthe M., Van Hoolst T., Dehant V., Folkner W., Buccino D., Kahan D., Marty J.-C., Antonangeli D., Badro J., Drilleau M., Konopliv A., Péters M.-J., Plesa A.C., Samuel H., Tosi N., Lognonné P., Panning M., Banerdt W.B., 2023, “Detection of the Liquid Core Signature in Mars Nutations from InSight-RISE Data: Implications for Mars Interior Structure.”, Session ‘The InSight Mission's Legacy’, Proc. 54th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (LPSC), The Woodlands, Texas, USA, 3-17 March 2023, extended abstract, #1611.

265. Karatekin Ö., Sert H., Dehant V., Ritter B., Vasseur H., Hugentobler U., 2023, “VLBI signals transmitted from Earth orbiting satellites.”, Proc. 26th EVGA Meeting 2023, Eds. R. Haas, E. Schroth, and A. Neidhardt, BKG, Bad Kötzting, Germany, 11-15 June 2023, 87-91, DOI: 10.14459/2023md1730292.

266. Malkin Z. et al., including V. Dehant, 2024, “Report of Commission A2 Rotation of the Earth”, in: Transactions IAU, Volume XXXIIA, Reports on Astronomy 2021-2024, 25 pages,

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Published Manuscripts not in refereed journals
1. Pâquet P., Verbeiren R., and Dehant V., 1984, "Résultats des observations Doppler effectuées à Uccle de 1972 à 1983.", Bulletin Astronomique de l'Observatoire Royal de Belgique, Vol. 9, no 6, pp. 266-282.

2. Dehant V. and Pâquet P., 1987, "Summary of the 128th Int. Symp. on 'Earth Rotation and Reference Frames'.", Manuscripta Geodetica, Symposia in review, Vol. 12, no 1, pp. 65-66.

3. Francis O. and Dehant V., 1987, "Recomputation of the Green functions for tidal loading estimation.", Bulletin d'Informations des Marées Terrestres, no 100, pp. 6962-6986.

4. Dehant V., 1987, "Earth Tides and Nutations.", Winter Seminar on Geodynamics: 'Rotating Earth', ed. Geodetic and Geophysical Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Sopron, Hongrie, pp. 81-154.

5. Dehant V., 1989, "101 uses for gravity field measurements.", Physics World, Vol. 2, no 10, pp. 22.

6. Dehant V. and Pâquet P., 1989, "Rotation de la Terre et géophysique.", Physicalia Magazine, Vol. 11, no 1, pp. 49-68.

7. Sun He-Ping, Ducarme B., and Dehant V., 1993, "Preliminary investigations of the atmospheric pressure effect on vertical displacement and gravity observations.", Bulletin d'Informations Marées Terrestres, 114, pp. 8133-8161.

8. Dehant V., 1993, "Influence of the internal structure of the Earth on the tidal gravimetric factor.", Thèse d'Agrégation de l'enseignement supérieur, Série Géophysique no hors-série de l'Observatoire Royal de Belgique, ed. Observatoire Royal de Belgique, Brussels, Belgium, 149 pp.

9. Roosbeek F. and Dehant V., 1994, "Development of the tide generating potential with Mathematica.", Bulletin d'Informations Marées Terrestres, no 118, pp. 8753-8765.

10. Roosbeek F. and Dehant V., 1994, "About the pseudo-new periodic waves in the tide generating potential based on an analytical method.", Bulletin d'Informations des Marées Terrestres, no 120, pp. 9002-9004.

11. Dehant V., 1995, "Echelles de temps et connaissance de la Terre.", Ciel et Terre, 111, pp. 35-46.

12. Dehant V., 1995, "Lateral heterogeneities observed in the Earth's interior induce deformations which can be modelled at the surface as well as at the density-discontinuity zones of the upper and lower mantle, of the lower mantle and the outer core, of the outer and inner core.", thèse annexe Agrégation de l'enseignement supérieur, Série Géophysique no Hors-Série, Observatoire Royal de Belgique, 106 pp.

13. Dehant V. and Pâquet P., 1995, "Les variations de la rotation de la Terre et sa structure interne.", Nouvelles de la Science et des Technologies, 13, 2/3/4, pp. 25-28.

14. Hinderer J., Legros, H., Gegout P., Greff M., Dehant V., and Bizouard Ch., 1996, "L'atmosphère peut-elle perturber la précession de la Terre?", Comptes-rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, Paris, France, Série Géophysique, Géodynamique, T. 323, Série IIa, pp. 205-211.

15. Dehant V., 1996, "Internal geophysics and space geodesy.", publication of SPPS, Belgique, September 94, Space Scientific Research in Belgium, Vol III: Earth observation, Part 1, pp. 9-12.

16. Dehant V., 1997, "Report of the WG on 'Theoretical Tidal Model'.", Bulletin d'Informations des Marées Terrestres, no 127, pp. 9716-9728.

17. Pâquet P., Dehant V., and Bruyninx C., 1997, "Earth rotation observations and their geophysical implications.", Bull. Astron. Belgrade, 156, pp. 89-108.

18. Dehant V. and Bretagnon P., 1998, "About the usage of tidal Arguments.", Bulletin d'Informations des Marées Terrestres, no 129, pp. 9946-9952.

19. Dehant V., Brondeel M., Bruyninx C., Coene Y., Defraigne P., de Viron O., Driegelinck E., Mesmaker D., Moyaert A., Roosbeek F., Sleewaegen J.-M., van Hoolst T., and Warnant R., 1999, "Heure, Rotation de la Terre et Géodésie Spatiale en Belgique; Principaux objectifs et programmes de recherches de la Section Heure, Rotation de la Terre et Géodésie Spatiale du Département 1 de l'Observatoire Royal de Belgique.", Ciel et Terre, 115, 3, pp. 127-133.

20. de Viron O., Dehant V., Pâquet P., and D. Salstein D., 1999, "El-Nino signal in the local and global atmospheric torques.", IERS special Technical Note, TN 26, ed. D. Salstein, pp. 51-55.

21. Dehant V., 2000, "Earth's rotation: theory.", in: Encyclopaedia of Astronomy and Astrophysics, ed. P. Murdin, Institute of Physics Publishing and Macmillan Publishing, invited, pp. 695-698.

22. Wilson C., Dehant V., Takemoto S., and Zerbini S., 2000, “Report of Section 5 ‘Geodynamics’.”, in: Geodesist’s Handbook 2000, J. Geodesy, 74, 1, pp. 116-125.

23. Haas R., Andersen P.H., Dehant V., Mathews P.M., Schuh H., and Titov O., 2002, "Report of the IAG/ETC/WG6/1 (VLBI).", Bulletin d'Informations des Marées Terrestres, 134, pp. 10541-10547.

24. Dehant V., Bruyninx C., Defraigne P., de Viron O., Roosbeek F., Van Hoolst T., and Warnant R., 2002, "Space Geodesy at Royal Observatory of Belgium.", Report of the Belgian national committee to COSPAR, Part III (A), pp. 63-71.

25. Dehant V., Van Hoolst T., Defraigne P., Warnant R., and Roosbeek F., 2002, "NEIGE: NEtLander Ionosphere and Geodesy Experiment.", Space Sciences/Planetary Geodesy, publication of the SSTC/DWTC, Vol II, Part 2, pp. 173-184.

26. Bruyninx C., Warnant R., Dehant V., Defraigne P., Van Hoolst T., Roosbeek F., Pottiaux E., Yseboodt M., Ponsar S., de Viron O., Brondeel M., and Sleewaegen J.-M., 2002, "Space Geodesy Activities of the Section 'Time, Earth Rotation and Space Geodesy' of the Royal Observatory of Belgium.", Earth Observation/Internal Geophysics and Geodesy, publication of the SSTC/DWTC, Vol III, Part 1, pp. 25-39.

27. Dehant V., Creager K., Karato S., and Zatman S., 2002, "Introduction/Preface.", in: AGU Monograph series, 'Earth's Core dynamics, structure and rotation', Geodynamics Series Volume 31, eds. V. Dehant, K. Creager, S. Karato, S. Zatman, 10.1029/031GD01.

28. Dehant V., 2003, "A Liquid Core for Mars?", Science, 300, perspective, pp. 260.

29. Beuthe M., Bruyninx C., Carpentier G., Defraigne P., Dehant V., de Viron O., Duron J., Karatekin Ö., Lejeune S., Pottiaux E., Renaud F., Rivoldini A., Roosbeek F., Rosenblatt P., Van Hoolst T., Verhoeven O., Warnant R., and Yseboodt M., 2004, "Space Geodesy, Report of the Royal Observatory of Belgium.", COSPAR report Period 2002-2003, pp. 68-76.

30. de Viron O. and Dehant V., 2004, "La rotation de la Terre.", Ciel et Terre, 120, pp. 143-148.

31. Pätzold M., Neubauer F.M., Carone L., Stanzel C., Häusler B., Remus S., Selle J., Hagl D., Hinson D.P., Simpson R.A., Tyler G.L., Asmar S.W., Axford W.I., Hagfors T., Barriot J.-P., Cerisier J.C., Imamura T., Oyama K.I., Janle P., Kischengast G., and Dehant V., 2004, "MaRS: Mars Express orbiter radio science.", ESA Publication, SP-1240, pp. 141-164.

32. Dehant V. and Francis O., 2005, "Orbituary Baron Paul Melchior.", EOS, AGU publication, 86(22), 31 May 2005, p 211.

33. Dehant V., 2005, "Book review: 'Methods of Celestial Mechanics; Volume I: Physical, Mathematical and Numerical Principles; Volume II; Application to Planetary System, Geodynamics and Satellite Geodesy' by Gerhard Beutler (Leos Mervart and Andreas Verdun, Springer Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg, 2005).", Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, DOI: 10.1007/s10569-005-0203-z, 93(1-4), pp. 373-374.

34. Dehant V., 2006, "Report of Commission 3 on Earth Rotation and Geodynamics.", in: IAG Travaux, J. Geodesy, Part Commission reports, Commission 3, 1-16.

35. Capitaine N., Andrei A.H., Calabretta M., Dehant V., Fukushima T., Guinot B., Hohenkerk C., Klioner S., Kovalevsky J., Kumkova I., Ma C., McCarthy D.D., Seidelmann P.K., and Wallace P., 2007, "Report of Division I Working Group on 'Nomenclature for Fundamental Astronomy' (NFA).", in: IAU Transactions, Vol. 26A, Reports on Astronomy 2002-2005, Ed. O. Engvold, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 59-62, DOI: 10.1017/S1743921306004340.

36. Dehant V., Brzezinski A., Capitaine N., Dickey J., Fukushima T., Gambis D., Gross R., Hefty J., Huang C., Ma C., Malkin Z., Poma A., Ray J., Richter B., Ron C., Rothacher M., Sidorenkov N., Soffel M., and Vondrak J., 2007, "Report of Commission 19 on Earth Rotation and Reference System.", in: IAU Transactions, Vol. 26A, Reports on Astronomy 2002-2005, Ed. O. Engvold, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 29-50, DOI: 10.1017/S1743921306004315.

37. Fukushima T., Vondrak J., Capitaine N., Dehant V., Krasinsky G., Matsakis D., Milani A., and Platais I., 2007, "Division I: Fundamental Astronomy.", in: IAU Transactions, Vol. 26A, Reports on Astronomy 2002-2005, Ed. O. Engvold, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 1-1, DOI: 10.1017/S174392130700107X.

38. Häusler B., Pätzold M., Tyler G.L., Barriot J.-P., Bird M.K., Dehant V., Hinson D.P., Simpson R.A., Treumann R.A., Eidel W., Mattei R., Rosenblatt P., Remus S., Selle J., and Tellmann S., 2007, "Venus Atmospheric, Ionospheric, Surface and Interplanetary Radio-Wave Propagation Studies with the VeRa Radio-Science Experiment.", ESA Publication, SP-1295, 30 p.

39. Lammer H., Dehant V., Korablev O., and Lundin R., 2007, "Planetary-Sun interactions.", in: 'Geology and Habitability of Terrestrial Planets', Eds. K. Fishbaugh, P. Lognonne, F. Raulin, D. Des Marais, O. Korablev, Space Science Series of ISSI, Vol. 24, reprinted from Space Science Reviews, Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, Space Science Reviews, 129(1-3), pp. 205-206, DOI: 10.1007/s11214-007-9190-6.

40. Mathews P. M., Capitaine N., and Dehant V., 2007, "Comments on the ERA-2005 numerical theory of Earth rotation.", eprint arXiv:0710.0166, 12 p., DOI: 2007arXiv0710.0166M.

41. Rummel R., Beutler G., Dehant V., Gross R., Ilk K.H., Plag H.-P., Poli P., Rothacher M., Stein S., Thomas R., Woodworth P.L., Zerbini S. and Zlotnicki V., 2007, "Understanding a dynamic planet: Earth science requirements for gravimetry.", in: The Global Geodetic Observing System: Meeting the requirements of a global society on a changing planet in 2020, the Reference Document GGOS-2020, May 2007, pp. 54-61.

42. Zumberge J.F., Border J.S., Dehant V., Folkner W.M., Jones D.L., Martin-Mur T., Oberst J., Williams J.G., and Wu X., 2007, "Geodesy: foundation for exploring the planets, the solar system and beyond.", in: The Global Geodetic Observing System: Meeting the requirements of a global society on a changing planet in 2020, the Reference Document GGOS-2020, May 2007, pp. 95-100.

43. Dehant V., 2007, "Report of Commission 3 on Earth Rotation and Geodynamics.", Geodesist's Handbook, J. Geodesy, 78(9-12), Part Commission reports, Commission 3, 10 p. or

44. Dehant V., 2007, "Report of Commission 3 on Earth Rotation and Geodynamics.", IAG Travaux, publication on the web, Part Commission reports, Commission 3, 17 p.

45. Drewes H., Dehant V., and Lambert S., 2008, "Inconsistencies in geodetic concepts, models and analyses at the 0.1 ppb level.", Position paper, in: Proceedings of the GGOS workshop, Munich, Germany, October 2006.

46. Brzezinski A., Ma C., Dehant V., Defraigne P., Dickey J.O., Huang C.L., Souchay J., Vondrak J., Charlot P., Richter B., and Schuh H., 2008, "Commission 19: Rotation of the Earth.", ransactions IAU, Volume 4, Issue 27A, Reports on Astronomy 2006-2009. Edited by Karel van der Hucht. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 37-49.

47. Dehant V., 2009, "Operation Document.", Delivery to ESA no LARA-OD-ROB-00001, issued on 27th January 2009, 50 pages.

48. Dehant V., 2009, "LaRa scientific requirements.", Delivery to ESA no LARA-RD-ROB-00001, issued on 27th January 2009, 16 pages.

49. Dehant V., 2009, "LaRa scientific and operation requirements.", Delivery to ESA no LARA-RD-ROB-00002, issued on 27th January 2009, 36 pages.

50. Mitrovic M. and Dehant V., 2009, "Error budget for LaRa radio link.", Delivery to ESA no LARA-TN-ROB-00001, issued on 27th January 2009, 16 pages.

51. Le Maistre S. and Dehant V., 2009, "Doppler shift computation for the characterisation of the LaRa transponder bandwidth.", Delivery to ESA no LARA-TN-ROB-00002, issued on 27th January 2009, 16 pages.

52. Le Maistre S. and Dehant V., 2009, "Simulations of Earth in the lander sky for LaRa antennas.", Delivery to ESA no LARA-TN-ROB-00003, issued on 27th January 2009, 14 pages.

53. Le Maistre S. and Dehant V., 2009, "Visibility study-risk analysis-operational recommendations.", Delivery to ESA no LARA-TN-ROB-00004, issued on 27th January 2009, 34 pages.

54. Le Maistre S. and Dehant V., 2009, "Landing site, Earth elevation and azimuth, and Lander positioning impacts on scientific results.", Delivery to ESA no LARA-TN-ROB-00005, issued on 27th January 2009, 19 pages.

55. Le Maistre S. and Dehant V., 2009, "Night or day observations.", Delivery to ESA no LARA-TN-ROB-00006, issued on 27th January 2009, 22 pages.

56. Le Maistre S. and Dehant V., 2009, "Geophysical contribution to Doppler measurements.", Delivery to ESA no LARA-TN-ROB-00007, issued on 27th January 2009, 24 pages.

57. Le Maistre S. and Dehant V., 2009, "Retrieval of the geophysical parameters from the LaRa Doppler measurements.", Delivery to ESA no LARA-TN-ROB-00008, issued on 27th January 2009, 20 pages.

58. Le Maistre S. and Dehant V., 2009, "Effect of the hibernation of the Lander on the data and on LaRa objectives.", Delivery to ESA no LARA-TN-ROB-00009, issued on 27th January 2009, 16 pages.

59. Mitrovic M. and Dehant V., 2009, "LaRa model.", Delivery to ESA no LARA-TN-ROB-00010, issued on 27th January 2009, 108 pages.

60. Rivoldini A., Van Hoolst T., and Dehant V., 2009, "What can we obtain as information on the interior of Mars from Mars rotation and orientation parameters?", Delivery to ESA no LARA-TN-ROB-00011, issued on 27th January 2009, 16 pages.

61. Dehant V., 2009, "Scientific Risks Analysis.", Delivery to ESA no LARA-TN-ROB-00012, issued on 27th January 2009, 22 pages.

62. Nkono C., Rosenblatt P., and Dehant V., 2009, "Plasma effects on radiosignal.", Delivery to ESA no LARA-TN-ROB-00014, issued on 1st October 2009, 21 pages.

63. Dehant V., 2009, "ROB Atomic Clocks Data Sheet.", Delivery to ESA no LARA-TN-ROB-00015, issued on 1st October 2009, 8 pages.

64. Mitrovic M. and Dehant V., 2009, "LaRa Two-Way Range Measurement.", Delivery to ESA no LARA-TN-ROB-00016, issued on 22th September 2009, 37 pages.

65. Asmar W. S. and more than 10 authors, including Dehant V., Karatekin Ö., Rosenblatt P., and Van Hoolst T., 2009, "Planetary Radio Science: Investigations of Interiors, Surfaces, Atmospheres, Rings, and Environments.", Planetary Science Decadal Survey Community White Paper, 8 p.

66. Banerdt B. and more than 10 authors, Dehant V., 2009, "The rationale for a long-lived geophysical network mission to Mars.", Planetary Science Decadal Survey Community White Paper, 8 p.

67. Pätzold M., Tellmann S., Andert T., Carone L., Fels M., Schaa R., Stanzel C., Audenrieth-Kersten I., Gahr A., Müller A.-L., Stracke B., Stupar D., Walter C., Häusler B., Remus S., Selle J., Griebel H., Eidel W., Asmar S., Goltz G., Kahan D., Barriot J.-P., Dehant V., Beuthe M., Rosenblatt P., Karatekin Ö., Lainey V., Tyler G.L., Hinson D.,

68. Yseboodt M. and Dehant V., 2010, "Semi-analytical simulations of the radiolinks between a lander/rover and the Earth, a lander/rover and an orbiter.", Delivery to ESA n$^\circ$ LARA-TN-ROB-00013, issued on 14th January 2010, 16 pages.

69. Pätzold M., Neubauer F.M., Carone L., Hagermann A., Stanzel C., Häusler B., Remus S., Selle J., Hafl D., Hinson D., Simpson R., Tyler G.L., Asmar S., Axford W.I., Hagfors T., Barriot J.-P., Cerisier J.-C., Imamura T., Oyama K.-I., Janle P., Kirchengast G., and Dehant V., 2010, “MaRS: Mars Express Orbiter Radio Science.”, ESA Scientific Publication, ESA SP-1240, 141-163.

70. Mitrovic M. and Dehant V., 2010, “Introduction to phase and frequency tracking error assessment and measurement for coherent communication.”, Delivery to ESA no LARA-TN-ROB-00017, issued on 20th August 2010, 43 pages.

71. Mitrovic M. and Dehant V., 2010, “Tracking Data Correction From Radio Waves Propagation Effects in the Neutral Atmosphere and Plasma Medium.”, Delivery to ESA no LARA-TN-ROB-00018, issued on 23d December 2010, 55 pages.

72. Dehant V. and Daerden F., and their teams (more than 10 authors), 2010, “La plane`te Mars sous la loupe des chercheurs belges.”, Science Connection, 32, pp. 4-11, December 2010-Janvier 2011.

73. Dehant V. and Daerden F., and their teams (more than 10 authors), 2010, “Mars onder de loep van Belgische wetenschappers.”, Science Connection, 32, pp. 4-11, December 2010-Janvier 2011.

74. Aerts W., Baire Q., Bergeot N., Bruyninx C., Burston R., Chevalier J.-M., Defraigne P., Dehant V., Dewulf V., Legrand J., Mesmaker D., Moyaert A., and Pottiaux E., 2011, “Galileo, un outil puissant pour les scientifiques. L’Observatoire Royal de Belgique y participe !”, Science Connection, 33, pp. 19-23, February 2011-March 2011.

75. Aerts W., Baire Q., Bergeot N., Bruyninx C., Burston R., Chevalier J.-M., Defraigne P., Dehant V., Dewulf V., Legrand J., Mesmaker D., Moyaert A., and Pottiaux E., 2011, “Galileo, een krachtig hulpmiddel voor wetenschappers. De Koninklijke Sterrenwacht van België neemt er deel aan!”, Science Connection, 33, pp. 19-23, February 2011-March 2011.

76. Mitrovic M. and Dehant V., 2011, “Interferometry Measurement Techniques.”, Internal Document no LARA-TN-ROB-00019, issued on 20th June 2011, 60 pages.

77. Mitrovic M. and Dehant V., 2012, “Formulation of SBI Observable.”, Internal Document no LARA-TN-ROB-00020, issued on 26th April 2012, 8 pages.

78. Mitrovic M. and Dehant V., 2013, “Analysis of Microstrip Antenna performance.”, Internal Document no LARA-TN-ROB-00021, issued on 20th December 2013, 206 pages.

79. Gloesener E., Karatekin Ö., and Dehant V., 2013, “Le méthane et les clathrates sur Mars.”, Ciel et Terre, 129, pp. 1-11.

80. Dehant V., 2015, “La politique scientifique fédérale belge, cohérente et complémentaire.”, in: “Quel avenir pour la recherche scientifique en Belgique ?”, Publ. Sénat de Belgique, 3 March 2015, pp. 57-58.

81. Sterken C., Dehant V., and Mathews P.M., 2016, “Book Review: Precession, Nutation, and Wobble of the Earth.”, The Journal of Astronomical Data, Vol. 22, id.2.

82. Dehant V., and Gross R., 2016, “Precession, Nutation, and Core.”, Meeting Report, EOS, DOI: 10.1029/EOS2016ES005368.

83. Dehant V., 2017, “L’aventure spatiale.”, fiche accompagnant un livre de mécanique céleste présenté par l’UCL à la foire du livre.

84. Gross R., Seitz F., Escapa A., Huang C., et al. including V. Dehant, 2018, “Commission A2 Rotation of the Earth, Triennial Report 2015-2018.”, Transactions IAU, Reports on Astronomy 2009-2012, IAU Publication, 16 pages.

85. Dehogne L. et al. including Dehant V., 2018, fiches métiers et interviews du domaine “Sciences physiques et astronomiques.”, publication on the website

86.Fremat Y., S. Van Eck, C. Aerts, M. Baes, D. Berghmans, C. Bruyninx, S. Buitink, M. David, P. Defraigne, V. Dehant, J. De Keyser, S. De Rijke, A. Fuzfa, M. Groenewegen, T. Hertog, E. Javaux, A. Jorissen, R. Keppens, K. Kolenberg, K. Lefever, A. Lemaitre, A. Lober, E. Neefs, D. Pourbaix, P. Quinet, G. Rauw, C. Ringeval, J. Surdej, M. Tytgat, R. Van der Linden, P. van Hoof, T. Van Hoolst, 2018, “Research Activities in Astronomy and Astrophysics in Belgium.”, Belgian Physical Society Magazine, 5-19.

87. Dehant V., Keppens R., and Decin L., 2019, “Episode 5: There comes the Solar System / Etape 5 : L’origine de notre système solaire”, Contribution to the Big-bang Route, in En, in Fr, in Nl.

88. Yseboodt M., Van Hoolst T., Le Maistre S., Dehant V., 2019, “La mission InSight : un atterrisseur pour explorer l’intérieur profond de Mars.”, Science Connection, French version, 60, 38-41.

89. Yseboodt M., Van Hoolst T., Le Maistre S., Dehant V., 2019, “De InSight-missie: een lander die het diepe binnenste van Mars gaat verkennen.”, Science Connection, Dutch version, 60, 38-41.

90. Asmar S.W., Preston R.A., Vergados P., Atkinson D.H., Andert T., Ando H., Ao C.O., Armstrong J.W., Ashby N., Barriot J.-P., Beauchamp P.M., Bell D.J., Bender P.L., Di Benedetto M., Bills B.G., Bird M.K., Bocanegra-Bahamon T.M., Botteon G.K., Bruinsma S. Buccino, D.R., Cahoy K.L., Cappuccio P., Choudhary R.K., Dehant V., Dumoulin C., Durante D., Edwards C.D., Elliott H.M., Ely T.A., Ermakov A.I., Ferri F., Flasar F.M., French R.G., Genova A., Goossens S.J., Häusler B., Helled R., Hinson D.P., Hofstadter M.D., Iess L., Imamura T., Jongeling A.P., Karatekin Ö., Kaspi Y., Kobayashi M.M., Komjathy A., Konopliv A.S., Kursinski E.R., Lazio T.J.W., Le Maistre S., Lemoine F.G., Lillis R.J., Linscott I.R., Mannucci A.J., Marouf E.A., Marty J.-C., Matousek S.E., Matsumoto K., Mazarico E.M., Notaro V., Parisi M., Park R.S., Pätzold M., Peytaví G.G., Pugh M.P., Rennó N.O., Rosenblatt P., Serra D., Simpson R.A., Smith D.E., Steffes P.G., Tapley B.D., Tellmann S., Tortora P., Turyshev S.G., Van Hoolst T., Verma A.K., Watkins M.M., Williamson W., Wieczorek M.A., Withers P., Yseboodt M., Yu N., Zannoni M., Zuber M.T., 2020, “Solar System Interiors, Atmospheres, and Surfaces Investigations via Radio Links: Goals for the Next Decade.”, White Paper for the Planetary Science and Astrobiology Decadal Survey 2023-2032, The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.

91. Smerkar S., Andrews-Hanna J., Breuer D., Byrne P. (NCSU), Buczkowski D., Campbell B., Davaille A., Dyar D., Di Achille G., Fasset C., Gilmore M., Grimm R., Helbert J., Hensley S., Herrick R., Iess L., Jozwiak L., Katiaria T., Mastrogiuseppe M., Mazarico E., Mueller N., Nunes D., O'Rourke J., McGovern P., Raguso M., Stock J., Tsang C., Widemann T., Whitten J., Widemann T., Zebker H., et al. including Dehant V., 2020, “Geodynamics, Habitability, and the Case for Venus.”, White Paper for the Planetary Science and Astrobiology Decadal Survey 2023-2032, The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.

92. Gelenbe E., Brasseur G., Chefneux L., Dehant V., Halloin V., Haton J.-P., Judkiewicz M., Rentier B., Weikmans R., 2020, Du partage de la connaissance et de la promotion d’une « science ouverte » – Réflexions sur la diffusion des connaissances à travers les grands colloques internationaux, les revues scientifiques, et la communication libre et rapide entre chercheurs et innovateurs dans un contexte de réduction de l’empreinte climatique, Rapports Opinio de l'Académie royale de Belgique, 48 pages.

93. Escapa A., Seitz F., 2021, et al., including V. Dehant, “Triennial Report 2018–2021 of Commission A2 Rotation of the Earth.”, Transactions International Astronomical Union (IAU), Volume XXXIA, Reports on Astronomy 2018-2021, Maria Teresa Lago, ed.

94. Pletser V., de Crombrugghe G., Chazot O., Corbasson C., De Winne F., Dehant V., Frimout D., Lambert D., Mayence J.-F., Nazé Y., Roland S., Tilmans D., 2021, “L’humanité hors du berceau ou explorer, pourquoi ? Comment ? ”, Innovaspace, open access book, ISBN E-book: 978-1-8382283-0-9,

95. Dehant V., 2022, “Habitabilité.”, Chapitre du Dictionnaire juridique du changement climatique, sous la direction de Marta Torre-Schaub, Aglaé Jézéquel, Blanche Lormeteau, Agnès Michelot, 2 pages.

96. Gelenbe E., Brasseur G., Chefneux L., Dehant V., Fabjańska A., Halloin V., Judkiewicz M., Mrša V., Perez-Ariaga I.J., 2022, “Challenges for European Science and Technology Driven Innovation in Europe.”, and

97. Dehant V., Arnould J., Bartik K., Coustenis A., Husniaux A., Javaux E., Kazarian A., Lambert D., Mandea M., Migeot J.-L., Missa J.-N., Morbidelli A., Poncelet J.-P., Poullet Y., Reisse J., Schein F., Pence C.H., 2024, “Manifeste pour une exploration et une utilisation de l’espace mieux contrôlées et plus responsables.”, Déclarations de l’Académie royale de Belgique, 24 juin 2024, 2 pages,

98. Dehant V., Arnould J., Bartik K., Coustenis A., Husniaux A., Javaux E., Kazarian A., Lambert D., Mandea M., Migeot J.-L., Missa J.-N., Morbidelli A., Poncelet J.-P., Poullet Y., Reisse J., Schein F., Pence C.H., 2024, “L’espace extra-atmosphérique doit demeurer un patrimoine commun de l’humanité.”, Carte blanche, Daily Science, 4 octobre 2024, 4 pages,

99. Dehant V., Lopez G., 2024, “Precise Orbit Determination (POD).”, GENESIS Technical Note, TN 1, 15 pages.

100. Dehant V., 2024, “GENESIS data product About what can GENESIS bring for science and society.”, GENESIS Technical Note, TN 2, 61 pages.

101. Dehant V., 2024, “GENESIS ground segment architecture.”, GENESIS Technical Note, TN 3, 32 pages.

102. Dehant V., 2025, “Tools for GENESIS scientific data exploitation.”, GENESIS Technical Note, TN 4, 16 pages. backtotop (1K)

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