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An incomplete list of presentations.

Presentations are created using the PROSPER class-file for LaTex.

JAGB stars as distance indicator
Colloquium at the Institut für Astronomie der Universität Wien, Austria, 14-10-2024
Primary PL-Relation Calibrators in the Milky Way: Cepheids and RR Lyrae. Physical basis, Calibration, and Applications
Invited Review at "IAU Symposium 376: At the cross-roads of astrophysics and cosmology. Period-Luminosity relations in the 2020s" in Budapest, Hungary, 18-04-2023
Cepheids in Clusters, Reddening, and the PZPO
An extension of the Budapest talk at the SH0T team meeting, Bern, Switzerland, 15-06-2023
AGB star winds as constrained by PACS and SPIRE spectra
Contributed Talk at the conference "A star has evolved - a conference in honor of Hans Olofsson" in Smögen, Sweden 27-08-2019
Obscured LPVs from the NIR VMC Survey
Contributed Talk at the conference "Stars and their variability observed from space" in Vienna, 19-08-2019
Classical cepheids in the Gaia DR2 era
Contributed Talk at the workshop "A revolution in stellar physics with Gaia and large surveys" in Warsaw, 06-09-2018
Pulsating stars in the Milky-Way: Classical and Type-II Cepheids
Invited talk at the workshop "Extragalactic Distance Scale in the GAIA era", at the MIAPP in Garching, 13-06-2018
Mass loss of AGB stars and RSGs in the Magellanic Clouds
Colloquium at INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma, Monte Porzio Catone, Italy, 05-12-2017
Properties of Anomalous Cepheids and Type-II Cepheids in the Magellanic Clouds
Contributed Talk (co-authored with Monika Jurkovic) at "RR Lyrae 2017: Revival of the Classical Pulsators: from Galactic Structure to Stellar Interior Diagnostics" in Niepołomice, Poland, 18-09-2017
Variable Stars in the Gaia Era
Invited Review at "IAU Symposium 330: Astrometry and Astrophysics in the Gaia Sky" in Nice, France, 25-04-2017
Mass-Loss Rates and Luminosities of Evolved Stars in the Magellanic Clouds
Contributed talk at "The AGB-Supernovae Mass Transition" in Monte Porzio Catone, Italy, 29-03-2017
Mass-Loss Rates and Luminosities of Evolved Stars in the Magellanic Clouds
Contributed talk at "The physics of evolved stars: a conference dedicated to the memory of Olivier Chesneau" in Nice, France, 10-06-2015
Determining dust mass-loss rates
Invited talk at "A Nice Workshop on AGB stars" in Nice, France, 05-05-2015
MESS - Mass loss of Evolved StarS: an overview
-Colloquium at INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma, Monte Porzio Catone, Italy, 24-03-2015
-Colloquium at Institute of Astronomy of the National Central University, Taiwan, 29-11-2013
Baade-Wesselink distances to Cepheids (and the metallicity effect on the PL-relation)
Invited talk at the workshop "Extragalactic Distance Scale", at the MIAPP in Garching, 17-06-2014
The Herschel MESS program: an overview
Webinar for the DES-Brasil Consortium, 03-05-2013
Mid-IR astronomy with the E-ELT: The case for evolved stars
Invited review at the conference "Shaping E-ELT Science and Instrumentation" in Garching, Germany, 26-02-2013
Exploiting long period variables: the past and the future
Contributed talk at the workshop "Asteroseismology of large time-resolved astronomical surveys" in Leuven, Belgium, 20-09-2012
Luminosities and mass-loss rates of AGB Stars in the Magellanic Clouds
Contributed talk at the workshop "The Magellanic System: in perspective" in Perth, Australia, 13-09-2012
The Herschel MESS program on Evolved Stars
The First NCAC Symposium on "Physical and chemical aspects of late stages of stellar evolution" in Warsaw, Poland, 29-08-2011
MESS - Mass loss of Evolved StarS, an overview
Colloquium at the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the University of Leeds in Leeds, England, 13-05-2011
MESS - Mass loss of Evolved StarS, an overview
Invited review at the conference "Why Galaxies care about AGB stars II" in Vienna, Austria, 20-08-2010
MESS - Mass loss of evolved stars, First Results
COSPAR 2010, Bremen, Germany, 21-07-2010
MESS - Mass loss of evolved stars, initial results
ESLAB2010 - Herschel First Results Symposium, ESTEC, The Netherlands, 05-05-2010
MESS - Mass loss of evolved stars, initial results
Herschel SDP Initial Results Workshop, Facultad de Informatica, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Campus Montegancedo, Boadilla del Monte, Madrid, Spain, 18-12-2009
Long Period Variables as tracers of Galactic Structure
Invited talk at: The Galactic Plane, in depth and across the spectrum, SpS8 at IAU XXVII, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 14-08-2009
The predicted spectral properties of AGB stars
Invited review at: The Giant Branches, The Lorentz center, Leiden, The Netherlands, 14-05-2009
Mass loss of AGB stars and RSGs in the Magellanic Clouds
-Invited talk at: Intermediate Mass Stars to Massive Stars: a workshop around causes and consequences of differing evolutionary paths, Strasbourg, France, 11-02-2009
-Colloquium at the Department of Physics & Astronomy of Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, 30-04-2009
From AGB stars to Cepheids: some projects I am involved in
Colloquium at the Royal Observatory of Belgium, Brussels, Belgium, 06-05-2008
The distance to the Pleiades
-Colloquium at the Instituut voor Sterrenkunde in Leuven, Belgium, 05-01-2007
-Colloquium at the Institut für Astronomie der Universität Wien, Austria, 12-03-2007
-Colloquium at the Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova, Italy, 07-06-2007
-Colloquium at the Max-Planck-Institut für Astrophysik, Garching, Germany, 10-10-2007
De Baade-Wesselink methode: vroeger en nu (in Dutch)
Voordracht t.g.v. de inhuizing van de Afdeling Sterrenkunde in Gebouw 200D, en de viering van het 100ste geboortejaar van Prof. Armand van Hoof, de grondlegger van het huidige instituut. Leuven, 24-11-2006
AGB stars in extragalactic systems
Invited review at the conference "Why Galaxies care about AGB stars" in Vienna, Austria, 11-08-2006
Mira variables in the Galactic Bulge
Contributed talk at the conference "Stellar Pulsation and Evolution" in Villa Mondragone, Monte Porzio Catone, Italy, 19-06-2005
Populations of AGB stars and LPVs in the Galaxy and Local Group
Invited review at the conference "Resolved Stellar Populations" in Cancun, Mexico, 18-04-2005
The impact of micro-lensing surveys on variable star research
-Colloquium at the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the University of Leeds in Leeds, England, 01-04-2005
-Colloquium at the Institute of Astronomy in Leuven, Belgium, 06-05-2005
-Colloquium at the Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg, France, 10-06-2005
AGB stars in the Local Group, and beyond
Invited review at ESO Workshop "Planetary Nebulae beyond the Milky Way" in Garching, Germany, 20-05-2004
Long Period Variables in the Magellanic Clouds: The OGLE/MACHO/2MASS/DENIS view
Contributed talk at IAU Colloquium 193 "Variable stars in the Local Group" in Christchucrch, New-Zealand, 07-07-2003
Synthetic AGB evolution
Invited review (co-authored with Paola Marigo from Padua Observatory) at the workshop "Future directions in AGB research, on the occasion of the retirement of Harm Habing" in Leiden, The Netherlands, 11-04-2003
An empirical method to estimate distances using B-stars in eclipsing binary systems
Contributed talk at the workshop "Stellar Candles for the Extragalactic Distance Scale" in Concepcion, Chile, 11-12-2002
Carbon stars in the Local Group
Colloquium at the Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center, Torun, Poland, 24-10-2002
Carbon stars in the Local Group
Invited review at the workshop "Chemical evolution of dwarf galaxies" at Ringberg Castle, Germany, 28-07-2002
Mass-losing and pulsating stars in the Magallanic Clouds
Invited review at the workshop "Mass-losing Pulsating Stars and their Circumstellar Matter" in Sendai, Japan, 13-05-2002
EIS. The ESO Imaging Survey: An overview and some results
Colloquium at the Institute of Astronomy in Leuven, 18-01-2002

Last updated April 2023